"Well, don't think you're going to thank you for helping me escape!" As soon as Chen Shuxian leaves, Beibei is finally relieved, but she stares at Zhao Chengfeng.

"You girl."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a bitter smile and joked: "as long as I give you money, you won't hate me?"

"Do you look like a rich man?" Beibei said a word to the top back.


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng embarrassed, don't say, now pocket is much cleaner than face, really no money.

"Dinner's ready!"

Just at this time, Chen Shuxian came out with the food. Suddenly, the whole living room was filled with fragrance. Zhao Chengfeng sniffed his nose. His spirit was shocked.

This is the taste of home!

"Beibei, wash your hands and take the chopsticks. Hurry up, or there will be no dinner at night." Chen Shuxian said to Beibei.

"I know how to bully children. Hum, you are all bad people." Beibei reluctantly got up and took the chopsticks.

Chen Shuxian also had no choice but to shake his head. He turned back to Zhao Chengfeng and said with a smile, "Chengfeng, don't be silly. Hurry to wash and eat. Don't be hungry."

"All right."

Zhao Chengfeng should say that if it wasn't for Tian xiner and Beibei at home, Zhao Chengfeng would rush up to give a woman a kiss. Now we have to put up with it for a while.

And this time, it's not easy to meet Tian xiner. Zhao Chengfeng also wants to have a good chat with a woman. At least, don't let the misunderstanding deepen.

After a while, the food was all on the table, and the four people sat around, quite at home. However, Tian Xin'er's face was a little embarrassed, not as lively as before. As for Beibei, she muttered all the time and stared at Zhao Chengfeng unkindly.

"Eat, eat, don't be stunned. It's not delicious when it's cold." Chen Shuxian said, but he first gave Zhao Chengfeng a piece of man's favorite braised meat.

Beibei bit the chopsticks and complained: "mom is so eccentric. Why don't you give me or aunt Tian vegetables? Hum


Hearing the words, Chen Shuxian blushed and couldn't help staring at Beibei. She said in a low voice, "you can't stop your mouth, can you? In this way, the next time you are not allowed to go home, let you live in school

"Don't you think I'm in the way, delaying the good things between you and godfather?" Beibei didn't have a good way: "after dinner, I'll go with aunt Tian. You can live your world well, hum!"


When Chen Shuxian heard this, her face became even more red. She was so ashamed that she wanted to find a way to get in. What's the truth? It can only be said that today's children know too much, no wonder now children have learned to puppy love.

Ah, today's TV series are harmful.

Chen Shuxian is now the president of the welfare home and has entered the education industry. The children in the welfare home are slightly better. However, when he visited other schools, Chen Shuxian still found many problems.


Now many children are just like Beibei. Some of them are even younger than Beibei, so they learn to be precocious. It's not unusual for children to talk about their partners. It's all caused by TV dramas.

Most of today's TV dramas are about Cinderella meeting Gao Fu Shuai, or the beauty CEO falling in love with the poor boy, and so on. There is only one theme - falling in love. In the end, they all become winners in life.

This brings a potentially dangerous thought to children - we don't need to study hard, we don't need to learn to be human, we don't need to understand things, we just need to learn to fall in love, we will have a happy life in the future.

But on the other hand, in addition to your appearance and figure, how can others give you a lifetime of happiness?

Another example is some cartoons, such as the world's popular jubilant, red and purple, but few people find a problem - if the gray wolf fails to catch the lamb, he must go home with a flat meal, a pan or something.

Are you kidding? It's just like a couple in reality. If a man goes out for a day and doesn't find a suitable job, and doesn't get a cent back, he will be beaten?

The key is, this pan is facing the head, the pan is broken, is the head still there? Do you want to die? Is money important or life important?

"Well, mom, you are eccentric." Beibei side with vegetables, while complaining: "Godfather does not come back, we are green vegetables radish every day, godfather a home, immediately added meat."

Chen Shuxian's face turned red again, but he said, "that's because your Godfather works too hard outside. Shouldn't he eat something good? It's you. Look at you. You're as fat as a rice borer. You can only eat vegetables. "

"Hum." This can make Beibei angry and turn her eyes around.

Tian Xin'er is holding a job. She wants to talk to Zhao Chengfeng, but Chen Shuxian is his wife. What is she? Dig the bottom of the wall?

But who can care about the pain in my heart?

It's true that in recent years, Tian Xin'er seldom has time to Miss Zhao Chengfeng because of her work. However, when she just met Zhao Chengfeng, her inner yearning surged up like a tide, and she couldn't keep it down.

Looking at a happy family, Tian Xin'er's heart filled with bursts of sorrow. I can't help asking myself, is it because I am an orphan, so I shouldn't have love in my life?

I was abandoned by my parents when I was a baby. I lost my father's love and mother's love. Now I have grown up, but I can't get the person I like. My God, what evil did I do in my last life, and I can't get any happiness in my life?

"See what I'll do with you." Chen Shuxian glanced at Beibei and immediately said to Zhao Chengfeng, "Oh, by the way, Chengfeng, I'll introduce you. I forgot that before. This is Xin'er, whose real name is Tian Xin'er. Now she's a teacher in our welfare home. She's also my good sister and best friend..."

"No introduction."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, put down his chopsticks and said with a smile, "I know her. Besides, it's a good relationship. "

"Ah? Is it? Do you know each other? " This time it's Chen Shuxian's turn to be surprised.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, looked at Tian xiner and said, "why don't you do your old business? The webcast platform also needs your help now. It's good for you to leave without saying hello. It's easy for me to find it. "

"I... brother Feng..." Tian Xin'er was a little flustered. He was very nervous and a little excited. He had found himself, but he didn't find it.

This proves that he has his own place in his heart?

"You don't have to say. Beibei told me just now." Zhao Chengfeng interrupted: "teaching and educating people is also a good choice. However, when you have time, you'd better visit the live broadcast platform to help me get popular."

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