The hospital of the Beijing military region is one of the best hospitals in the whole capital. Moreover, the hospital of the Beijing military region is also called "cadre rest home". In short, the people who live in it are all retired senior cadres. They are not qualified to live in the hospital when they are at a lower level.

Outside the intensive care unit of the military hospital, Zhao Feilong and Murong Shuang, as well as weidora, Jiangling and Zhao Litian, all stood outside the door, stamping their feet in a hurry.

"Why not?" Zhao Feilong walked back and forth, his heart all mentioned in his throat.

"What's the rush?"

Murong frost can't help but white the latter one eye, no good way: "what do you think is to have a baby? Is it urgent? Do you think it's going to war? "

"I..." Zhao Feilong a face Shan Shan, an old face rose crimson, Leng is dare not reply.

Jiangling and weidora on one side feel funny. Zhao Feilong, who is not afraid of everything, is still a wife fearing master. I've lived in Zhao's old house for half a year, especially in Jiangling, for almost a year. Jiangling is too clear about her husband's ability. Not to mention the general rich and powerful officials in Beijing, during the period of Zhao Chengfeng's injury, the No. 1 and No. 2 leaders came to visit her in person, and even brought gifts.

As for ordinary people, my husband is not happy with his opinions.

Such a big man is a wife fearing guy. Who can believe it? Keren couple relationship has been good, noisy very interesting.

"Ah, Chengfeng is also a smelly boy. His daughter-in-law is about to give birth to a baby, and the father is not present. It's not decent. It's not decent." Zhao Feilong has no choice but to complain about his son Zhao Chengfeng.

"What are you doing?"

How do you know, Murong frost is very protective of his son, glared and scolded: "you think your son is just like you, you know how to walk birds and play chess all day long, you don't do business, your grandson doesn't take his grandson, you know how to play when you are dozens of years old. My son is busy all day. I don't know how to help him. I dare to talk nonsense. Do you believe me to show you some color? "


Zhao Feilong immediately silent, there is a feeling of being hit, this is still his wife? What I said was wrong.

"Chengfeng's greatest misfortune is to have such a Lao Tzu as you. Hum!" Murong frost glared at the latter, looked back at the delivery room, heard the bursts of moaning inside, Murong Frost's heart also followed the tension up.

All women, especially those who have had children, can not understand the pain too much.

"Who is speaking ill of me? How can I feel a little hot in my ears? "

However, at this time, the elevator door suddenly opened, Zhao Chengfeng took the lead to come out, a white look at Zhao Feilong. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have to guess. He must have said bad things about himself behind his back.

"You smelly boy, I..." Zhao Feilong's face is green with anger. Good boy, he is so bold that he dares to shake his face with himself. However, how can he know that he speaks ill of him behind his back?

"Mom, I'm back!"

Zhao Chengfeng directly ignores Zhao Feilong and goes to give Murong frost a big hug.

"Just come back, just come back." Murong frost rarely smiles.

Then Zhao Chengfeng gives Jiangling and weidora a a hug. At the end, Xiaotian opens his hands and yells, "Dad, don't you want to give me a hug?"

"I don't want to hold you." Zhao Chengfeng refused to stretch out his hands and said, "man, our orientation is quite right. What's the matter with us two big men hugging each other?"

"What are you talking about?" Jiangling white Zhao Chengfeng a look, his face brimming with a happy smile.

The family finally got together. Seeing that the man was safe, Jiangling's heart finally fell into her stomach. Jiangling knows that Zhao Chengfeng has been bitten by the evil spirit and wants to go out with the man, but Jiangling knows that she can't leave because she has children to take care of.

"Am I not right? If you want to pick up a girl, you have to start with a child. Otherwise, how can you contribute to the growth of my Laozhao family? " Zhao Chengfeng's eyes glared and he pretended to be a model.

"You're my father, I..." Jiangling's eyes turned around and he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Son, listen to me, go and play with my girlfriend." No matter what Jiangling thought, Zhao Chengfeng went straight to xiaotiandao, "my son of Zhao Chengfeng can't do anything, but he can't do it."

"Oh, all right." Xiaotian nodded, suddenly his eyes brightened, and his eyes fell on Beibei who just got out of the elevator.

Although Beibei is bigger than herself, she is so beautiful. She is chubby and looks like a porcelain doll. Her facial features are exquisite, which can be called perfect. In particular, her two bright eyes, like gemstones, radiate dazzling light.

"Oh, little beauty."

Small day two eyes shining walked past, "very beautiful ah, have a boyfriend?"

The sudden scene shocked everyone. Even Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that his son was so talented in picking up girls. He could be called a genius.

"Talent." Zhao Feilong's face was filled with emotion.

"Little boy, stay away." Beibei pushes Xiaotian away, walks to Zhao Chengfeng and asks, "godfather, why do you bring us to the hospital?"

"Godfather? This... "

Murong frost looked at the little girl, and looked at Zhao Chengfeng, not only Murong frost was stunned, even the side of Jiangling and others also a little bit confused. How come you have a dry daughter?

According to the truth, shouldn't it be a daughter?

"Girl, you are my father's dry daughter. Fortunately, you are not his own daughter, otherwise we will have no chance." At this time, Xiaotian came up again.

The little boy has gone to school now. He has learned a lot. Maybe he has heard a lot from the adults, and many things are in his mind.

"Little boy, you say this is your father?" Beibei was surprised and asked, pointing to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Yes, this is my dad." Xiaotian has a proud face.

"Mom, look at the man you're looking for."

As soon as Beibei was impatient, she ran to Chen Shuxian and said, "look, everyone has a son. He's wearing a green hat for you outside. You say how unworthy you are..."


As for Beibei's words, almost everyone's eyes moved over. Chen Shuxian was so ashamed that her face was burning. She grabbed Beibei and said in a low voice, "Beibei, don't talk nonsense."

However, the eyes of Zhao Feilong and murongshuang are really weird. Isn't this the next dish man?

"Well, here's the thing."

Seeing that the woman was embarrassed, Zhao Chengfeng said, "Mom, this is Shuxian, this is Xin'er. They are all my women, so..."

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