After dinner, the whole family sat in the yard to enjoy the cool. After seeing the children, Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner let Beibei rest. Because Jiangling had to deal with some company affairs and take care of the family, during this time, weidora slept with Xiaotian.

As soon as the two little kids fell asleep, the whole house of the Zhao family was quiet. The huge courtyard is divided into two squares. Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Feilong and Fu Bo sit by for tea and chat, while Murong Shuang chats with Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner.

"Smelly boy, you must have a good fortune if you survive. As soon as you come back, you bring two daughters-in-law back." Zhao Feilong joked as he smoked.

Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyelids and said with pride: "that's how to drop it? Is it jealousy? How many more can you marry? "

"I..." Zhao Feilong a listen to this, a face of fear, subconsciously swept a distant Murong frost, sit in a state of anxiety.

"Young master, you are well now. You can have a good rest for a while." One side of Fubo light smile, to Zhao Chengfeng built a cup of Tieguanyin, tea overflowing, a look is not any product.

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head with a smile, sips his tea and says to Zhao Feilong, "old man, talk about the inner gate. If there is no accident, I will enter the inner gate when Shanshan comes out of confinement."

"The inner door?"

On hearing this, Zhao Feilong's face changed slightly. When he came to the teacup, he put it down again. He frowned and asked, "do you have to go in?"


Zhao Chengfeng rolled a big white eye, no good airway: "now look is happy, but I have not found Bingbing, also failed to complete Shanshan dream, do you want me to give up?"

"The inner door is not so easy to break through."

Zhao Feilong took a puff of smoke and said in a dull voice: "I also introduced some of the general patterns in the inner gate last time. With your current strength, it's no problem to enter the inner gate to participate in the laoshizi family meeting. However, there are many experts in the inner gate, and you should pay more attention to some of them. I'm afraid that your temper will cause conflicts with others."

"People don't offend me, I don't offend; If a man offends me, I will kill him! " Zhao Chengfeng said lightly, but there was a kind of domineering power between the eyebrows.

"That's what worries me the most."

Zhao Feilong sighed, but still introduced: "there are many inner sects. However, you only need to pay attention to three sects: Wuji sect, Huazong sect and Jingan sect."

"Among the three sects, the Wuji sect is the strongest. It can be said that the Wuji sect is the most powerful among the inner sects. In addition, there are ten families in the inner gate. "

After a pause, Zhao Feilong glanced over Murong frost in the distance and sighed: "among the top ten schools, the Yun family, he family and Murong family are the three most powerful families. In fact, their strength is no less than that of Huazong and Jingan. The Murong family may not like you, so... "

"How strong is it?" Zhao Chengfeng asked in a dull voice, feeling a little upset.

"I'm not sure about that."

Zhao Feilong shook his head and said, "I've been away from the inner gate for many years. I don't know how far the inner gate has grown. However, it's certain that there are experts in yuxu realm in the inner gate. That is to say, someone can slap you to death."

Smell speech, the corner of Zhao Chengfeng's mouth can't help twitching twice, in the heart some suffocate, paralyzed, can't be so strong abnormal? Are you going to let people play?

"If you insist on going to the inner gate, I won't stop you, but you should know how to retreat in the face of difficulties. Don't be so impulsive. You are a man. You can bend and stretch, and don't have a hard time with yourself." Zhao Feilong took the opportunity to persuade.

Zhao Feilong knows his son's temperament too well. Just like when he was dealing with the king of heaven, that is, his brother, he could have contacted himself in advance and let himself fight with him. In this way, he has a better chance of winning.

But he had to fight hard. In the end, the sky was destroyed, but it also suffered a lot. For this matter, his wife also scolded himself, for several days did not let himself go to bed to sleep.

"Well, I see. You don't have to worry." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, while drinking tea, while it is calculated up.

Before entering the inner gate, he must get Hua Xiaobao back. After all, Hua Xiaobao is also a member of the inner gate. He knows more about the inner gate, so that Zhao Chengfeng can avoid confrontation with some super large forces.

Zhao Chengfeng was not born to be a troublemaker. He just wanted to take part in the inner family competition and get back their honor for the yuan family; Just want to find Xia Bingbing early, as for other grievances, Zhao Chengfeng does not want to participate.

"Do it yourself." Zhao Feilong said nothing.

My son, I know, no matter how much he says, no one can change what he has decided. Of course, on the other hand, Zhao Feilong also wants Zhao Chengfeng to enter the inner door.

If a man doesn't have some responsibility, is he still a man?

"By the way, have you ever gone to see Aunt Qingyi?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of something and asked.


Wen Yan, Zhao Feilong's face is red. He hesitated. "Why do you ask this?" Besides, what am I going to do with her? I haven't seen her for so many years. I don't know her. "

Zhao Feilong prevaricates and looks at Murong frost over there. He is very embarrassed. Smelly boy, which pot doesn't open, which pot is it?

"Cut, don't know!"

Zhao Chengfeng disdains to curl his mouth, a face not channel: "ignorant who? When I'm an idiot, right? "

"I..." was exposed, Zhao Feilong more embarrassed.

Regardless of Zhao Feilong's expression, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "in the island war, the king of the broken sky fled, and the whole broken sky was almost destroyed. However, another man ran away."

"Who?" Zhao Feilong doesn't understand. Does it have anything to do with him?

"One of the four Dharma protectors - rosefinch!"

Zhao Chengfeng stared into Zhao Feilong's eyes and said with a smile: "don't tell me, you don't know who the rosefinch is, do you? She never forgets you. You can't... "


Zhao Feilong quickly interrupted and said: "I just think she is my younger martial sister, OK? Don't talk nonsense. Besides, she's also gone bad these years. What's wrong with her? She just wants to help the tyrant? "

"What am I talking about? Ha ha. "

Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, has been staring at Zhao Feilong heart hair.

"It's just bullshit." Zhao Feilong stubbled his neck and said, "she was really a little careful about me, but I never agreed. Now why do you mention this? How can we settle accounts after autumn? "

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