"If even the ancestral home needs to be guarded by others, am I still from Tianxing village?" However, Xia Muxi shook her head and said, "no, we won't move. We will stay."

"Muxi, aren't you sick?"

Zhao Chengfeng touched the woman's forehead and said, "why don't you go? Do you want to disobey the orders of my new stronghold leader? "

Zhao Chengfeng has a straight face. He is really upset.

It's hard to come up with a way, but people are not willing to. At present, Zhao Chengfeng wants to make clear about the poisonous insects in his body as soon as possible, at least don't delay him at the critical moment.

Leave Tianxing village early, get out of 100000 mountains, and then find Shangguan Lanxin. It is said that the inner gate is in Changbai Mountain area, and Zhao Chengfeng has no time to go. But Xia Muxi is making trouble here. Isn't she trying to make people uncomfortable?

"Brother Feng, I don't mean to disobey your orders. Just think about it, we've all gone, and all the people in Tianxing village have gone. Is this still Tianxing village? Even if there is someone to help guard, can we not care about it in our hearts? " Xia Muxi said with emotion: "the Golden Nest and the silver nest are not as good as their own kennel. You're right. It's really necessary for young people and children to go out to receive modern education and new things. But have you ever thought that the old people of 60 or 70 years old in the village can adapt to modern life? "

Zhao Chengfeng and others were silent and thought about it carefully. They really took it for granted.

"No, they can't get used to it." Xia Muxi said: "it's not just the way of life, even going out can't communicate with others normally. For them, it's not freedom, it's torture."

"Muxi's worry is reasonable, but an objective fact." Tang Wei put down her chopsticks and suggested: "it's popular. I suggest that we keep Tianxing village. Young people and children can go. We can arrange work and study for them. We can also train some skills for them for free. As for the old people in the village, they can go out if they want to. We can't force them to go out if they don't want to."

"At the same time, report the existence of tianxingzhai to the government, and let the government contribute money to get through the contact between the outside world and tianxingzhai." After a pause, Tang Wei continued: "Tianxing village has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. It can be developed as a tourist area. Since the people in the village are not willing to go out, it doesn't matter. Let's let the people outside come in and turn Tianxing village into a tourist attraction."

Shangguan Yan'er frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid the government won't agree. It's not something that can be done with a few pieces of silver."

"Then let's build it ourselves!"

Zhao Chengfeng was very bold and said immediately, "Weiwei is right. Since we are reluctant to leave Tianxing village, let's bring tourists to Tianxing village and change Tianxing village!"

"What's money? As long as we can build Tianxing stronghold well, I will give out one billion and two billion! " Zhao Chengfeng's tone is not small. This money is really not a big deal for Zhao Chengfeng.

You know, the iron grinding mercenary regiment in the jintari region of the African continent has started to return to its original capital now, and it has a steady stream of income every day. Moreover, the oil field of ficaman has also produced oil. Although it has transported a lot of refined oil to China, Zhao Chengfeng has also lost many benefits. This ficaman oil field alone has at least more than 10 billion income!

Today, perfume lily is also developing very well, whether it is underwear or phantom perfume. It has a good reputation. It has been sold at home and abroad, and is really on the stage of the world. Recently, he Yongfei, Liu Shiyun and song Sisi seem to be discussing the development of some female products, such as sanitary napkins.

Money, in Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, is just a bunch of meaningless numbers.

"Brother Feng, do you want to transform the whole Tianxing stronghold?" Smell speech, summer wood Xi a little excited, small face all swell red.

Xia Muxi, who has received modern education, has long been deeply aware of the backwardness of Tianxing village. Tianxing village is really beautiful, but it can not change a fact - backwardness and poverty.

Most of the time, the children in the village get sick, which is obviously very mild. In the end, the more they get, the more serious they get, and they even die. Once Tianxing village is connected with the outside world, it means that not only tourists can come in, but also people can go out at will. Go out to see the outside world, go out to study, live and so on.

"Yes, to transform the whole Tianxing village, I will transform it into a tourist attraction in the early stage. In this way, you can go out if you want, and it's convenient to come back. "

Smell speech, summer wood Xi pretty face a red, in the heart is very moved.

Life, there is such a man, no regrets for their own pay, but also enough.

"To get rich, build roads first." Shangguan Yan'er said, "it's popular, but it's difficult to build roads here."

"Building roads?"

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "I don't want to build roads. Let's build the airport directly. The traffic can only fly in the sky, but not underground. It's too slow. Moreover, once the road is built, it will do too much damage to the forest vegetation. Some people with ulterior motives will try to develop the whole 100000 mountains, which is a damage to the environment. "

"Build an airport? You really have an idea. " Shangguan Yan'er is very surprised.

It can be seen from this that Zhao Chengfeng is serious about Xia Muxi, otherwise he would not have lost so much money.

"It's necessary. Only when we fly to Tianxing village can we show the force of Tianxing village." Zhao Chengfeng already has a complete plan in his heart. The more he thinks about it, the more excited he is.

Tianxing village is really backward now, but as long as it is operated properly, Zhao Chengfeng can guarantee that everyone in Tianxing village will become rich within one year.

"Then I'll contact the government now. The first thing we need to solve is the problem of power and network. Now the network is human life." Tang Wei suggested.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "in addition, we should send out our coordinates and let the government send some planners to come and make a good plan. If we don't do it, we will pull it down. But if we decide to do it, we must do it well!"

"Well, is there anything else I can do for you?"

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "no, I'll let you know if I need to."

"OK, I'll call right away."


As soon as Tang Wei left, Zhao Chengfeng looked at Xia Muxi and said, "now I'm the leader of Tianxing stronghold. How can I learn to manipulate witchcraft? Can you give me some advice? "

Mention this matter, the ear of the side upper official Yan son also suddenly erect.

"Well, I don't know, I'm not a Gu master..." Xia Muxi's face was embarrassed again, and she looked at Zhao Chengfeng embarrassed

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