"You really ignore me?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a heavy face.

Tian Xin'er blushed and said nothing.

"OK, if you ignore me, I'll leave. You can go to work." Zhao Chengfeng makes an effort to go, and comes to play hard to get.

"Oh, no!"

Sure enough, Tian Xin'er, who had no intention, was worried when she saw that Zhao Chengfeng had taken a step. All the men had gone. What else did she play? Although the man is a little bad, but, with him, Tian Xin'er really feel happy, more happy than ever.

"Didn't you ignore me?" Zhao Chengfeng looks lonely and proud, with his hands on his back and a shelf.

"I..." Tian Xin'er was embarrassed.

"Shall we do business?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a straight face.


Tian Xin'er's face is red again. She wants to put her head into the ground. How can she ask herself such a bold question? Is it too early?

"Don't do it, don't do it, then I'll go..." Zhao Chengfeng raises his foot and goes, giving Tian xiner pressure.

"Don't do it. Can't you do it?" Tian Xin'er quickly grabbed the man, blushing to the ear and neck.

If it is in the past, Tian Xin'er will say that such a woman is too humble to love, but Tian Xin'er can't control herself. She just wants to keep men. As long as she can keep men, Tian Xin'er thinks she can do anything.

Love is blind and great at the same time. In love, no one can maintain absolute rationality, rationality has no love. Then let yourself crazy once, crazy love once.

"Isn't that the end?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng happy, embrace a woman way: "go, let's open a room."

"Open a house in broad daylight..." Tian Xin'er really didn't know what to say, except for blushing, his heart beat faster. Oh, my God, isn't it too fast? I've just had a kiss. I'm going to open a house now. This

"What happened in broad daylight? You can't open a house in broad daylight? "

Zhao Chengfeng eyes a stare, zhengse way: "as long as you are willing, when open a room can drop."

"..." Tian Xin'er blushed and didn't say a word, thinking that he would give up and drop whatever you like.

"Come on, let's find a five-star hotel and a presidential suite, then..."

"Didi... Didi..."

Before Zhao Chengfeng finished speaking, the damn cell phone rang again. Listening to that damned telephone ring, Zhao Chengfeng really has an impulse to strangle the dead. Can you stop being such a wet blanket?

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng took a look at the phone and directly scolded, "old man, is it a day of idle egg pain? If you have nothing to do, why don't you call me? If you have nothing to do, you can't go out to take care of Xiao San and accompany your lover to travel? "

"Damn you, you son of a bitch!"

Zhao Feilong on the other end of the phone almost didn't live to death, heart said, do you think I don't want to find a lover outside? But I don't have the guts. If you let your mother know, you can't strip me of my skin?

"When you are cured, you will not go back to the capital. Do you know that your wife is going to have a baby, and I will bring you children every day? How can I have time to travel?" Zhao Feilong scolds a way, in the heart is very depressed.

At that time, my children didn't take much with them. That's good. Now that I'm a grandfather, I have to take my grandson with me every day. If you want to go out for a cup of tea and play chess, don't even think about it.

"Ah? My wife has a baby? "

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and said: "which wife of mine is going to have a baby?"

"Smelly boy, you're a deter." On hearing this, Zhao Feilong almost didn't live to death, which wife gave birth to a child? Isn't that an act of coercion?

However, it has to be said that Zhao Chengfeng's force is in place, lifelike and vivid.

"Keke, how can I have time to get along with you?"

Zhao Chengfeng looked very busy and said, "who gave birth to the baby? Where are you going to be born? "

"Shanshan, what are you pretending to be? How many wives do you have? " Zhao Feilong scolded on the other end of the phone, feeling a little depressed.

To put it off, Zhao Feilong felt that he had plenty of money. He could raise as many grandchildren as he could, and as many daughters in law as he could. But now a Zhao day to the whole decadent.

"Oh, it's Shanshan." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's head was patted, he really forgot this stubble and said, "what's the situation now? Have you had a baby? "

"You know how to care about your wife." Zhao Feilong hummed coldly: "why don't you get back to me now? Shanshan just got into the hospital. You were not in good health before, but now you are cured. Don't you get back to take care of your children? Fight for it, don't you

"Yes, I'll be right back. I'll be right back." Zhao Chengfeng hastened to answer the question. He felt very sorry for yuan Shanshan.

To be sure, in order to help yuan Shanshan, Zhao Chengfeng really took a very big risk. Chen Gaowang was much more powerful than Zhao Chengfeng at that time. But yuan Shanshan didn't ask Zhao Chengfeng for help.

On the one hand, Zhao Chengfeng took all the Tianzhu in yuan family's secret place. You know, the Tianzhu in yuan family's secret place is different from the Shanzhai version of Tianzhu in breaking the secret place. It has high purity and contains great energy.

On the other hand, Yuan Shanshan has devoted herself to it, and Zhao Chengfeng has learned the yuan family's Vajra boxing. Now I'm giving birth to my own baby. I'm taking a huge advantage.

"Son of a bitch, hold on tight. Your son is waiting for your name." Zhao Feilong scolded angrily and immediately put down the phone.

"Ah, how can I forget this crop!"

Zhao Chengfeng was a little annoyed and said to Tian Xin'er: "I'm sorry, I have something to go to the capital immediately, so..."

"It doesn't matter."

Tian Xin'er shook her head and said with a relieved smile, "go and help yourself. Congratulations, brother Feng. You're going to be a father again. "


Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "I'll go first. I'll take you to open a house next time."

Tian Xin'er blushed and didn't know how to respond. What time is it? This guy is still thinking about something. It's so erotic.

"Oh, No." Zhao Chengfeng took two steps, then turned around and asked, "Xin'er, are you busy recently?"

"I'm ok. What's the matter?" Tian Xin'er doesn't understand.

"If you're not busy, you can go to the capital with me and learn how to have a baby. You can have a son for me tomorrow..." Zhao Chengfeng takes Tian xiner and leaves.


Tian Xin'er was so scared that she turned pale. She resisted and said, "I'm afraid it's not good. I'm not ready..."

"What are you going to do? Don't prepare. When do you want to have a baby? Let me know one year in advance. Now go to have a baby and accumulate some experience... "


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