
Suddenly, there was a hysterical roar in the delivery room.


Zhao Chengfeng's nerves tensed and rushed to the door of the delivery room.


Then there was a loud cry, and people's hearts fell to the ground in an instant, and finally they were born.

"Shanshan..." Zhao Chengfeng is still not at ease, standing outside the door and shouting.

"Chengfeng, don't get excited. There's a doctor in it. Don't worry. It'll be OK. It's already born." Jiangling quickly grabbed Zhao Chengfeng, knowing that men are anxious, but it's useless to be anxious.

At the same time, Jiangling also envies yuan Shanshan. When he was a child, no one cared about him. It's hard to say. At that time, he didn't know who Zhao Chengfeng was mixing with.

"Don't worry, son. It's OK. It's OK." Murong frost also follow comfort way.

However, how does Zhao Chengfeng feel at ease? Looking at the delivery room, always do not move eyes, all subconsciously pinch up, cluck.


After waiting for two minutes, the delivery room door opened, and a nurse came out and said with a smile, "Congratulations, mother and daughter are safe."


Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was relieved, and all his worries were swept away. Zhao Chengfeng had been joking with Xiaotian before, but he didn't pay attention to the voice in the delivery room. Yuan Shanshan's roar just now really scared Zhao Chengfeng.

"Thank you, nurse!"

"Thank you, nurse!"

The family's heart finally fell to the ground, and they all expressed their thanks to the nurses.

"When can I see mother and daughter?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

The nurse smiles and says, "it may take more than ten minutes. Don't worry..."

"Can't I go in and have a look? I am the father of the child This time, Zhao Chengfeng is really anxious.

Before Zhao Chengfeng, he didn't know what it was like to stand outside the delivery room, or how hard it was to be a mother. At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng deeply realized that he felt sorry for yuan Shanshan, but also felt sorry for Jiangling.

Jiangling is an underworld tycoon in the south-east, which makes countless people scared. But Zhao Chengfeng knows that no matter how strong Jiangling is outside, after all, she is just a woman.

"It really can't. the delivery room hasn't been cleaned yet." The nurse laughed apologetically and closed the door of the delivery room.

"Don't worry, son."

Murong Shuang patted her son on the shoulder and said with relief, "didn't the nurses say it all? Mother and daughter are safe. Just wait a little longer. "

Zhao Chengfeng didn't say a word. He just lit a cigarette and sucked it up. Maybe it was because he was too worried. Zhao Chengfeng took a few mouthfuls, and a cigarette was almost gone.

"Don't smoke so much. It's bad for your health." Murong frost frowned slightly, and said: "yes, Yan'er came to the house yesterday and said that you have no problem, right?"

Murong frost is very concerned about her son's health. Before Shangguan Yan'er came back yesterday, the whole family was worried about Zhao Chengfeng. It was only after Shangguan Yan'er explained the situation that the whole family was relieved. However, today to see his son's face, Murong frost would like to ask again, to ensure that everything is safe.

"I'm all right now, mom, you don't have to worry." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng felt warm, he forced out a smile.

"It's OK. It's OK." From her son's affirmative reply, Murong frost was completely relieved, but still told: "in the future, you must not commit any danger with yourself. If there is anything dangerous, let me do it."

One side of Zhao Feilong heard this, almost did not live to death, this is not pit father? Why do you have to do dangerous things by yourself?

"Well, I'll let you know next time there's something dangerous." Zhao Chengfeng showed a smile and felt very funny.

Despite Zhao Chengfeng's insistent cry, he still admires Zhao Feilong. Zhao Feilong is the patron saint of China. I'm afraid no one can be his opponent in terms of force. However, in front of his wife, he always looks like a hen pecked husband.

It's not that Zhao Feilong is afraid of his wife, but that he respects his wife.

"I..." Zhao Feilong is going to curse his mother.

"Let's get out of the way, the mother is coming out."

However, at this time, the door of the sick room opened again, and several nurses and doctors pushed yuan Shanshan out. Next to Yuan Shanshan, there was a baby lying, and the mother and daughter looked at each other.


Zhao Chengfeng pounced on her and seized the woman's hand excitedly.

"Do you feel better? Is there anything uncomfortable? " Zhao Chengfeng some incoherent, can see, Zhao Chengfeng is very nervous.

"It's a trend."

Yuan Shanshan's face was a little pale. After all, she had just had a baby and consumed too much energy.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Look, our child, I have a baby for you. Are you happy?" Although yuan Shanshan's face was a little pale, her face was always brimming with a happy smile.

"Yes, our child, thank you, Shanshan." Zhao Chengfeng holds the woman in one hand and the baby's little hand in the other. He is almost in tears with excitement.

This is Zhao Chengfeng's first time to be a real father. How can he not be excited? Moreover, before that, Zhao Chengfeng really did not dare to imagine that he could live to see his daughter born.

"Chengfeng, let Shanshan and her children go into the ward. Don't catch cold. From now on, Shanshan will have to start to take delivery of the baby, but she can't be careless." Murong frost reminds a way.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng quickly with nurses, doctors together, the mother and daughter into the intensive care unit.

After entering the ward, the attending doctor said: "I can understand everyone's mood, but now the pregnant women need to rest and drink more water. In addition, the newborn also needs to rest, put her next to her mother, the mother's temperature is the baby's most familiar temperature, do not catch cold

"Well, well, we've all written it down. Thank you, doctor." Murong frost thanks again and again.

When he got to the door, Fubo didn't know where to find out a few big red envelopes, one for each person. Don't force them into his pocket. It's not about giving gifts, it's just about being happy and being lucky.

"Ah, my good granddaughter, come and smile to my grandfather."

"Sister, give my brother a smile..."

"Wow... Wow..."

But without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to tease the child, the child began to cry, obviously frightened by everyone.

"Get the hell out of here!"

Murongshuang is quite dignified, and hums coldly: "one by one, can't you keep your voice down? What if it scares my granddaughter? "

Zhao Feilong looks embarrassed.

"All out. There are not so many people in the room. Didn't you listen to what the doctor just said? Now Shanshan needs to rest, and so does the child. " Murong Frost said: "in this way, I and Chengfeng just stay here, you all go back, I'll call you if there is anything."

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