"What do you want her to think about?"

Out of summer wood Xi's room, Tang Wei still can't resist the bottom of her heart's curiosity, ask a mouth.

Zhao Chengfeng settled down and saw that Shangguan Yan'er was also curious. He said, "she's my woman, so I'll take her away naturally. But at present, she is not willing to leave Tianxing village. She says that she is the new leader of Tianxing village, so she has to stay in Tianxing village all her life. "

"And you? What's the plan? " Shangguan Yan'er's eyes turned twice, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"My woman, you must follow me." Zhao Chengfeng's words are very simple. After a pause, he rushes up to Guan Yan'er and says, "Muxi is like this, so is Lanxin. One day I will get her back!"

With that, Zhao Chengfeng strode away, leaving her two daughters standing in the same place.

"He's still so overbearing."

"He's still so affectionate."

The two girls looked at each other with a smile, and then followed.

Although tianxingzhai has a small population, its area is not small, and its division is very regular. Around the courtyard of tianxingzhai ancestral hall is the place where tianxingzhai people live, and behind the courtyard is a huge granary.

As for the poultry and livestock, they were all banished to places one kilometer away from their homes. This is also to protect the living environment and keep the air clear.

"Tianxing village is really beautiful. Although everyone lives a life of slash and burn cultivation, the folk customs are simple and the scenery is pleasant. If it's me, my hometown is so beautiful that I don't want to leave." Shangguan Yan'er has some feelings.

Tang Wei also echoed: "build a house, raise some chickens and ducks, and plant some vegetables. Life is boundless."

"Are you dreaming?"

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and smiles bitterly.

"Can't we look forward to it? Or, you don't like the idyllic scenery here? " Shangguan Yan'er is puzzled.

"I also want to stop and have a look at the scenery along the way, or put everything down and go on a tour to accompany my lover, but do you think it's possible? Is it realistic? " Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Smell speech, two girls look at each other, a trace of melancholy floating above Pang, thought that a broken day destroyed, we can be happy together, live a happy life like a fairy.

However, the two girls seem to have forgotten that there are many unfinished things waiting to be done on the man, such as finding his main room Xia Bingbing, and finding the light of yuan family for yuan Shanshan.

"I owe you too much. It's my fault that I've never let you live in peace for so many years." Zhao Chengfeng feels very sorry for women, especially Shangguan Yan'er.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng returned to China in a low-key way. When he saw the true face of the night rose, Zhao Chengfeng was very disappointed and even had the idea of dying. At that time, Zhao Chengfeng was more resentful. Finally, I know that I wronged Shangguan Yan'er. For the sake of my family and country, Shangguan Yan'er suffered humiliation and made a great sacrifice. Although the sky is broken now, the king is on the run. Who can guarantee that he won't make a comeback?

Of course, even if the king of heaven breaks back, with Zhao Chengfeng's strength today, he naturally doesn't need to be afraid. He will come and go once, but what about Xia Bingbing?

Today, Zhao Chengfeng just know that the old woman's strength, the most frustrating is, Zhao Chengfeng even don't know where Xia Bingbing was taken.

However, Zhao Chengfeng will not give up, nor will he give up when he dies.

"Owe us?"

Shangguan Yan'er shook her head with a smile and said, "no one owes anyone in the emotional world. Of course, if you really feel sorry for us, then treat us better."

"Just be nice to us. We're all with you." Tang Wei also said with a smile, although it was just a joke, the two women's eyes were full of firmness.

I'll follow a man all my life and never go anywhere.

"That must be nice to you."

Zhao Chengfeng was moved. He laughed and said, "well, I'll accompany you two tonight. How about three times?"

"Three times? Ah, Pooh, you rascal

Shangguan Yan'er touches Zhao Chengfeng '.

"If you can't do it three times, you can do it four times, or five times!" Zhao Chengfeng is serious.


Shangguan Yan'er gives Zhao Chengfeng a white look and pulls Tang Wei away with a red face. "Go, don't talk to this hooligan. It's shameless! Hum Then he turned back and glared at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Don't worry. Let's go together." Zhao Chengfeng followed him and yelled: "the scenery of Tianxing village is good. Let's sleep outside at night. I'm afraid sleeping in the house will disturb them..."

Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's words, the two women stepped faster. This is Zhao Chengfeng, the lustful and shameless Zhao Chengfeng.

The three of them wandered around the stockade. When the whole Tianxing stockade was finished, the sky became dim. When they returned to the ancestral hall courtyard, the servants of Tianxing stockade had already made dinner.

Because Tianxing village suffered great disaster, Xia an's bones were not cold, so according to the rules of Tianxing village, the next three days were vegetarian. In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng three people are not used to anything, it doesn't matter what they eat, just can fill their stomach.

However, at dinner, Xia Muxi brings Zhao Chengfeng bad news.

——Gu Wang can't take it out!

"Sister, don't make fun of me. I'm timid." When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, his face turned green.

Isn't it that the bomb in the body was removed and then a hydrogen bomb was put in? It's ok if there's no accident. It's fatal if there's an accident!

"Muxi, you, don't scare us." Shangguan Yan'er's face turned white in an instant, and naturally realized the power of the king Gu.

If you think about it, the king of Gu can eat the heart biting Gu in one bite. If it's going to break out, can Zhao Chengfeng bear it?

Although Tang Wei didn't speak, her eyes had already explained everything, and she was obviously shocked by Xia Muxi's words.

"Brother Feng, it's true."

Xia Muxi looked embarrassed and apologized: "I've read all the books about the king Gu in the ancestral temple, but I didn't say how to expel the king Gu from my body. I really didn't mean to."

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng didn't know what to say. His face was like a bitter gourd. He really had a "Grass Mud Horse" in his heart. However, he couldn't open his mouth.

"Is there something missing?"

Shangguan Yan'er asked, "or did your parents tell you anything about Gu Wang when your grandmother was alive?"


Xia Mu Xi still shook her head and said, "I only know that the king Gu is very important to Tianxing village. If the king Gu is here, Tianxing village will always exist."


Zhao Chengfeng three people, you look at me, I look at you, pale.

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