Yuan Shanshan's recovery is very ideal. After consultation with experts in the hospital, it was unanimously decided that Yuan Shanshan could be directly discharged from the hospital and return home for self-cultivation. However, for the sake of safety, the hospital sent two nurses.

After all, nurses are more experienced and can cope with any unexpected situation.

In this way, when it was about to get dark, Yuan Shanshan entered the old house of Zhao family. Zhao Feilong had prepared to hang firecrackers. At last, he was stopped by Murong frost and was scolded!

"What if the child is so small and scared?" This sentence made Zhao Feilong lose his temper.

"Ah, with sons and grandchildren, I will lose my dignity in this family." Zhao Feilong was a little depressed, but after two minutes of depression, he went to see the children again.

After settling down Yuan Shanshan and the children, leaving the nurse to take care of them, Zhao Chengfeng and his party went to the big living room, where they all gathered together. It was very lively.

"Come on, it's a big day for our Zhao family. We must have a good drink today." Zhao Feilong is very active. He takes out a bottle of his daughter Hong Lai from the room.

"If you want to drink, just say it. It's not a big happy event. Can't my family have a big happy event without drinking?" Murong frost white Zhao Feilong one eye, back to Chen Shuxian, Tian Xin'er said: "today is really a good day for our Zhao family, one of them, Zhao family Tim Ding; Second, I have two more daughters in law. That's a good thing! "

Chen Shuxian has a red face, so straightforward and excited, but why does it make people feel weird?

Daughter in law is two, this, this

"Come on, Shuxian, Xin'er, this is a gift." Murong frost can be shy or not, directly from the hands of the ring, bracelets, a person a share to Chen Shuxian and Tian Xin'er.

Murongshuang didn't expect that her son was so capable and she had too many girlfriends. Before, Jiangling, Yuan Shanshan and other girls, including weidora, all had bracelets, rings and other jewelry to give away. The right should be a meeting gift.

But now there are too many girlfriends. Murong frost takes a lot of gifts. Now Murong frost learns to be smart. In order to avoid embarrassment, she goes to the jewelry store to buy a lot of jewelry and takes it with her at any time.

"Thank you, Auntie..." Chen Shuxian blushed and answered in a low voice.

"How do you say that?"

Zhao Chengfeng a listen to this words, immediately some not happy, stare a way: "shouldn't call mother of?"


Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner's face is redder. They are so shy that they want to find a way to get in. Isn't it too fast. This is the first time we met. If we call our relatives like this, will it make people feel casual.

"It's OK. Take your time." Murong frost see two female red face, but is not how mind, shy that women introverted.

The daughter-in-law of Lao Zhao's family has already had weidora to be bold and unrestrained. It's not a bad thing for others to be introverted and shy. It's better to have all kinds of taste.

"Mom, Dad, thank you..." Chen Shuxian, with a big red face, called softly, and looked back at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng, however, seems to have never seen it. He is eating his own food. Let alone, the taste of the old capital is real.

"Mom, are you stupid to change your tongue so soon?"

However, before Murong frost and Zhao Feilong agree, Beibei, who is sitting between Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner, is not happy. She tugs at Chen Shuxian and says, "you haven't given the fee for the change, so you start calling your parents. What a loss? If you look at me, I won't call you


"Ha ha ha..."

After three seconds of silence in the living room, people immediately burst out laughing. They really think that Beibei is cute. Although she is a little realistic, she is very real. She looks like an adult and is very popular.

"Dead girl, what nonsense? Believe it or not? " Chen Shuxian's face is red again. It's not easy to get rid of the embarrassment. It's a good thing that this girl threw out a word and almost didn't get laughed off. People who don't know think that she has taught the children badly.

"It's just that. If you don't have any money, you'll be someone else's daughter-in-law. Are you stupid?" Beibei murmured in a low voice, pouting her little mouth and looking aggrieved.


Chen Shuxian was so angry that she wanted to fight.

"Don't, kid, you're kidding." Zhao Feilong quickly stopped him and took out a big red envelope from his pocket. Because Lao Zhao's family had just joined the family, they prepared a lot of red envelopes. He took a few of them casually and said to Beibei, "come on, Beibei, this is a gift from your grandfather. Take it..."

"Wow, there are red envelopes!"

At the moment of seeing the red envelope, the unhappiness on Beibei's face disappeared, her eyes lit up and she grabbed the red envelope.

"Smelly girl, you are so angry with me!" Chen Shuxian was angry and embarrassed, so she could only say, "don't you say thank you to my grandfather?"

Beibei counted the money of some red envelopes and then said to Zhao Feilong, "thank you, Grandpa..."

"Wait a minute."

Who knows, Beibei didn't finish a word, Xiaotian next to Jiangling was not happy, interrupted: "you can't call grandfather!"

Once again, everyone was stunned. What's your name?

"Xiaotian, what nonsense? What's the name of grandfather? " Jiangling white a small day, said: "come, eat, eat, go to bed early, tomorrow also have classes."

"I just can't call him grandfather."

Xiaotian mumbled and complained: "don't you think about it, if she calls her grandfather, then I will become a brother-in-law relationship with her? How can I marry her in the future? "

Once again, they were shocked. After more than a minute's silence, they came back to their senses.

"Ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

They all burst into laughter and were amused by Xiao Tian.

"Little fart, what's the matter with you? If you are not handsome and have no money, why should I marry you?" Beibei said with a black face: "besides, godfather is so lecherous. You are better than blue. Won't you be more lecherous in the future? I don't want to marry you, hum

"I'll go. Can I be to blame?" Zhao Chengfeng was surprised, and suddenly lay down his gun.

But Xiaotian was a little worried and said, "who will you marry if you don't marry me? I tell you, I'm the only one in the world who can marry you

Xiaotian waved his fist, with a firm face.

"Hum, little fart, you'd better wait until you grow up first." Beibei turns her eyes and ignores Xiaotian. However, she is still very happy. First, she has received some big red envelopes. Second, some people pursue themselves. Doesn't that show her charm?

What a wonderful thing!

"Come on, have dinner, have a drink." The two children are no longer noisy. Zhao Feilong raises his glass and drinks together to celebrate this rare day.

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