The four met at the airport, immediately bought a ticket and went straight to the capital.

"Mom, what are we going to do? I'm not even in class? " After meeting Chen Shuxian, Beibei is still a little confused, and she doesn't know what to do in the capital all of a sudden.

Chen Shuxian glanced at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "go to your godfather's house. At godfather's house, you should be obedient. Don't be naughty, you know? Otherwise, your Godfather will not want you, and I will not want you. "

"Oh, godfather, your family is still from four or nine cities. It's powerful. It can't be the relatives of the emperor, can it?" Beibei joked.

"It's not serious."

Zhao Chengfeng gives Beibei a white look, but he is thinking about what name to marry his son or daughter.

After the plane started, Beibei seemed to be a little airsick, but this was good. Xiaonizi finally settled down a lot. There was no one chirping along the way, and Zhao Chengfeng was a lot more relaxed.

However, after Beibei falls asleep, Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner are a lot nervous. It's too sudden that they are going to see their parents so soon. Will they not be recognized by Zhao Chengfeng's family?

The tension continued until she got off the plane. Instead of alleviating it, she became more and more nervous.

"Young master, the master asked me to come and meet you." After getting off the plane, Fubo trotted all the way to see that Zhao Chengfeng was safe and sound. Fubo was also very happy that Zhao's family was not so easily frustrated.

"Fauber, why are you so polite? Do I need you to pick me up? " Zhao Chengfeng is very moved. Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng thinks that Fubo is much better than the old man in his family.

As long as they go home, food, clothing, housing and transportation, Fubo's arrangement is proper and can't find out any problems. Although Fubo is old, he is very smooth.

"Young master, you are..." Fubo smiles, but when he notices Chen Shuxian and others, Fubo's smile is a little embarrassed.

My God, it's the son of the Zhao family. There are too many girlfriends. The key is that they are more beautiful than each other. Even their daughters are born. This, this action is too fast.

"Well, you can understand." Zhao Chengfeng lights up a cigarette, smiles smugly, and pulls her two daughters onto the bus.

After getting on the bus, Beibei became active. Beibei found that it was like a luxury car, worth millions. It's just a housekeeper's car. How rich is the Zhao family?

"Grandfather, you just called me Godfather. Is my godfather really the son of a wealthy family? By the way, is the Zhao family rich or not? " Beibei is more concerned about this issue.

"Godfather?" Smell speech, Fubo some accident.

Zhao Chengfeng explained: "Fu Bo, don't pay any attention to her. This little fart is a ghost. I knew that before, I didn't pick her up from the garbage."

"I didn't pick it up. I'm your own, OK?" Beibei is a little angry. Well, now that she has money and is a childe, she doesn't want to be a daughter. It's too shameful.

"Why don't we go to the hospital and have a DNA test?" Zhao Chengfeng.


Beibei is not stupid. He knows whether he is Zhao Chengfeng's own child or not. He really needs to test it. He has to show the truth.

"I can't speak, can I? You're the one we picked up. " Zhao Chengfeng finally won Beibei once. I'm not so happy. This little girl is so smart. It's not easy to take advantage of her.


Who knows, Beibei's waist is straight, snorting: "it's not his own. What's the matter? It's better not to be born. "

"It's ok if it's not your own?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised and joked: "if you were not born to me, you would not be able to share my property in the future?"

"Not your own daughter, but I can marry you as my wife!"

Bei Bei has the final say, dull remarks, and he has a hand in his waist. Despite the astonishment of the crowd, he continued, "I only want to be your wife. How can I divide my family in the future?"

"This..." Fubo was surprised. This is not a girl. It's just a goblin.

Zhao Chengfeng is also a face of dumbfounded, really did not expect Beibei has such a move.


However, in Zhao Chengfeng's stupefied kungfu, Beibei kisses up, his face is not red, breathless, and says: "it's settled. I'll be your wife after all the kisses."

"I'll go there..." Zhao Chengfeng was silly.

"Dead girl, you're fighting, aren't you?" Chen Shuxian blushed, pulled Beibei and glared at him and said, "nonsense again. Do you believe me to throw you out?"


Beibei immediately showed weakness and said, "don't you leave me alone? I won't rob a man with you in the future. Isn't that ok? "

"I..." Chen Shuxian's face turned red, and she couldn't laugh or cry. I don't know how she picked up this girl at that time. At the beginning, she thought it was pistachio. Now, she is a troublemaker.

"Young master, it's very interesting for you to be a daughter." Fubo laughed and had to accept that the children today are really smart and bold.

Zhao Chengfeng laughs noncommittally. He is so depressed that he can't tell. Just now, Zhao Chengfeng is really scared. It's ridiculous that such a big kid wants to be his wife.

However, in other words, I have to admire this little girl's brain.

"By the way, what's Shanshan's condition now? Is she born?" Zhao Chengfeng changed the topic. Although it is rarely dangerous to have children now, Zhao Chengfeng is still worried.

After all, this is yuan Shanshan's first time to be a mother, but it's a pity that she's not always with her as a man, which is a bit too much.

"Don't worry, young master."

Fubo relieved a smile, said: "the wife has taken to check many times, originally the wife is to let her caesarean section, but, said is for the good of the child, must natural birth, labor pain may be a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, young master you don't have to worry."

Fubo wanted to call "young lady" at first, but he was afraid that the two female compatriots behind would be angry and bring unnecessary trouble to the young master, so he forbade.

"OK, drive faster. I want to see Shanshan." Zhao Chengfeng is very distressed.

Natural childbirth, for children, is undoubtedly a great advantage, can enhance certain resistance, but for pregnant women, it is extremely dangerous, many women died in the delivery room.

"All right, then you'll sit down." Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was a little worried, Fubo said, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped out in an instant and went straight to the hospital.

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