"Madame, why don't I stay here to look after you?" Fauber suggested.


Murong Shuang waved her hand and said, "I'll take care of them with Chengfeng. Jiangling, take them back to have a good rest. Fubo, arrange the dinner. Shanshan here is estimated to have no problem. I'll go to the hospital for a moment to ask. If there is no problem, it's OK for Shanshan to go home for self-cultivation. It's much more convenient to be at home if you have a quick recovery from natural labor. "

"Well." Jiangling nodded, feeling that this arrangement was very appropriate.

"Yes, madam. I'll go back and prepare the room first." Fubo didn't dare to neglect, so he turned around and went back to work first.

As the housekeeper of Lao Zhao's family, Fubo is very free sometimes, but sometimes he is very busy. Because there is a romantic young master in his family who often takes different girls home. Now these girls basically live in Lao Zhao's family. It's a problem to arrange housing alone.

"Chengfeng, well, let's go to a hotel." Chen Shuxian hesitated. If Zhao Chengfeng went with him, it would be much better. Someone said something and gave a brief introduction. But if Zhao Chengfeng didn't go, he would go with Tian xiner and take Beibei to Zhao's house. What's the point?

"What hotel are you staying at?"

Murong frost went straight to Chen Shuxian, took Chen Shuxian's hand and said: "when you get to the capital, you will be home. Just live at home. It's not suitable outside. There's something wrong with the hospital. We'll talk slowly when we get back. "

"All right, all right." Chen Shuxian was flattered. Unexpectedly, Zhao Chengfeng's mother had a direct conversation with her. Was this recognized by her in laws?

"Go back, it's OK." Zhao Chengfeng followed.

In this way, the original ward full of people, a moment quiet a lot.

"Tut Tut, my little granddaughter is really handsome." Murong frost is sitting beside the bed and can't put it down.

Zhao Chengfeng also holds yuan Shanshan's hand and laughs foolishly. Maybe yuan Shanshan was really tired. Looking at her, she went to sleep slowly. After a while, she even snored.

Maybe the mother and daughter have feelings. Yuan Shanshan just went to sleep for a while, and the child went to sleep with her.

"They are all asleep. Let's go out and let them have a good rest. Don't disturb them." Murong frost suggested.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and covered the cup for yuan Shanshan's mother and daughter. Then he followed Murong frost out of the ward and went to the small living room outside the intensive care unit.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng and Murong frost need not be so careful. The hospital will take good care of beating people and children. You know, since Yuan Shanshan entered the hospital for the first time, she has been taken care of anytime and anywhere.

"Shanshan is really capable. She gave birth to a daughter to our Zhao family." To the outside living room, Murong frost poured a cup of hot tea for his son, and said: "Chengfeng, you must treat Shanshan well, this girl is good."

"Don't worry, I know it." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, how could he have no bottom in his heart?

Not only to Yuan Shanshan good, as long as it is Zhao Chengfeng's woman, Zhao Chengfeng will be good to her.

"By the way, what happened to that little girl just now? How did she call you godfather?" Murong frost digs away from the topic and asks: "how? Isn't that your own daughter? "


Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said: "Beibei is the child Shuxian picked up from the welfare home, and Shuxian is my first home in Beihai city. She is very virtuous and kind. Now he is the director of Beihai welfare home. He once volunteered in Africa for a period of time. She is a good girl. "

"Oh, that's it." Murong frost is relieved to hear that Murong frost is not old-fashioned, but does not want to let his son be the successor. Now it seems that he is worried too much.

"Or what do you think?"

Zhao Chengfeng also knew what his mother was thinking“ Beibei is not born, but this little girl is very smart. Her future is limitless. You will know that this girl is everyone's happy fruit. As long as there is her place, there will be laughter. Anyway, I see her as my own daughter. "

On hearing this, Murong frost knew her son's attitude, and said nothing else. Anyway, the Zhao family has plenty of money, let alone raising one more child. Even if they raise ten or eight more children, there is no pressure.

On the other hand, it's a good thing that the population is booming. This shows that the Zhao family is powerful, doesn't it?

"What about the other girl?" Murong frost also said: "that girl I look good, chubby is very lovely, looking at is also a kind girl."

"Mom has a good eye."

Zhao Chengfeng praised a, introduced: "her name is Tian Xin'er, as you say, is a kind and lively girl, but also a very hard-working girl."

"Hard life? What do you say? " Murong frost is puzzled.

"Because she's an orphan."

Zhao Chengfeng sighed: "Xin'er grew up in a welfare home when she was a child. When she grew up, she became a psychologist and opened an outpatient clinic with her own skills. However, later, she met Qin long, Qin Yuzi's adopted son. Qin long wanted to be with Xin'er and was abandoned by me. Later, Xin'er was kidnapped by the boss of webcast. She was lonely and ill fated. "

"Before, because of my body, I refused Xin'er's confession. As a result, Xin'er was sad and left quietly. This time, it's hard to find her. I won't let her leave me. Now Xin'er and Shu Xian both work in the welfare home, and they get along very well. Before, the old man called me and said that Shanshan was going to have a baby. I brought it back for you to have a look. Anyway, you have to know that you have two daughters in law. "

"You are a lucky boy."

Murong frost smiles and shakes her head. She has to admire her son's good luck. This luck is just against the sky. There are beautiful girls who can follow him wherever he goes.

Well, it's worthy of being a member of the Zhao family. It's really unusual!

"Do you think I'd like to?"

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head with a wry smile, smokes his cigarette and doesn't say a word. At this time, it looks beautiful, but the pressure is not what others can imagine.

Just like yuan Shanshan lying in the hospital bed, Zhao Chengfeng paid a great price for yuan Shanshan.

"Whether you like it or not." Murong Frost said: "in my opinion, these girls are good. You are blessed with being gentle and quiet, capable in Jiangling, hot in Dora, virtuous and virtuous, and sweet in Xin'er. In a word, you must be kind to them, or I will not let you go. "

"Well, can I be bad to them?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"That's right..."

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