"Sister Shiyun and sister Sisi are not in the company. You don't have to wait." See Zhao Chengfeng silent, he Yongfei left a sentence.


Looking at the bottom of the car that the woman left, Zhao Chengfeng sighed heavily, and he was really helpless.

"Forget it, let's go." After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng finally didn't go upstairs. He stopped a taxi at the door of the company and went straight to the sea view room.

Counting the days, Zhao Chengfeng hasn't seen Chen Shuxian's mother and daughter for at least three months, and he doesn't know how they are now, whether they are busy or not. Thinking of Beibei, Zhao Chengfeng actually blames himself.

It's true that Beibei has some ancient spirits, the kind of Goblins who pit their parents after their Godfather. But Beibei is an orphan after all. Although Zhao Chengfeng knows about 9000 years old, he doesn't dare to tell Beibei the truth.

"Ding Dong... Ding Dong..."

Before dark, Zhao Chengfeng arrived at the sea view room and rang the doorbell.

The door opened with a squeak.

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

The moment he opens the door, Zhao Chengfeng is stunned, and Tian xiner, who comes to open the door, is also stunned.

Is the world a little too small for them to meet and meet here? You know, it's in Chen Shuxian's home and Zhao Chengfeng's home.

"Aunt Tian, who is it?" Just as they were shocked, Beibei ran out.

Beibei is much taller and more beautiful.

"Ah, godfather, you are back." As soon as Beibei saw Zhao Chengfeng, he was jubilant and excited. He plunged into Zhao Chengfeng's arms and said, "godfather, I miss you so much."

Zhao Chengfeng holds Beibei and looks at Tian xiner in front of him. His mood is very complicated. However, if you think about it carefully, Zhao Chengfeng will understand that the kid said before that Tian Xin'er had appeared in Beihai welfare home. At that time, he only thought that Tian Xin'er might disappear soon, so he didn't continue to pay attention. Unexpectedly, Tian Xin'er not only appeared again, but also appeared in Chen Shuxian's and Zhao Chengfeng's home.

It doesn't take a lot of effort to find a place without breaking iron shoes!

"You, you are Beibei's godfather?" Tian Xin'er is also confused.

Tian xiner didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng was Beibei's godfather. In this case, Chen Shuxian was his woman, and that Beihai welfare home was created by Zhao Chengfeng. No, to be exact, Zhao Chengfeng built the welfare home so perfectly!

"Yes, I am Beibei's godfather." With a smile, Zhao Chengfeng said, "long time no see. You can give me a good look."

Smell speech, Tian Xin son face a red, deeply buried the first.

"Godfather, you know aunt Tian." Beibei in her arms was very surprised. However, she immediately nodded and said to herself, "well, there's no reason why you don't know such a beautiful woman as aunt Tian, Godfather."


As soon as I heard this, Zhao Chengfeng was very old, and his face was red. Little girl, the mouth is more and more poisonous.

Tian Xin'er's face is more red. She doesn't know what to say, or even how to face Zhao Chengfeng.

"La la la!"

Beibei makes a face and spits out his tongue at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Ah, Chengfeng, are you back?" At this time, Chen Shuxian came out of the kitchen. At the moment when Chen Shuxian saw Zhao Chengfeng, Chen Shuxian almost jumped up.

Had it not been for Tian xiner and Beibei, Chen Shuxian would have rushed up and hung them around the man's neck.

"Yes, I'm back." Zhao Chengfeng apologized: "I haven't come back for a long time. Are you ok?"

"Good, good."

Chen Shuxian nodded repeatedly, forced his missing down, and said, "come on in, why are you standing there? Beibei, be obedient. Go and pour a cup of tea for your Godfather. Don't play all day

"Well, Chengfeng, you sit for a while. I'll go to the kitchen and add two dishes. You wait for half an hour at most." With that, Chen Shuxian got into the kitchen again and began to work.

"Sister Shuxian, I'll help you." Tian Xin'er didn't know how to face Zhao Chengfeng, so she hid in the kitchen.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't stubbornly follow. Not only Tian xiner is shocked, but Zhao Chengfeng hasn't completely recovered. Is the world too small or fate here?

"Come on, godfather, drink tea. This is the best Tieguanyin." At this time, Beibei brought a cup of hot tea and came over. The fragrance of tea was flowing and refreshing.

Zhao Chengfeng picked it up, sipped it gently, and praised: "well, good tea. We Beibei are more and more sensible. We all know how to pour tea for people. It's worth praising

Smell speech, Beibei watery eyes suddenly a bright, surprise way: "that godfather, how do you plan to reward me?"

"What reward do you want?" Zhao Chengfeng is also very happy, in the process of children's growth, praise and praise is essential, so that children have more confidence.

"Here, whether you are a thanker or a compliment, we usually express it with money. You see..." Beibei rubbed her fingers and laughed cunningly.

"I'll go!"

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng turned green. How can I forget that Beibei is a money addict.

"Beibei, why don't we talk about our feelings Zhao Chengfeng is weak and weak. Now he really has no money in his pocket. Before, he looked for Gu Wang everywhere, but all the money was paid by Tang Wei. He didn't pay a cent, and there was no need to spend money.

"It's OK to talk about feelings."

On hearing this, Beibei said, "you are my godfather, right? I am your daughter, right? I haven't seen you for a long time. Shouldn't you give me a gift?" Beibei stretched out her chubby little hand with a sly face.

"I'll go. Why is it still money?" Zhao Chengfeng's face turned green again.

"Oh, yes."

Beibei then said, "you've put my mother to sleep. It's hard for my mother to stay alone for such a long time. I've been with my mother for so long, can't you give me some luck and hardship? "

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't say a word. At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng finally understands what it means to talk about feelings and hurt money. In a word, in front of Beibei, there is nothing that money can't solve.

"Godfather, let me ask you something." Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng didn't say a word, Beibei leaned forward and said in a low voice, "what do you think of aunt Tian? "Isn't it beautiful?"

"What do you want to do?"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly alert, Beibei pit father is not a day or two, we must be careful.

"Of course, I'll help you with your sister." Beibei whispered: "how rare is such a beautiful girl. How about if I help you get it and you give me money?"

"You're a fool!"

Zhao Chengfeng really wants to crush this little girl to death. It's too bad!

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