"Shuxian, I took Xin'er away."

On the way, Zhao Chengfeng called Chen Shuxian and asked for leave.

"Oh, it's ready so soon." Chen Shuxian's joking voice came from the other end of the phone and asked, "where are you taking her? Is it an elopement? "

"Are you kidding? Need to elope? I'll run naked if I want to Zhao Chengfeng took the steering wheel and said, "I'll take her to the capital, and then I'll drive away a bus from the welfare home. You can go back and ask someone to pick it up at the airport."

"To the capital? See your parents? "

Chen Shuxian was stunned at the other end of the phone, and instantly guessed something. She had some acid in her heart and complained: "yes, you can. How long have you been taking me back to see your parents? I've been with you for so long. Why don't you take me to see my parents?"


Zhao Chengfeng did not expect that now Chen Shuxian began to learn how to fight, for a time can not help but a little depressed. However, it's really no wonder that Chen Shuxian took almost all the women home, but didn't take Chen Shuxian to the capital to meet his family.

"Don't sigh." Chen Shuxian said, "don't you think it's inconvenient to take Beibei with you, and then don't you take us to see your parents?"

"Well, don't talk about it. Take it with you. Take all of you this time, will you?" Zhao Chengfeng is also afraid of Chen Shuxian. In the past, women were never jealous. What happened this time? Why are you still fighting with yourself?

"Really?" Smell speech, Chen Shuxian is overjoyed, oneself just make a joke, take two sour words just, didn't expect the man also seriously.

But it's a good thing. So you can see your parents in law earlier. Why not?

"Nonsense, what I said by Zhao Chengfeng, when will it stop?" Zhao Chengfeng has a straight face and is not happy. When a man talks, isn't he spitting on a nail?

"Well, you pick up Beibei and I'll go straight to the airport." Chen Shuxian at the other end of the phone made a little calculation and then made a decision. This is an opportunity and we have to go.

"I'll go. Don't worry. Why don't you arrange the welfare home first?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that women were so anxious.

However, if you think about it carefully, you can see that although women don't want any status, it's necessary to meet their parents. At least let the old people know that there is such a person, and don't have children later. If the old people don't recognize it, it's the most painful.

Of course, if parents really don't like to see themselves, then Chen Shuxian will take the initiative to leave.

"No need to arrange. The welfare home is running well. Besides, I can stay in Beijing for two or three days at most. What can I do for you?" As Chen Shuxian drives along the road, Zhao Chengfeng can hear the roar of the engine across the phone. It seems that the woman is really worried.

"All right, we'll wait for you at the airport." Zhaochengfeng should be a, and return to, let Tian xiner Beibei to bring out, prepare a line of four people directly to the capital hospital.

No matter whether other people will be shocked or not, this is the style of brother Feng, how to drop it?

"Aunt Tian, why are you in my godfather's car? You, you don't really get on with him, do you? " See Tian Xin'er take himself to Zhao Cheng windmill, Beibei shocked.

Beibeina's eyes are so rusty that she can see everything.

"Dead girl, what nonsense? Our... "Tian Xin'er blushed and didn't know how to explain.

"Beibei, is Godfather that bad in your eyes?" Zhao Chengfeng asked while driving. He was really depressed.

Zhao Chengfeng has always felt that he is a female killer. Few women don't blush when they see him. Beibei jueji is an exception. He tries his best to eliminate himself, not to mention the loss.

"Well, it's like you're so good." Beibei didn't think so.

Zhao Chengfeng was not angry, and said slowly: "since you said that, I will not hide it from you. In fact, we are going to the capital today because your Godfather and I want to have a Togo son again. Before you, there is a boy named Zhao Ritan. You look down on Godfather and me so much. You can't count on our Zhao family's property in the future. "


As soon as Beibei heard this, he became interested and said, "godfather, do you still have a son?"


Zhao Chengfeng is serious“ If you don't believe it, you can ask aunt Tian. She just called me in the capital and said that my little wife has entered the delivery room and is about to have a baby. "

"That's no good. Why don't you give me property. Do you think my godfather called me for nothing Beibei glanced at Tian Xin'er and was in a hurry.

Beibei actually knows that godfather is not rich, but rather rich. Or can it support the whole welfare home? Frankly speaking, if it wasn't for godfather, Beibei might still be living in a small hotel in the messy Qingchi district.

Which can be like now, what to have, still living in the sea view room, second only to the existence of villas.

"Didn't you just say that? It's useless to talk about Godfather. I don't want aunt Tian to be with me. I don't have the ability. Why do you think about my property now? " Zhao Chengfeng white the latter one eye, but in the heart is to feel funny.

Little girl film, too smart! Never let yourself suffer!

"Hey, godfather, are you still angry about this?" Beibei's face is not red and her heart is not beating“ Can't you see that I'm saying this to you for your own good? "

"For my good?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "I really don't see that..."

"Godfather, you are so stupid." Beibei, with a childish tone, said, "I'm whipping you, stimulating you, deliberately hitting you, so that you can be brave after you know your shame. Do you understand?"


Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was happy and asked: "according to what you said, I don't have to blame you, but also thank you for your encouragement?"

"I have to thank you. I urge you to move forward in the name of a little money fan. Shouldn't you thank me?" Beibei asked.

"Tell me, how can I thank you?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.


Beibei waved his hand and said, "the people we thank are very easy to understand. Don't be so troublesome. If you really don't know how to thank me, just send me money..."

"I love that sun!"

Zhao Chengfeng's face turned green when he heard this. The girl spared such a big circle. Frankly speaking, it's still for money?


Tian Xin'er can't help laughing. She really admires Beibei for her ability to clean up Zhao Chengfeng.

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