
For a moment, Zhao Chengfeng was not sure about the old man's connections, so he said frankly: "the old name of the holy religion is Raymond, who is the first red wanted person in China. He fled to many countries in Boluo, occupied an island, and developed a lot of contacts. He's very famous in many countries of Boluo. I think he's still useful, so I didn't kill him. "

"Useful? What's the use? "

Tang Jinhai frowned, and a stream of anger gushed out. He glared and said, "do you know how many people this guy killed in China in those years?"

"Do you know why he killed people?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Tang Jinhai was slightly stunned and said, "why? Is it reasonable to kill people? "

"There is no reason to kill people, but many times they are forced to do so." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and slowly explained: "at the beginning, Raymond was an underground black market boxer in China. He made a living by boxing. He was oppressed and bullied for too long. After the outbreak, he killed people in a rage. What he wanted was to live better, but to live with dignity. In essence, this is not wrong."

Zhao Chengfeng had to defend for Leimeng. This time, he made a lot of contributions to destroy Leimeng. Moreover, Leimeng has a great use value. Moreover, Raymond is still very loyal to Zhao Chengfeng, at least for the moment.

"At least Ben is right? Hum, but he killed people. He killed a lot of people. He's provoking the law of China! " Tang Jinhai looked just and said coldly, "don't you even know the minimum law?"

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, shaking his head, obviously do not agree with this saying.

"What are you laughing at? Am I right? " Seeing this, Tang Jinhai's brows are even tighter. He is not very satisfied with Zhao Chengfeng's performance. He thinks that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't even want the most basic concept of right and wrong.

Shouldn't killing pay for your life? Moreover, Raymond instigated his subordinates to carry out many illegal activities over the years, which had a great impact on China.

On this point, it's not too much to shoot Raymond a hundred times!

"Don't blow your beard and stare, old man. It's no use getting angry." Zhao Chengfeng light smile, way: "first you say right or not, I'll ask you a few questions, how do you see?"


Tang Jinhai snorted, but he didn't have a good way: "I don't believe what you can say today. Dead can make you live, hum!"

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a smile, took a deep breath of smoke, said: "old man, do you think I am a good person or a bad person?"


Tang Jinhai was a little stunned, and immediately became white. Zhao Chengfeng had no good way: "isn't this nonsense? You must be a good man

"But I killed a lot of people. Isn't that bad?" Zhao Chengfeng then asked.

"That's not the same."

Tang Jinhai waved his hand and said: "kill one person to become a devil, kill ten thousand people to become a Buddha. What's more, you kill people who are damned. You kill people to save people, so you are a good man. "

Tang jinhaixin said this is not nonsense? If the warlord of Huaxia is not a good man, is there any good man in the world? Bullshit!

"It's just your opinion."

Zhao Chengfeng still shook his head and sighed: "but in the eyes of the American people, the Japanese people and my opponents, I should have been cut to pieces. In their eyes, I'm an unforgivable bastard. And Raymond in your eyes, in the eyes of the Chinese law, why should he not die? But let's not forget that Raymond has value

"Raymond has the value of meritorious service and saving people. So, I gave him a chance. Up to now, I think Raymond has done a good job

On hearing this, Tang Jinhai suddenly realized that he might have taken the wrong position on the issue he was considering at the beginning. Yes, Zhao Chengfeng also killed many people. In the eyes of Chinese people, Zhao Chengfeng is a hero; But in the eyes of the Americans, the Japanese and even all his opponents, Zhao Chengfeng is just like a demon.

"Old man, whether a person should die or not depends not on how many wrong things he has done, but on whether he sincerely repents." Seeing that Tang Jin Hai's face was somewhat relaxed, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "just like the Japanese nation, we still choose to forgive how much damage and trauma it caused to China in those years. However, the Japanese nation's ambition is not changed, so we should kill it!"

"What's the use of keeping a person who can't change after repeated education, a guy who can't see hope? But now Raymond is of great use, so I don't think Raymond can be killed! "


Tang Jinhai nodded heavily and said, "you have a point. In this world, there is no absolute black or white, no absolute good person, no absolute bad person. It's because I think the problem is too narrow. Since you think Raymond is useful, you can keep it for the time being, but if one day this boy is not in charge of human affairs, you can only be sorry. "

"Thank you for your kindness!"

Zhao Chengfeng arched his hand and said, "it's not the old man who looks down on the problem, but you always stand on the national interest to consider the problem. Your heart is all on the country and the country. Naturally, there is no room for sand in your eyes."

"Don't flatter me, you boy."

Who knows, Tang Jinhai doesn't eat this at all. He hums coldly: "right is right, wrong is wrong. Is Tang Jinhai the kind of person who knows his mistakes and doesn't change?"

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng embarrassed smile, some embarrassed, but in the heart is sincerely admire Tang.

It's a virtue that has been handed down for thousands of years!

However, in modern society, there are many people who clearly know that they are wrong, that is, they do not admit their mistakes. Some people do not admit their mistakes, but go their own way, causing greater losses.

On this point, Tang Jinhai is admirable.

"Oh, yes."

Tang Jinhai shook his ashes, and suddenly said, "I've seen the land of 100000 mountains. If you want to build there, I'm afraid it's a little difficult."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng puzzled, "if it's a financial problem, I can solve it myself."

"I won't talk to you about money."

Tang Jinhai shook his head and said, "it's that place that kills me. Shiwandashan is the junction mountain of changmaozi. Our people go in and out. I'm afraid changmaozi won't be happy. "

"I have to do it whether I'm happy or not!"

Zhao Chengfeng's attitude is very tough, "100000 mountain is our territory, what do I want to do? Do you want to agree with changmaozi? Changmaozi is not too much. If you really want to talk, don't blame us for not recognizing him. You know, changmaozi is suffering from internal and external troubles now. I don't think he wants to be our enemy. "


Tang Jinhai also felt that Zhao Chengfeng was right. He nodded and said, "anyway, you can do it. Don't make things big."

"I know that."

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