"Silly girl, do you want nothing to be with me?" A simple sentence, but let Zhao Chengfeng moved.

Many people say that women are realistic, but Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so. Perhaps, in the real society, there are many women will abandon men, but men should also consider the problem from the perspective of women.

If a man can't give you everything a woman wants, why should she live with her? If a man can't protect his own woman and love his own, why should he sleep with you?

"I'm most afraid that you don't want me, so I avoided you in the beginning." Tian Xin'er tells the truth.

"What a fool

Zhao Chengfeng held the woman in his arms and murmured to himself, "I don't like you or don't want you. It's just that you should know something about my identity. I can't help myself a lot."

"I always feel that to leave you and refuse you is the greatest protection for you. I don't know... Ah. Forget it, don't say it. Now you are my person. I can't promise you a vow, but I can tell you, I won't let you be hurt, I won't let you leave me again, unless I die! "

"That's enough."

Tian Xin'er is in Zhao Chengfeng's arms, and tears come out of his eyes.

"Well, we..."

"Didi... Didi..."

However, before Zhao Chengfeng finished his sentence, the damned phone rang around his waist.

"Damn, I'll call you again. Believe it or not?" Zhao Chengfeng is really speechless, when it's time to be in love, why does the phone ring endlessly?

"Brother Feng, you'd better answer the phone, in case there's something important." Tian xiner also feels that the phone rings at a wrong time, but Tian xiner is very sensible.

A sensible woman will not pester a man. A smart and sensible woman will let men take the initiative to find themselves.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the caller ID and picked up the phone.

"Boss, are you in a bad mood?" As soon as the phone was connected, the voice of the kid came carefully.


It's OK not to mention it. When it's mentioned, Zhao Chengfeng's fire, which he managed to put down, starts to burn again and scolds: "if you're in the crackle, I'll call you and tell you that your father is dead, how do you feel?"

"Cough, cough."

Hearing the speech, the kid was embarrassed and said, "well, the problem is that I don't know who my father is? I don't know if he's dead or not. I... "

"Come on, don't beep, get down to business!"

Zhao Chengfeng quickly interrupted and threatened: "today, if you don't tell me some useful news, I won't kill you."

"Cough." The kid said quickly: "well, I just got the news. At three o'clock in the morning today, Tang Wei's team had arrived in jintari. When they were laying out their tactics, the scouts came with the news that the Japanese and the Americans had withdrawn."

"Left without a shot?" On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly twisted his brows, quite a fist hit on the cotton feeling, no effort.

This time, the Americans and the Japanese were cruel enough. Tang Jinhai was very angry. He sent all the top soldiers to the warehouse and equipped them with excellent equipment to kill these bastards.

Now it's a good thing. People are running ahead of time. How can you drop people? Is it difficult to go to the United States to kill?


The kid nodded and said, "this is the most puzzling part. It's reasonable that they won't leave so easily. Isn't it the same as running for life and beating their own face? It's abnormal to withdraw when you say so. "

"It's really abnormal."

Zhao Chengfeng took advantage of the situation to light up a cigarette, took a dull breath and pondered“ Close monitoring should never be taken lightly. In addition, inform Kingsley that all the scouts at home should be sent out to ensure that the information is accurate and timely, and no mistakes can be made. Moreover, let uduri contact the local government forces as soon as possible. The strength of the local government forces may not be very good, but the information is still very well-informed. We need to share intelligence. "

"Boss, don't pursue this matter?" There's something wrong with the kid.

Zhao Chengfeng has never suffered any losses. This time, hundreds of good brothers died. You and the oil truck were blown up. Can you bear it? You know, when Zhao Chengfeng led the dragon scale team, because he was attacked by the enemy, Zhao Chengfeng was extremely angry and led the team to destroy the enemy.

It's abnormal that we should give up investigating this matter today.

"It's not that you don't investigate. Do you want to take people to the United States and Japan?" Zhao Chengfeng is very calm, lowered his voice and said: "at least, we need to understand each other's intention in order to have the next action."

"Oh, yes." The kid nodded and said, "now I don't know where the enemy is. I can't find a place to revenge."

"Tell them to restrain themselves and never act rashly. Don't be calculated carelessly without knowing it." Zhao Chengfeng reminds again.

"Well, I've got it." The kid answered and hung up.


Put down the phone, Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, smoke, wring eyebrows to think, always feel a little wrong. Why did the Americans start to play guerrilla tactics?

It's not the style of the Americans to change places with one shot.

"What are they doing?" Zhao Chengfeng is unpredictable.

"Brother Feng, do you have something important to do?" See the man's face dignified, Tian Xin'er asked, the whole person also feel bad, also don't know what bothers the man.


Zhao Chengfeng looked back at Tian xiner, nodded heavily, and said: "now there is a very important thing to do, I need your cooperation."

"Well." Tian Xin'er is duty bound to nod her head, thinking that a man needs his help when he has something to do, which is to look up to him, and also shows that he can help him when he is around a man, so that his existence is more meaningful.

"Brother Feng, you can say anything. As long as I can do it, I will do it." Tian Xin'er promised.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded with satisfaction, staring at the woman and said: "now for me, the most important thing is to sleep with you, and completely turn you into my woman. It's better to have another baby or something..."


Tian Xin'er listened very carefully. At last, she knew that she had been fooled by Zhao Chengfeng. Is this an important thing? Just playing hooligans in broad daylight, OK?

"Brother Feng, you are necrotic. I'll ignore you. Hum!" Tian Xin'er's face is red and pretty.

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