"How can this be a pit?"

Beibei sat next to Zhao Chengfeng and patiently explained, "my fair lady is a gentleman. Don't you like beautiful women, godfather?"

"Yes, why don't beauties?"

"That's right."

Beibei said: "I tell you, aunt Tian is now the psychological tutor in our welfare home. She also gives us Chinese lessons. Now the students always like him. I've heard several little friends say that when I grow up, I want to marry a woman like aunt Tian, and several male students have directly said that I want to marry aunt Tian when I grow up. Godfather, you have to hurry up. "

"I used to be a psychological tutor in your school. No wonder." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and suddenly realized.

According to Tian Xin'er, she is also an orphan. She has no father or mother. After growing up in a welfare home, she majored in psychology and eventually became a psychologist. Now to work in a welfare home can be regarded as a reward for the kindness of the society.

Moreover, Tian Xin'er's major is psychology, and the children in the welfare home are orphans, without parents. They will have some ideas. If they are not given a correct guidance when they are young, they are likely to have problems in the future.

There are many such situations in the real society, because orphans are poor and can not get care. In reality, they are easily looked down upon or even insulted.

Without a correct outlook on life values, if we go astray in the future, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Well, aunt Tian is very popular in our welfare home, even more popular than her mother." Beibei said: "godfather, don't you like aunt Tian? If you want to like aunt Tian, just say it straight, don't be embarrassed when you are such a big person. As for me, I think you can like other women. It doesn't matter whether you are a little girl or a little girl, as long as you are kind to my mother. "

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, killed also not on this when.

Who is Beibei? Human spirit! Believe her!

"Godfather, you'd like to have a good talk. Don't be silly." Beibei was a little worried. "What's wrong with you? And then you don't like beautiful women? "

Said, Beibei's eyes moved to the key parts of the man, staring at fixed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Zhao Cheng's atmosphere was so dazzling that if he didn't watch the little girl movie, he really wanted to slap it in the past. It's too shameful and his thought is too avant-garde.

"Then why don't you like aunt Tian? Are you in the wrong direction? "

"Go away!"

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were white and he was so angry that he didn't want to.

"Oh, godfather, come on." Beibei had the cheek to come up, blinked and said: "godfather, even if I want to roll, I have to wait until I grow up. Now I'm still young..."


Zhao Chengfeng's eyes widened and his face turned red.

What's wrong with the kids now? Why is it so bad? Especially this thought, too

"Godfather, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much. Give me some pocket money." Beibei took the opportunity to extend a chubby hand.

"No money, the pocket is cleaner than the face!"

Zhao Chengfeng looks depressed. He is really afraid of Beibei. He is too smart.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have money in your pocket. You can transfer money by wechat. Come on, sweep it." On hearing this, Beibei quickly found out the mobile phone, which is the latest version of Apple mobile phone.

Although Beibei is just a little girl, Chen Shuxian generally pays little attention to money. To be sure, Beibei loves money very much, but she never spends money indiscriminately. Most of the money given by Zhao Chengfeng has been saved. She says that even if she marries a diamond king, she can't rely on it. She says that women depend on themselves.

"I'll go." Zhao Chengfeng face a black, feel out his mobile phone.

However, there is no money in Zhao Chengfeng's mobile phone.

"What a wet blanket!"

After sweeping for a long time, she didn't get a dime. Beibei was not happy. She angrily took away her mobile phone and yelled to the kitchen, "Mom, please give up your Godfather. What kind of man? He's been out for several months, and he hasn't got a penny in his pocket. He's still coming to our house to eat and drink, so he's got rid of him. I'll look for a boyfriend later. He's much better than me... "

"I love that sun!"

Zhao Chengfeng finally realized what it means to be open-minded at the sight of money. Once he was not careful, he was cheated by Beibei.

"Dead girl, talk nonsense again, believe me to sew your mouth?" However, before Beibei finished, Chen Shuxian came out of the kitchen and glared at Beibei.

Beibei said obstinately, "Mom, am I right? Look at Godfather. He's been out for several months and only came back to see you once. He doesn't know how to pick up some gifts. He doesn't have a dime. Is that decent? "

"No more nonsense, believe it or not?" The more Chen Shuxian listens, the more angry he is. He threatens.

"Well, I don't want to be told. I'm also thinking about your future." Beibei muttered in a low voice: "now you are young and beautiful. People want you. What if you are old? Godfather is so lecherous. I'm sure I'll find a younger and more beautiful one in the future. At that time, you'll have to pack up and leave... "

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng's face is full of depression. This big black pot can't be forced by himself. She is so good at killing people.

"Little girl, do I have a grudge against you?" Zhao Chengfeng asked weakly.

"No grudge."

Beibei said solemnly, "but my godfather can't shout in vain, and my mother can't let you take advantage of it in vain. In a word, take money and leave without money!"

"Die Ni son, see I don't teach you today, more say more don't score!"

Chen Shuxian also blushed, grabbed the feather duster and rushed over.


Beibei's eyes are quick, and he hides behind Zhao Chengfeng in a hurry, "don't, don't hit me."

"If I don't teach you a lesson today, you don't know what wangfa is. It's too shameful. Do you say that about your own godfather? Isn't your Godfather good to you? " Chen Shuxian is really angry.

It's OK to joke on weekdays, but it's wrong for children to say that about their relatives. It's biased to use money to measure a man's ability.

Moreover, is Zhao Chengfeng not good enough for his two beauties?

"Oh, mom, don't hit me. I'm just making a little joke." Beibei immediately begged for mercy and said with a smile, "besides, it's not easy for you to raise me up. Is that why you beat me? It's not fair. "

"You Chen Shuxian was stunned and couldn't laugh or cry.

"Forget it, forget it."

Finally, Zhao Chengfeng stood up and said, "it's OK, little boy. So what, Shuxian, hurry to cook. I'm almost hungry. "

A man hungry, Chen Shuxian can only temporarily let go of Beibei, "next time I'll deal with you."

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