"Don't come here!"

Miao Yufei's hand began to tremble. Miao Yufei felt that he was cruel enough, but in front of Zhao Chengfeng, he was like a little doll. He was the real devil, the devil from hell!

"I said you must die today!"

Zhao Chengfeng is still that sentence, or step by step close, Zhao Chengfeng's pace is very slow, but every step feels death coming close to the general, people fear!

"If you come again, I'll kill her!"

Miao Yufei was scared. He turned around and put his machete on Shangguan Lanxin's neck. He pointed to Zhao Cheng and said, "if you come closer, I'll kill her. Anyway, it's all death. I'll put a cushion on my back before I die."

"Put down the knife."

Zhao Chengfeng's tone is very cold, but this time Zhao Chengfeng stops, and his empty eyes still fall on Miao Yufei.

"Put down the knife, but will you let me go?" Miao Yufei's heart is finally relieved, he finally stopped, he can take a breath.

However, when Miao Yufei saw those companions who died underground, his heart was almost broken. These were all his brothers and his own people. In less than three minutes, they all died!

It's cruel, it's cruel!

"Let you go?"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly laughed, just showed a touch of white teeth mixed with blood, it is more chilling, "I said, tonight, you must die, die!"

As soon as the word "death" appeared, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly made a mistake at his feet, and the whole person instantly disappeared in the same place.

"Well? What about people... "


Miao Yufei is stunned when he is wondering where Zhao Chengfeng is going. The whole person has already gone out and hit the ground heavily, spitting blood in his mouth.

"Are you all right?"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't rush to kill Miao Yufei. He untied the girls first. Seeing that the girls were OK, Zhao Chengfeng was also relieved.

Men, even if they die, should protect their own women, otherwise, is it still a man?

"Chengfeng, you shouldn't use your inner strength." Although Shangguan Lanxin was rescued, tears fell down.

Shangguanlan is very clear in his heart that Zhao Chengfeng controls the drug with internal force, but once the internal force is stimulated, it means that the poisonous insects in Zhao Chengfeng's body will be restless again, and they will go crazy to eat back!

At that time, Zhao Chengfeng's life was worrying! In other words, Zhao Chengfeng is overdrawing his life in advance!

"I'm fine... Poof..."

Zhao Chengfeng smiles a little, just, a word hasn't finished, a blood sword flies out.


The whole person seemed to lose his strength and fell to the ground.

"It's a trend!"

"It's a trend!"

"It's a trend!"

"Brother Feng!"

The four women gathered around and began to cry.

"If you take these pills, you can get rid of the poison..." Zhao Chengfeng took out a bottle of pills from his chest. It's the antidote pills that the medicine monk made. It can get rid of all kinds of poisons.


Before all the women took the pills, Zhao Chengfeng turned his head and neck and passed out completely. The women cried again.

"Son of a bitch, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

Shangguan Lanxin looks up to the sky and screams. He picks up a bloody machete and goes to Miao Yufei who falls on the ground.

"Don't, don't come here..." Miao Yufei is afraid. The woman's eyes make Miao Yufei feel cold.

"Lan Xin, save him a dog's life!"

At the critical moment, Shangguan Yan'er yelled.

"Hoo Miao Yufei breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the machete in Shangguan Lanxin's hand still fell down.


Miao Yufei screamed hysterically. His left leg was completely cut off from the root of his thigh. Blood poured out and pain spread all over his body


The people at the scene took another breath. It was a bloody night, a miserable night


"Now what? Chengfeng's injury is getting more and more serious, and the heart biting poison has begun to destroy his internal organs! "

Shangguan Yan'er looks at Zhao Chengfeng's injury. Her eyes turn red instantly. Tears roll down uncontrollably. Looking at the pale man on the bed and the pain on his face, Shangguan Yan'er's heart feels like a knife.

"Chengfeng, Chengfeng, hold on, Chengfeng!"

Tang Wei's eyes are as red as before. She takes out a lot of pills from Zhao Chengfeng. These pills are made by Huisheng and the medicine monk. She doesn't care about a lot of them, and they are all stuffed in by Zhao Chengfeng.

"Brother Feng, you..." Xia Muxi's tears did not stop. It was a disaster for Zhao Chengfeng. How could this night be a disaster for Tianxing village?

His father died, and many people died in Tianxing stronghold. The blood on the ground was shocking.

"You're here to guard him. I'll go to find Miao Yufei. He's the leader of Miao he village. Maybe he can do something about it." Shangguan Lanxin's heart is bleeding, but Shangguan Lanxin doesn't shed tears.

Because no amount of tears can save Zhao Chengfeng, he can only put it into action.

"I'll go with you!" When Tang Wei turns around, she wipes a tear, grabs the pistol and goes out, "take care of him."

"Elder sister Shangguan, brother Feng, will he be ok?" Summer wood Xi looking at the man on the bed pain unceasingly, the heart also followed to pull up.


Shangguan Yan'er shakes her head and doesn't speak. She just looks at the man on the bed and tears flow down.

Xia Mu Xi didn't ask again, but suddenly thought of the words before her father died - Gu Wang!

Gu Wang is the treasure of Tianxing stronghold and the dream of Gu master. But what's the meaning of his father's words before he died? Why mention the king of Gu? Can Gu Wang save Zhao Chengfeng's life?

"Elder sister Shangguan, please take care of brother Feng first. I'll deal with the affairs in the stockade first." Summer wood Xi thought of what, then out of the bedroom.

"Ah Lang!"

After going out, Xia Muxi called a Lang over. Seeing that there was still a lot of blood in the courtyard, Xia Muxi's eyebrows twisted up, and her back swept up again.

Xia Muxi never dreamed that her life and death came so fast, and she didn't dare to imagine that she would experience such bloody things in a short day. What's more, she would watch her father die and die in front of her!

"Let people clean the courtyard and cremate my father. This is the custom of Tianxing village." Summer wood Xi heart a pain, but still decided.

The most important thing now is to protect Tianxing stronghold and save Zhao Chengfeng. He is the great benefactor of Tianxing stronghold! If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng, let alone without him, Tianxing village would no longer exist.

"Miss, what about the Mu family?" A Lang frowned and asked.

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