"By the way, there is another thing that may not be very good..." at this time, Xia Muxi's voice rang weakly again.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help feeling numb and said bitterly, "is there anything worse than now?"


Summer wood Xi dry cough way: "is like this, I consult ancient books, discovered a secret."

"What's the secret?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and asked, but he thought, what's the secret in the ancient books of Tianxing village that has something to do with me?

"The one who carries the king Gu is the new leader of Tianxing stronghold." Xia Muxi stares at Zhao Chengfeng and says seriously.


"So Chengfeng becomes the leader of Tianxing stronghold?"

"Stay in the ancestral hall all your life?"

Xia Muxi's voice has just dropped. Zhao Chengfeng and her two daughters are all stunned. How can they become the leader of Tianxing stronghold? That's ridiculous.

"That's right."

Xia Mu Xi nodded and affirmed: "this is what is recorded in the book. Whoever holds the king Gu is the leader of Tianxing stronghold. Besides, he is also the sorcerer of Tianxing village. "

"But I don't know witchcraft at all? Isn't that a rush to the shelves? " This time, Zhao Chengfeng was completely stupid.

Grandma also said to take Xia Muxi away early and leave Tianxing village. It's not that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like Tianxing village, but that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have much time to stay and there are many things waiting for him to do.

Zhao Chengfeng's life is destined not to be idle.

"Yes, and you didn't say that before? The leader of Tianxing stronghold must be a local and a member of Tianxing stronghold. But where is Chengfeng a woman? Muxi, have you made a mistake? " Tang Wei thinks it's strange, but she always thinks it's not true.

"Muxi, you don't want to leave Chengfeng behind. That's why you say these words to deceive us, right?" Shangguan Yan son tentatively asked a sentence, not without this kind of possibility.

As a woman, Shangguan Yan'er can feel Xia Muxi's Thoughts on Zhao Chengfeng. If she doesn't like her, she won't give up her virginity.

Now that Zhao Chengfeng is in good health and wants to leave, Xia Muxi is reluctant to give up. It's not impossible to make such a bad policy. Besides, we can't understand laoshizi's ancient books. How can she say no?

"Sister Shangguan, do you think it's necessary for me to cheat you?" Xia Muxi was also very depressed, and continued: "whether you believe it or not, it's said in ancient books. As for why my father said such harsh conditions, I don't understand. I only know that this is what grandma left behind."

"But..." Shangguan Yan'er still didn't believe it.

"Yan'er, it's not hard to explain."

Zhao Chengfeng stopped Shangguan Yan'er and analyzed: "you think, the reason why the new stronghold leader is required to be a place, to some extent, means that this woman has no emotional fetters. Without emotional fetters, she has less worries, for example, missing her lover, or even eloping with her lover; And the reason why it is required that the Tianxing village people take over the leader of the village is better understood. The fat water does not flow to the fields of outsiders. "

"..." Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei are speechless. According to this inference, it's really reasonable.

"Brother Feng, I, I really don't cheat you, I..." Xia Muxi looks at Zhao Chengfeng gratefully and guilt, and has no words in her heart.

At that time, Xia Muxi didn't read it in detail. In order to save people, she didn't care about anything. How could she know that there was such a saying behind? This

"No harm!"

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said with a smile, "happiness and disaster depend on each other. It sounds like bad news now, but we can turn it into good news. "

"Chengfeng, you are confused, aren't you? How can this be good news?" Shangguan Yan'er is puzzled.

"Yes, do you want to live in the ancestral hall all your life?" Tang Wei also follows the way and doesn't understand what Zhao Chengfeng is thinking.

Not only Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei feel strange, but also Xia Muxi thinks Zhao Chengfeng is not so normal. Good news? Is that good news?

Let's not say whether Zhao Chengfeng is willing to be the leader of Tianxing village. The people of Tianxing village may not be able to accept him.

"Think about it."

Zhao Chengfeng laughed and said, "didn't you just say that? I'm the new leader of Tianxing stronghold. According to this, I'm the only Gu master in Tianxing stronghold. Since I'm a Gu master, it means that I can control the Gu king in my body. As long as I can control it, it doesn't matter whether it's in my body or not. "

"Yes, if you become a Gu master, you will have a way to deal with the Gu king in your body. Why didn't we think of that? " Shangguan Yan'er is overjoyed by the news.

"It's just one of them."

After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "I became the leader of Tianxing village, that is, the leader of the whole Tianxing village, and the owner of Tianxing village. Naturally, I can lead Tianxing village people out of 100000 mountains and go out to see the new world, so Muxi can follow us to the capital. Isn't that killing two birds with one stone?"

"This..." smell speech, summer wood Xi heart a joy, seem to really work.

"So it's not a bad thing. The leader of xingzhai is not a bad thing." Zhao Chengfeng's face is full of disapproval, and even some happy.

Originally, Zhao Chengfeng was still thinking about how to take Xia Muxi away. Now he has nothing to worry about. As long as he becomes the leader of Tianxing stronghold, what he says is what he says.

You know, in the eyes of Tianxing village people, the leader of Tianxing village is just like the existence of gods. No one can resist a spit or a nail!

"That's settled!"

Tang Wei said excitedly: "tomorrow, Chengfeng will be announced as the leader of Tianxing stronghold. We will give you a few days to prepare. Let's go out of the mountain together and find a good place for you to settle down and accept the new life."

"Yes, the old people go to the city to enjoy their happiness, and the children and young people go to study and receive training. This is the modern life they should have." Shangguan Yan'er also echoed.

However, Xia Mu Xi's face suddenly darkened and asked weakly, "everyone has gone, but what about the ancestral hall? Have you abandoned everything here? "

Hometown, is unable to give up.

To be sure, Shangguan Yan'er's tomorrow is very beautiful, but no matter how backward their hometown is, it's also their hometown, which can't be forgotten for a lifetime.

"Keep Tianxing village, too."

Zhao Chengfeng was silent for a long time, and said: "Tianxing village can continue to this day, which is also a very valuable wealth for the country. It should not be given up. I will let people guard here. You can rest assured."

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