After chatting with Tang Jinhai in the military region for a long time, Zhao Chengfeng left the military region. At this time, Tang Wei had already boarded the plane to the African continent.

"She is a stubborn woman, worthy of a military family."

Zhao Chengfeng murmured in his heart and immediately dialed the kid's phone.

"Kid, Weiwei has gone to the African continent. Now the situation in the African continent is very uncertain. Especially, these American and Japanese bastards are too hard at work. You should immediately inform Hua Xiaobao to go to the African continent and ask him to protect Weiwei." Zhao Chengfeng quickly orders that he is worried about Tang Wei.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't look down on Tang Jinhai's warehouse top soldiers, nor does he look down on Tang Wei's ability. He just goes to the battlefield. There are so many unexpected situations that people can't prevent. With a little negligence, or just a little bad luck, people may have an accident.

There is no denying that the American is not a thing, but the combat effectiveness of the American army is still very strong. Otherwise, the Americans dare not be so arrogant.

"Boss, ah long, the leader of the Longya team, is in Africa. Can we still send Hua Xiaobao there?" The kid reminded: "Po Luo, it's not clear whether Raymond is really obedient. As soon as Hua Xiaobao leaves, no one can stop him. And the blood monk and youduri and others had already rushed to the African continent two hours ago, so borodor didn't leave any people? "


On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was baffled.

In this world, Zhao Chengfeng has people who can be absolutely trusted, but Raymond is not one of them. After all, Raymond has a criminal record. It will take time to prove whether he is reliable or not.

"Boss, I don't recommend transferring Hua Xiaobao away."

The kid pondered: "although Hua Xiaobao is not real, they can restrict each other, which is good news for us. Although the African continent is in chaos now, it seems that the situation is tense. In the end, there are more than 1000 people in this group of Americans and Japanese. They are just one battalion. We can completely annihilate them. "

"All right."

Zhao Chengfeng thought it over and over again and agreed to the kid's proposal. However, he still said, "try to avoid Weiwei going to the battlefield. We spent a lot of money on the iron grinding mercenary regiment. It's time to see results."

"I understand." The kid gave a sly smile and dropped the phone.

Although it's hard to let the African black guys rush in front to block the guns, it's reasonable to say that. First, after training for such a long time, shouldn't Zhao Chengfeng have seen something?

Second, how can you turn your elbow out? Zhao Chengfeng is also a human being. Naturally, he will think about the people around him and think more about China.

"Well, I can't spare time." After leaving the phone, Zhao Chengfeng stopped a car and hurried to the perfume lily company.

Today's perfume lily cannot be mention in the same breath. Xia Bingbing, President of the company, has laid a solid foundation for the company. Although the new office buildings and factories have been built, they are not yet formed, but they should be of a large scale.


However, when Zhao Chengfeng was about to step in, he was stopped by a security guard.


Zhao Chengfeng was stunned for a moment, and then found that the company had almost finished work, and there was only a young guard in the guard room. He looked very familiar and directly blocked Zhao Chengfeng out of the company.

"I can't go in?" Zhao Chengfeng is very speechless. His grandmother has a leg. He has been the director of his wife's company for two days. Now he can't even enter the company. Where can he reason?

"What are you doing in there? Who are you? Who are you looking for? " The guard is selfless and hard-working. He stares at Zhao Chengfeng as if he is staring at the suspicious person.

"Can I go to Liu Shiyun, the design director of your company?" Zhao Chengfeng is a little angry. He is really a kid. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by a guard.

"Who are you?"

The guard was a little surprised. How could this guy know Miss Liu? You know, Miss Liu is a goddess recognized by the company. It's Liu Shiyun who hears the most from other people during working hours.

No way. It's beautiful!

"Who am I, I..."

"What are you doing here?"

However, before Zhao Chengfeng had finished his sentence, a tall woman in a white dress came out of the company hall, wearing delicate balls. She was cute, but sharp and sexy.

"Phil, are you in the company?" See sister-in-law, Zhao Chengfeng showed a smile, just smile a little embarrassed.

His sister-in-law once worshipped him most, and Zhao Chengfeng took advantage of him. However, since Xia Bingbing disappeared, he Yongfei has always looked on Zhao Chengfeng coldly, and sometimes even made a mockery of him, which made Zhao Chengfeng very depressed.

However, Zhao Chengfeng can also understand that although he Yongfei and Xia Bingbing are not biological sisters, their relationship is excellent. Their sister's whereabouts are unknown. When they become sisters, they are naturally anxious, just like the former Shangguan Lanxin.

"Mr. He, do you know him?" The little security guard was startled by the speech.

I'll go. Isn't this guy looking for director Liu Shiyun? Why do you know Mr. He? What's the origin of this?

"He is the director of the company's design department, and also the deputy general manager of the marketing department. When he comes to the company later, he doesn't need to ask, he will let it go directly." He Yongfei said to the security guard.

He Yongfei is very dissatisfied with Zhao Chengfeng, but he has to accept the reality. In the final analysis, he is always his brother-in-law. When his cousin is gone, it is reasonable to say that the company should be managed by him.

Another thing that annoys he Yongfei is that he doesn't know what kind of ecstasy his father has been given. Recently, he always lets himself take the initiative to get close to Zhao Chengfeng, and what else he says makes him dig his cousin's corner.

He Yongfei can't help asking, what's good about him?

"Yes, Mr. He, I wrote it down." Smell speech, small security quickly wipe a forehead sweat, take the initiative to open the door for Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng followed and went in, "Fei Er, you haven't finished work so late. Is the company very busy recently?"

Although some fear in my heart, in the face of he Yongfei, I can't escape.

"Do you still know that when you go back to the company, you've lost your cousin, and now you don't care about the company?" He Yongfei raised his nose and glared at Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng grins bitterly, opens his mouth, wants to explain something, and finally swallows it back. Some misunderstandings can't be explained clearly. To change he Yongfei's view of himself, we can only find Xia Bingbing and speak with the facts!

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