"Bingbing, I'm sorry, I'm useless, I can't bring you back..." Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth slightly and whispered in a low voice, but before he finished a word, his head and neck deviated, and the whole person fell over!

"It's a trend!"

"It's a trend!"

"Chengfeng, wake up, wake up..."

"Wuwuwuwu, it's popular..."

Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Weiqi cry bitterly, heartbroken and heartbroken.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you get up for me, you get up for me..." just at this time, Shangguan Lan Xin, who heard the cry, rushed in all of a sudden. When he saw the scene, his tears could no longer be controlled and flowed down.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you bastard, get up and wake up. You irresponsible bastard, wake up... "

Shangguan Lanxin is crying, cursing and shaking Zhao Chengfeng's body. Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng's vitality is gradually dissipating, and there is no response at all.

"You bastard, you look at my body, you touch me, you kiss me, you don't admit it now? You just walk away. What kind of man are you? Wu Wu... "

Shangguan Lanxin's strength was completely broken at this moment, and the man finally failed to survive.

And until now, Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei just know how heavy Shangguan Lanxin's love for Zhao Chengfeng is, and the deepest love in her heart has completely burst out at this moment.

"Wake up, wake up, you are dead, who dares to ask me in the future? Wuwu... "Shangguanlan is unwilling to shake Zhao Chengfeng's body and do artificial respiration. Unfortunately, he still doesn't feel anything.

"Lanxin, don't, don't, he, he has... Gone..." Shangguan Yan'er pulls her sister, when she says "gone", her heart seems to be cut by something, and the pain is endless, and the pain can't be described in words.

No matter how much I love this man, in the end

"Brother Feng..."

At this time, Xia Muxi, who heard the news, also ran over. Seeing this scene, she was in a bad mood. Summer wood Xi this just know, originally three female all fell in love with a man.

Coincidentally, I also fell in love with this man. He saved himself time and time again, and appeared in his dreams like prince charming again and again. He had already occupied his heart inadvertently!

"Let it go!"

Summer wood Xi a clench teeth a stamp foot, walk over a way: "you three go out first."

However, no one paid attention to Xia Muxi, and now the three women's hearts were only sad and sorrowful.

"You don't cry, you go out first, I have a way to save brother Feng." Summer wood Xi opens a way again.


"Do you have a way to save Chengfeng?"

"Then you should hurry up, hurry up."

On hearing "I have a way to save brother Feng", the three women stood up and pulled Xia Muxi, who almost tore Xia Muxi in half.

"You go out first, I said, I have a way to save brother Feng, I will certainly save him, you are here, I have no way..." speaking of this, Xia Muxi's face is red.

"OK, let's go out!"

Shangguan Yan'er is the boss. She takes two girls to go. After two steps, she turns back to Xia Muxi and says, "Muxi, as long as you can save Chengfeng, I will give you my life! Please

Although Tang Wei and Shangguan Lanxin didn't speak, their eyes had already explained everything. For this man, they could give everything, even their lives.

"You all go out. No one can come in without my permission. Don't worry, I will rescue brother Feng." With that, Xia Muxi took out a simple little box.

The third girl looked at it. She was puzzled, but she didn't think too much about it. Now she can only be a living horse doctor. At least, there is another hope.


"Don't worry, I can't break in before you come out!"

With that, the three women went out and closed the doors and windows.

"Brother Feng, I can only use this way to save you. I hope you can love me too, otherwise..." Xia Mu Xi looks at Zhao Chengfeng, whose life is gradually disappearing on the bed, and opens the box.

The box is not big, but actually there are two very small insects lying in it. The two insects are intertwined together. It looks like a boa constrictor. They can't be separated.

"Gulu Gulu mi..."

Xia Muxi closed her eyes, the corners of her mouth wriggled slightly, and a series of ancient and mysterious incantations sounded. At this time, the two insects in the box seemed to hear something greeting, and they actually moved. One left and one right, they got in from the backs of Xia Muxi's left and right hands.

After the insect gets into the skin, there is no mark, it seems that nothing has happened.

"Brother Feng, I'm here..."

Feeling the change of her body, Xia Muxi slowly takes off her clothes, her white skin, her symmetrical and full body, moves her lotus steps gently, and lies on the same bed with Zhao Chengfeng


"What do you think Muxi will do to save Chengfeng?"

Shangguan Yan'er and others outside the door temporarily stopped their tears, but they were still worried.

Just now Zhao Chengfeng's life seems to have come to an end. The pain of life and death makes people dare not face it again. If Xia Muxi's rescue fails, then

"I think it's a bug or something." Shangguanlan thought and said, "I've talked with Muxi before. If I can, let her become the leader of Tianxing stronghold. Maybe there's a way to solve it."

"You..." Shangguan Yan'er looks at her sister, blames her in her heart, but she can't say anything.

Perhaps, I fell in love with Zhao Chengfeng before my sister, but Shangguan Lanxin also loved deeply. She really did everything for Zhao Chengfeng. For the sake of the one I love most, it is justifiable to ignore Xia Muxi's feelings.

Love a person, no matter when, in your mind only he a person. Although love is blind, it is purer and greater.

"We don't have to guess. Let's wait. We have to believe in Muxi. At the same time, we have to believe in Chengfeng. He is reluctant to leave us." Tang Wei took a deep breath and said, "you're waiting here. I'm going to Miaohe village. Maybe there's some way for Miaohe village."

Tang Wei didn't give up. With that, she turned and left.

"Vivi, be careful." Shangguan Yan'er yells at the back, but Tang Wei just waves her hand and leaves without saying anything.

"If something happens to Chengfeng, I'll kill all the people in Miaohe village and chop miaoyufei into meat mud!" Shangguan Lanxin's face was smeared with a trace of fierce color.

At this moment, Shangguan Lanxin is not only beautiful, it makes people feel terrible, and his back is sweating!

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