
Miao Yufei suddenly slaps Xia an's face, and his smile disappears suddenly. He hums coldly: "old man, you don't know what I think in my heart. How can you tell me?"


Xia'an was a little dizzy. She felt more and more confused, and her whole face became red and swollen quickly.


Miao Yufei raised his hand and smashed it in the past, scolding: "you what you, you old man, aren't you good at it? Because there is a king of Gu in Tianxing village, we don't pay attention to Miaohe village. It's hard to see now. Your leader is dead. "

"You bastard, shut up and don't insult my mother!" Cheyenne turned pale with anger.


Who knows, Miao Yufei is a slap smashed in the past, "scold calculate fart? I tell you, I'm going to smash your ancestral hall today. It's a shame before snow! "

Miao Yufei seems to think of the scene of being suppressed by Tianxing village in the past. His anger erupts completely and strides to the ancestral hall.

"How dare you..."

Xia an's eyes are red, and she doesn't know where her strength comes from. She bumps into Miao Yufei.


Miao Yufei raised his foot and directly kicked the latter to the ground, pulling out the machete with blood.

"Old man, since you want to die, don't blame me for being rude."

Miao Yufei is cruel and ruthless, and his machete suddenly stabs him.

"No, Dad..."

At this time, Xia Muxi opened her eyes. However, the first time she opened her eyes, she saw Miao Yufei's knife pierce her father's heart.

Blood burst out!

"No, Abba, Abba..." the power of kinship is powerful. Xia Muxi rushes past, but Xia an's vitality has gradually disappeared. His mouth is open, and he doesn't know what to say.

"Tut Tut, old Xia is not very good, but his daughter is still very beautiful." Miao Yufei saw Xia Muxi, and his eyes suddenly brightened a little.

Beautiful, slim and sexy, absolutely a beauty.

"Son of a bitch, I'll kill you..."

Xia an finally closes her eyes, while Xia Muxi is crazy. She doesn't know where her strength comes from and bumps into Miao Yufei. Miao Yufei is caught off guard and almost falls to the ground.

However, Xia Muxi was soon controlled by the man in black. After all, she was a girl, and she had no strength after being poisoned by Miao hezhai.

"Oh, I can't see. Isn't the girl still strong? I like it, ha ha ha

Miao Yufei was not angry at all. Instead, he burst out laughing. "I'll peel this girl off. I'll go to Tianxing village in front of Tianxing village ancestral hall. Ha ha ha..."

"You beast Xia Muxi stares at Miao Yufei bitterly.

"Animals? Hehe, I hope you can scold it later. " Miao Yufei is not angry, but the smile on his face makes people scared. This is not a human being, but a devil who kills people without blinking an eye.

As the words fall, Miao Yufei grabs Xia Muxi's chest

"What is the ability of a big man to bully a woman?" At this time, Zhao Chengfeng stood up. Although he was a little faltering, he still stood up.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and forced himself to wake up.

"Oh, here comes the hero who saves the beautiful." Miao Yufei looks back at Zhao Chengfeng with a cold light in his eyes.

"Become popular, don't!"


Zhao Chengfeng just stood up, Shangguan Yan'er and others will stop, of course, Xia'an's death is very distressing, but Zhao Chengfeng in Shangguan Yan'er and others' mind, the weight is heavier, even heavier than Mount Tai!

Even if he died, Zhao Chengfeng could not have an accident!

"Leave it alone." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and took a step forward. He rushed to Miao Yufei and said, "let go of the wood."

"Let her go?"

Miao Yufei suddenly laughed, but the smile disappeared instantly. He turned his face faster than turning a book. At the same time, he kicked out with one foot.


Zhao Chengfeng is caught off guard. Even though he is aware of it, he is still unprepared. This kick is too fierce and too fast. If Zhao Chengfeng is not poisoned, it may only take a finger to crush Miao Yufei to death.

But now, Zhao Chengfeng can't lift the slightest strength, can stand up has all rely on willpower!

"It's a trend!"

"It's a trend!"

Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Weiqi rush up together to help Zhao Chengfeng. Unfortunately, the two girls have no strength, and the three roll on the ground together. The blood from the corners of Zhao Chengfeng's mouth spills out and stains everywhere.

"Tut Tut, with beautiful women, I'm really envious of you." Miao Yufei showed a smile again and came step by step with his machete.

Although Miao Yufei has a smile on his face, Miao Yufei's heart is very unbalanced, because there are beautiful women around this man. It should have a lot to do with the degree of concern.

But Miao Yufei doesn't have a beautiful woman. Although there are women, even children, women are not beautiful. Miao Yufei is very jealous in his heart. After jealousy, hatred spreads in his heart.

"But now you'd better die. I'll accept your woman. Ha ha ha..."

Miao Yufei's face shows a grim smile, and his machete shakes to Zhao Chengfeng's neck.

"Son of a bitch!"

Just at this time, Shangguan Lanxin burst out and went to Miao Yufei's waist.

"Oh, shit!"

Miao Yufei was caught off guard. He didn't expect that someone would come out to save Zhao Chengfeng at this time. He took several steps back. Then he saw clearly that another beautiful woman hit him.

"Ha ha, there are people who are not afraid of death. But how can I die for you? " Miao Yufei's smile was ferocious. He waved his hand and said, "bring this girl to me and strip her. I want to kill her. Today, our brother is happy. After I'm on, let's take turns, OK?"


"The stronghold leader is powerful!"

"It's so cool. I've never had such a beautiful woman before."

"Yes, you see, this girl's skin is so tender and her buttocks are so big. It must be wonderful."

"Son of a bitch!"

Shangguan Lanxin was quickly controlled. Seeing the greedy eyes of these bastards and listening to the foul language, Shangguan Lanxin cursed, "even if I'm dead, I won't let you go as a ghost!"

"Won't you let us go? Ha ha. "

Miao Yufei said with a sneer, "I tell you, even if you are a ghost, our brother will be with you."


Shangguan Lan's heart and face were white with anger. Unexpectedly, there were so shameless people in the deep mountains and forests. There was an impulse to send helicopters to blow up the place.

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