After Zhao Chengfeng's orders all the way, the three also arrived in Beihai city.

"Kid, pay attention to Lanxin's whereabouts, and report to me as soon as you have any news." In Beihai City, Zhao Chengfeng contacted Xiaogui for the first time and asked him to find Shangguan Lanxin.

Shangguan Lanxin really has the ability of self-reliance, but if he does not find Shangguan Lanxin one day, Zhao Chengfeng will not be at ease one day.

"Boss, you're back. Don't worry. I'll pay attention to Lanxin, but I'm afraid there's another important thing." The kid on the other end of the phone has a dignified voice. It's obvious that something has happened.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

"Something's wrong on the African continent!"

The kid said in a deep voice: "Japan and the United States have joined hands and sent a lot of people to seize the oil fields. Although they are not regular troops, their combat effectiveness is amazing and they are absolutely well-trained. At present, we have fought with the millstone mercenary regiment three times, and we have killed and injured more than 300 people

"Damn it

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly clenched his fist. The plane still said that the Japanese were not things and would not give up easily. I didn't expect to come so soon.

"At the beginning, Zhang Guanghai and others didn't investigate clearly, so they didn't rush to report to you." The kid then said, "it's estimated that they have gathered more than 1000 people to appear as red guards. To put it bluntly, they are just a group of mercenaries. Now they are fighting for territory with us."

"Rob his mother!"

Zhao Chengfeng snorted coldly: "immediately inform mengke, youduri and blood monk to return to the African continent. As for BOLUO, leave it alone for the time being. There is Hua Xiaobao on the other side of the island to testify. There should be no problem. I don't have any other requirements. I'll kill all these bastards, and then send their bodies back to let the American and Japanese bastards know our strength! "

Zhao Chengfeng is really angry and depressed.

After the death of Zhou zuocheng, the founder of Beichen yidaoliu, Zhao Chengfeng felt that the Japanese should be restrained. After all, their spirit had been destroyed, but who knows, they didn't give up! Still want to be opposite to oneself, want to be the enemy with China!

The United States is also quite abnormal. It is reasonable to say that the delta forces of the United States and the arms king of the United States are all dead. Don't they know the pain? How many more people will they know?

"Hum, since you want to die, don't blame me for being rude." Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart.

It must be killed! Hit him and he'll know it!

"Boss, I'm afraid it's not that easy."

But the kid said in a deep voice: "these guys are very effective. They are better than ordinary mercenaries. I don't know how much. If it wasn't for a special combat team sent by China, we couldn't stand it."

"Can't stand it? Is it that powerful? " Zhao Chengfeng frowned and was a little unhappy.

Grandma's, is two shoulders carry a head, how can he Niang's not hold up? You can't stand it. You have to stand it!

"Boss, if it wasn't for an emergency, I wouldn't have called you." The kid said with a bitter smile.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded his head. Although he was a little chuckly and not serious, he didn't dare to make fun of this kind of thing. After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng said: "transfer monk mengke and blood monk back immediately. After they go back, the mercenary regiment should be OK. Let uduri contact the local government forces again. We are fighting for the African people. They can't do nothing. Without weapons and ammunition, we can give them away for free. "

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to do everything by himself. It's really not cost-effective to go there for this. Besides, the mercenary regiment has been trained for some time, so it's time for them to do it by themselves.

No matter how much you practice on weekdays, you have to go through the baptism of the battlefield. Only those soldiers who have seen blood and are on the verge of death can be called real soldiers.

"Well, I'll send a message to the blood monk." The kid answered and put down the phone.

"You have to ask me something big, eh." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, feeling somewhat unhappy.

Even if the sky has been destroyed, will the small shrimps of the United States and Japan go out on their own?

"Is something wrong with Africa?" Tang Wei asked.

"Leave him alone."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "let's go to the military region first and see Mr. Tang."


They stopped a car and went straight to the southeast provincial military region. Along the way, Tang Wei was a little excited. After the battle of breaking the sky and isolated island, she had never met her grandfather, and she didn't know what his condition was and how he was.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng arrived at the gate of the military region, Tang Wei had no time to get off the bus, so Tang's phone call came.

"Hey, don't worry, old man. We'll be there in a minute." Zhao chengfengxin said that the little old man was very worried. When he got to the door, he still called. How much he missed his granddaughter.

"There's an accident in Africa. You'll come to my office right away. Be quick!"

However, Tang Jinhai on the other end of the phone has no time to chat with Zhao Cheng. He goes straight to the theme with a dignified voice. It's obvious that something has happened.

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng's smile froze, and immediately said, "OK, we'll come right away."

After putting down the phone, Zhao Chengfeng's mood is very depressed. What's the situation? His injury has just healed, it was a thing to celebrate, how to keep the situation?

Can you still have fun? Can you give yourself a good rest for two days?

"What's the matter? Grandfather's phone Tang Wei heard something, but she was not sure.

"Nothing good."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and urged: "let's go in. I don't know what happened. Anyway, I always feel that the atmosphere is a little strange."

"Well." Smell speech, Tang Wei's complexion also followed dignified many, two people walked into the military region gate.

It's still the office, it's still the energetic old man. However, Tang Jinhai didn't have a smile on his face at this moment. He was staring at people and wanted to work hard with them.

"Grandfather, you, you are..." Tang Wei was surprised. She hasn't seen the old man so angry for many years. What happened?


Tang Jinhai slapped his hand on the table and angrily scolded: "I've been deceiving people too much. These bastards don't let people live in peace day by day. I can't let them have good fruit to eat this time."

Tang Wei's face is muddled. What's with what? Who in the world provoked my grandfather?

"What's the situation, sir? Do you mean the Americans and the Japanese? " Zhao Chengfeng asked tentatively.

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