"Chengfeng, are you awake?"

Shangguan Yan'er has been doing it by the bed all night, and she has been crying all night. Her eyes are swollen. When she sees a man's pain, Shangguan Yan'er's heart seems to be stabbed with a knife. She wants to be the one who has been poisoned.

Unfortunately, he could not bear the pain instead of himself.

Damned God, damned king, damned poisonous insect!

"Yan'er, why are you crying? Don't cry. I'm fine, aren't I? " The moment he opens his eyes, he can see his beloved woman beside him. Zhao Chengfeng is very happy. He just looks at the woman crying and feels very sad.

Men shouldn't make women cry, but they still make them sad.

Finish saying, Zhao Chengfeng wants to sit up, just a exertion, then feel the pain of the heart in the chest, as if someone is holding an electric drill, a strength to his chest drill like pain.


When the pain hit, Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth, fresh blood sprayed out again, and his face turned white.

"Chengfeng, no, just lie down, just lie down." Shangguan Yan'er is so scared that her heart and liver suddenly tremble, and quickly helps Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand slightly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sat up.

"Don't worry, I can't die yet." That is to say, however, Shangguan Yan'er obviously feels that Zhao Chengfeng's breath is getting weaker and weaker, and her face twitches more and more obviously.

It's a heart biting bug that's breaking out and destroying his heart!

"Chengfeng, don't, don't talk, please, don't talk, just lie down, OK?" Shangguan Yan'er's tears keep falling, and her heart is about to break.

Shangguan Yan'er is very regretful now. She shouldn't be so headstrong. If she knew this, she shouldn't make him angry. She should be with him all the time.


At this time, Tang Wei also came in. Seeing the blood around Zhao Chengfeng's mouth and tears in her eyes, she rolled down and rushed to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Chengfeng, how are you Holding Zhao Chengfeng, Tang Wei feels that her hands are shaking. She looks at Zhao Chengfeng and her heart is bleeding.

If a man has a problem, what should he do?

"Don't worry. I can't die. I'm fine."

Zhao Chengfeng forced out a smile and said, "this guy is really powerful. The pills I gave me have a good effect. I can still press them for a while. Why, where's Lan Xin? "

"Lan Xin, she's looking for... Mu Xi." Tang Wei immediately changed her way of speaking. She didn't want to cut off all the hopes of Zhao Chengfeng and let herself have a hope.

"Oh, we have brought disaster to Tianxing village this time."

Zhao Chengfeng apologized and said, "I'll apologize to Mu Xi when I have time. It's my fault that she didn't save her father at the beginning."

Zhao Chengfeng is also very tangled.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng really had the ability to save Xia'an, but he also knew that once he used his internal strength, he would be crazy to bite back. At that time, he would die!

So Zhao Chengfeng is selfish once, but unexpectedly, Miao Yufei is despicable and shameless. He wants to rape Shangguan Lanxin and others. How can Zhao Chengfeng bear it? Even if fight to die, even if advance overdraft oneself this life of a month, also want to dry dead Miao Yufei!

Knowing this, Zhao Chengfeng should have done it earlier, which can save Xia an, but it's too late.

"Well, we did." Shangguan Yan'er nodded heavily, the lacrimal gland collapsed again, and tears burst out of her eyes.

Man, in his mind forever hero, to the moment of death are still thinking about others, he is not a rogue bastard, he is a hero, he is his pride!

"By the way, Vivian."

Zhao Chengfeng looks at Tang Wei again, grabs the woman's hand and apologizes: "I'm sorry, although I destroyed the whole broken sky, but I didn't have a hand blade to break the sky King Zhao Feitian. I didn't get revenge for your parents. I'm sorry."

"No, you've done a good job. You're not sorry for me." Tang Wei is holding Zhao Chengfeng's hand. Her eyes are red. Tang Wei doesn't want to admit it, but she can't admit it. Zhao Chengfeng already knows his own situation now, and he's going to talk about it later.

At the thought of this, Tang Wei has all kinds of hatred and unwilling to give up. Tang Wei hates Po Tian, who has taken his parents' lives. Not to mention, now she has to take his own man, and she hates the damned heart biting poison.

It's Zhao Chengfeng who is reluctant to give up. They are getting together less and leaving more. Are they going to leave themselves completely now? If I knew today, why didn't I promise to be his woman earlier?

"Jintari will continue to do so, not only to help African refugees, but also to help us Huaxia ourselves." Zhao Chengfeng continued: "Japan and the United States are our biggest enemies at present. Don't take them lightly."

"I wrote it down." Tang Wei can only nod, what is a man, this is the real man!

Even if you die, you will always remember your home and country!

"Mercenaries and special forces must be engaged in. Although we are gangsters, we should always be worthy of our own conscience, the country and the people. We can do everything for our motherland!"

Second daughter did not answer, just nodded.

"In addition, tell Shanshan that I'm sorry for her. I didn't take her to the inner door, and I didn't see her baby born. Shanshan is a hard-working child. I'm gone. You should take good care of her and Shuxian. Cough... Cough..."

Before finishing a sentence, Zhao Chengfeng coughed violently, with dark blood, and vomited everywhere. It was shocking to see.

"Chengfeng, stop talking, stop talking. We know, we know what to do. Stop talking and have a good rest." Shangguan Yan'er almost cried and pleaded.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head gently and continued“ Ha ha, it's OK. I can hold on. By the way, if you have time to tell me Laozi, I always quarrel with him. I'm sorry. I know that he is kind to me, but I like to quarrel with him. I think it's a kind of closeness. "

"Well, well, we've all written it down. We'll let him know." Shangguan Yan'er is already sobbing.

"There are a few of them, let them find a girlfriend, a good life, can't be single for a lifetime." Zhao Chengfeng continued.

I mention almost every important person in my life, only one name is hidden in my heart, I don't know who to tell - Xia Bingbing!

Xia Bingbing, his serious wife, is unfortunately taken away by the Magu. Up to now, there is no news. Although his mother Murong frost has found something, Zhao Chengfeng can't get to the inner gate now.

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