"Yes, that's the bastards!" "Just 20 minutes ago, they bombed our tanker, killed and injured more than 20 people, and lost more than ten million US dollars," Tang said

"What? Blow up the tanker? "

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was not calm immediately, and scolded harshly: "shit! I can't spare them

"Chengfeng, don't get excited!"

This time, Mr. Tang grabbed Zhao Chengfeng and said with a twist of his brow, "this matter can't be settled in this way, but we have to be careful."

"If you're not careful, I'll kill these bastards!" Zhao Chengfeng said angrily, a group of anger "miso" in the bottom of his heart suddenly burned up, almost burst out.

Before, Zhao Chengfeng thought that the main purpose of the United States and the Japanese was to deal with the millstone mercenary regiment and find something uncomfortable. How could he know that these bastards had blown up the oil tanker.

Once the tanker exploded, Daluo Jinxian could not survive. Casualties and cargo losses were not a small number. The key is cowards! The African continent can be said to be Zhao Chengfeng's back garden. The back garden has been blown up. Can you not be angry?

"To kill these bastards!"

Tang Jinhai echoed and said, "but now that something has happened, there is no need to get angry. By the way, how are you doing? Listen to Wei Wei say all healed? "

"It doesn't matter to me." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "it's all sharp. There's still a small problem that can be solved soon."

Zhao Chengfeng said that the small problem is the control of the king Gu. Xia Muxi has searched all the ancient books in Tianxing village, but has not found any records about how to control the king Gu. This is Zhao Chengfeng's biggest worry at present.

It's ok if the king Gu doesn't attack in his body. Don't be like the heart biting Gu. If he doesn't move, he will die. That's depressing.

"If you're OK, it's better." When Tang Jinhai heard this, he was also relieved. Zhao Chengfeng's oil is much more expensive than that in Africa.

"Don't talk nonsense, old man. I'm going to Africa now. Those bastards don't know if they don't teach me a lesson. This time, I'm going to destroy them completely!" Zhao Chengfeng is still on the road.


However, Tang Jinhai waved his hand and said, "don't go this time."

"Why?" Zhao Chengfeng's brows are twisted into a knot in one's heart. He is very puzzled.

Why don't you let yourself go? Do you want to let the Americans and the Japanese be arrogant on the African continent?

"Fortunately for Huaxia, there is one Zhao Chengfeng. Unfortunately for Huaxia, there is only one Zhao Chengfeng." Tang Jinhai stares at Zhao Chengfeng and says with emotion: "we can't rely on you to rush in front of everything. We can't let you risk everything by yourself. We need more young talents to come forward. "

"This..." smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng for one Leng.

This is the biggest praise for Zhao Chengfeng.

"So, I decided to send warehouse top soldiers to fight. They have troops in the United States, we still have them in China, we have special teams in the United States, and we also have them in China!" Tang chin Hai looked a little excited, clenched his fist and said: "now, it's time to fight with real weapons!"

With that, a fist hit the coffee table, old face wiped a trace of fierce color!

Tang Jinhai is a man who came out of the battlefield, not afraid of war, not afraid of blood!

"Grandfather, I'll lead the team!" Tang Wei volunteered, "those who commit crimes against China will be punished even though they are far away!"


Tang Jinhai was very pleased to hear that he wanted to give people and weapons. I have no other requirements. In a word, kill all the Japanese and American people on the African continent

"Guarantee to finish the task!" Tang Wei gave a military salute.

"Hello, this..."

When Tang Wei was about to leave the office, Zhao Chengfeng came back to his senses. Damn, he brought himself here. There was nothing wrong with his feelings. Why did he come here?

"Chengfeng, I'll wait for you on the African continent, or you'll wait for my triumphant return." With that, Tang Wei turns and leaves, leaving Zhao Chengfeng alone.

Maybe, Tang Wei doesn't want to leave, but she knows better that men still have a lot of things to do. Instead of helping him, following him will become his oil bottle. Rather than that, it's better to go to the African continent to sharpen yourself. There are men's industries in the African continent, and men will go sooner or later.

"Weiwei, you..." what else did Zhao Chengfeng want to say, but he was held by Tang.

"Let her go."

Tang Jinhai said solemnly, "there's only one granddaughter left in my Tang family now, but even if it's a girl, as long as it's my Tang family, I have to fight the enemy!"


With a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng said nothing. It was useless to say anything. If you really want to be a good woman, you should get rid of your troubles and find a place where there is no one to live with your women.

"This time, you're in great danger. You'll be lucky if you don't die."

Tang Jinhai lit up a cigarette, broke the topic, and said: "I've asked a lot of people, few of them have heard of heart biting poison, but everyone who knows heart biting poison says that you will die. I didn't expect that you really survived."

"Hey, hey." Zhao Chengfeng took the cigarette handed over by Tang Jinhai, lit it and took a puff. The thief said with a smile: "no way, the harm has been left for thousands of years. It is estimated that I have harmed too many people, so God won't let me die."


Tang Jinhai nodded and said solemnly, "you can harm anyone, I can treat it as if I haven't seen anything. However, if you dare to let Wei Wei down, I will not let you off as a ghost, old man! "

"No, absolutely not!"

Zhao Chengfeng raised his hand and swore, "if I fail Weiwei, I'll be killed by a car when I go out and by thunder when it rains. In a word, I'll have to die!"

"You don't dare!" Hearing this, Tang Jinhai seldom smiles. He also knows that Zhao Chengfeng is a prodigal son. As he knows, there are many beautiful girls around him.

If you want Tang Jinhai to have that temperament in the past, I'm afraid he's already angry with Zhao Chengfeng. However, I have to admit that Zhao Chengfeng is very capable. What's more, the feeling is that Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, one would like to fight, another would like to suffer. His granddaughter is willing to follow him, but she can't stop him.

"By the way, what are you going to do recently? Po Tian has been eliminated now. Listen to Wei Wei, the so-called holy religion is actually a gang instigated by Chinese people, and you bought it?" Tang Jinhai asked without any trace. He was a little curious.

The holy religion has been making trouble for Huaxia for many years. Now that the mastermind has been caught, it's a bit too much for him not to send him back.

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