The tiger was bullied by the dog!

Think of Shangguan Lanxin in the capital, you can mobilize a reinforced regiment to fight, a artillery company can come over, you can level the whole 100000 mountains, even without the deployment of troops, Shangguan Lanxin if not poisoned, even one person can pick down the whole Miao village!

Unexpectedly, such a group of local people are under control, and they have to bear their insults. Shangguanlan is unwilling!

"I said, I will not let you go as a ghost!" Shangguan Lanxin stares at Miao Yufei, and his hatred is getting stronger.

"Peel her off!"

Miao Yufei doesn't care what the expression of Shangguan Lanxin is. He approaches step by step and begins to undress. The ugly things are about to come out.

"Lan Xin!"

"Son of a bitch, let Lanxin go!"

Shangguan Yan'er's eyes were red with anger. She gritted her teeth and said, "Miao Yufei, if you don't let my sister go, Shangguan Yan'er will swear to heaven that you will be broken to pieces in the future!"

"Oh, can't wait so soon? Don't worry, beauty. It's your turn soon. Can't we satisfy you with so many brothers? "

Miao Yufei is not angry at all, but shows a licentious smile.

"Ha ha ha!"

"That is, our brothers are all strong, can't they satisfy you?"

"Our brother is in good health, ha ha ha..."

Miao Yufei's voice fell, and all the people in black began to laugh.

However, in their crazy laughter, Zhao Chengfeng stood up again. Even if he was covered with blood, Zhao Chengfeng still stood up, like a mountain, and would never fall down!

"I said, let her go, or you'll all die!"

Zhao Chengfeng's voice is not big, but his tone is very cold, like frost, and his eyes have no emotion.

"Oh, yes, can you still stand up? OK, I'll make you never stand up today! " Miao Yufei is very upset and paralyzed when he sees Zhao Chengfeng. He even dares to stand up and threaten himself. Don't he know that Laozi is now the leader of Miao he village and Tianxing village?


Miao Yufei kicked in the past again, and Zhao Chengfeng fell down and fell heavily on the ground.


As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's throat was sweet, another mouthful of blood gushed out, and his face turned pale.

"It's a trend!"

"Become popular, don't!"

Shangguan Yan'er cries, and Tang Wei also cries. Looking at the man standing up stubbornly, the two women's hearts are going to be broken.

"I said, let him go." Zhao Chengfeng still stares at Miao Yufei, his eyes are so cold that he has no feelings.

"Your life is not so hard."

Once again see Zhao Chengfeng stand up, Miao Yufei's face is not good-looking, paralyzed, so all can't kill him, this is not put out to say that he has no ability?


Miao Yufei draws out his machete again to end Zhao Chengfeng's life.

"Don't, stronghold leader."

However, a man in black stopped Miao Yufei and said with a cruel smile: "it's not fun to kill him. Our brother tied him up and let him watch his women one by one. Isn't that more exciting?"

"Good idea!"

Smell speech, Miao Yufei eyes suddenly a bright, this is really a very good method, easy to kill, but to torture people is not simple, this is undoubtedly the best way to revenge him.

No matter which man saw his own woman was given by other men, it was estimated that he would be heartbroken.

"OK, you tie him up and tie him to the door. I want him to watch and see how I get on with his woman. Ha ha ha Miao Yufei patted the man in black on the shoulder and said he liked the idea very much.

"Son of a bitch!"

"You have to die!"

Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei are angry, and the two girls rush out together.

However, the two women just rushed out and were controlled by several people in black.

"Since you can't wait, tie them all up and strip them off. I'll go up one by one. It's a good harvest night tonight. Ha ha ha..."

Miao Yufei looks up at the sky and roars. He is very happy that he has finally become the boss this evening. He has got so many beautiful women this evening. It's amazing.

"Let them go, or I'll let you die!"

Zhao Chengfeng, who is bound by all kinds of things, stares at Miao Yufei, and his eyes are full of blood.

"Let them go? Hehe, let's die? "

Miao Yufei thought that Zhao Chengfeng's words were a little too much, and sneered: "idiot, you tell me that you are such a jerk now, you tell me, how can you let me die? You look at me, you stare at me, I'm going to be your woman now! "

Said, Miao Yufei's hand to the Shangguan Lanxin's chest, although not naked, but that looming gully, has been charming enough.

"I'll let you die!"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly looked up at the sky and roared, a strong rising from the Dantian place!


The power full of explosive force surged all over the body in an instant, all the ropes broke, and even the door plate that bound Zhao Chengfeng flew away.


The sudden explosion awakened everyone. Miao Yufei was dumbfounded. What's the situation? How did the good rope break and the good door break?

"I said you're going to die today!"

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are full of blood, hate, kill together, make Zhao Chengfeng's face look ferocious!

"You, don't come here!"

Miao Yufei finally realized that something was wrong. He pulled out his machete and gave an order, "brothers, go up together and chop him!"


More than 30 people in black rushed up. However, at this moment, Zhao Chengfeng, like a tank, directly rolled over without any fancy moves. One punch at a time, one punch at the meat!


The fist pierced the chest of the man in black, smashed the head of the man in black, and broke all the bones of the man in black!


Everyone took a breath, whether it was the Xia family, or the Mu family, or Miao Yufei who was standing in the distance was completely stupid, and even a lot of people vomited.

Brain flower and blood fly together, the air quickly filled with the smell of blood, very rich.

"No, no, don't come here..."

Miao Yufei was completely stupid. More than 30 people died, none of them survived, all of them died, and there was no complete corpse. The whole courtyard was covered with blood.

Is this a man?

No, this is the devil, this is the devil from hell!

"I said, you will die today!"

Zhao Chengfeng is still pressing forward step by step, staring at Miao Yufei, just like a hungry wolf locking food, how can he give up?

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