"I'm not in the mood to settle with you."

Zhao Chengfeng white the latter one eye, way: "anyway you these old lovers are settled, can never be found by mother, or you die."


On hearing this, Zhao Feilong almost didn't live to death. He was so depressed that he said, "if you want to be blind, can your mother know?"? In the final analysis, it's threatening yourself.

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

Just then, the gate suddenly rang. Fubo quickly opened the door, and when father and son talked about these topics, Fubo couldn't get in the way.


As soon as the gate opened, Shangguan Yan'er flashed in.

"Shangguan girl is coming. Please sit down." Fubo said with a smile and invited Shangguan Yan'er in.

Shangguan Yan'er said with a smile, "thank you, Fubo."

"It's very polite. Go in and have a seat. The master and his wife are here, and the young master is back." Fubo said with a smile. He had to admire his master.

What is talent? This is talent!

Looking through the history of China, we can see that there is no emperor who does not worry about the three palaces and six courtyards. There are so many concubines who want to fight for favor and make trouble all day long. But here, Zhao Chengfeng, we get along very well.

"Yan'er is coming. Come on, sit down." Seeing Shangguan Yan'er, Zhao Feilong looked very happy and said with a smile.

"Thank you, uncle Zhao." Shangguan Yan'er's face is slightly red, but more attention falls on the man“ Congratulations to Uncle Zhao and aunt Murong. You have another granddaughter. "

"Yan'er can talk." Murong Frost said with a smile, "come here, let's have a good chat."

Shangguan Yan'er naturally sees Tian Xin'er and Chen Shuxian. She suddenly guesses them. Who are they? How can it appear in the old house of Zhao family? It seems that the Zhao family does not have such relatives.

"These two are..." Shangguan Yan'er asked.

"They are all my women."

Without waiting for Murong frost to answer, Zhao Chengfeng, who was drinking tea on the other side, took the lead in shouting. Now Zhao Chengfeng is too lazy to beat around the bush. Anyway, sooner or later, everyone will know each other. Why cover up?

"Oh, so..." Shangguan Yan'er was a little stunned. She laughed and gave a ha ha, then turned back to Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner and introduced herself.

After the three women got to know each other, they chatted again. As for women, they mostly talked about skin care products. However, although the surface chat is very happy, Shangguan Yan'er has some discomfort in her heart. For nothing else, just for her sister Shangguan Lanxin.

Along the way, how much did my sister Lanxin pay for Zhao Chengfeng? But this guy is good. After returning to Beihai City, he sent himself to the capital alone, and then he brought two beautiful women to the capital the next day. He was so happy that he didn't want to leave. Where did he care about finding Shangguan Lanxin?

"You boy, cow!"

On the other side, Zhao Feilong gives a thumbs up to Zhao Chengfeng. In terms of picking up girls, Zhao Feilong has to convince his son. It's amazing! Sometimes, Zhao Feilong can't understand why these girls want him so much?

If you want to say that he is handsome, there is still a gap between him and his old handsome man.

"It must be." Zhao Chengfeng picks his eyebrows and takes two puffs of smoke, with a face full of anger.

"Give me some sunshine and it will be brilliant."

"Can you find so many girlfriends and take them home?"

"..." Zhao Feilong immediately did not say a word, his neck swelled red, and he was very anxious.

If Zhao Feilong wants to have the courage, how can he only have a son like Zhao Chengfeng?

"If you don't have the ability, don't be blind. Keep a low profile." Zhao Chengfeng reproached.

Zhao Feilong is more speechless.

"I really want to pick up girls in the future. Tell me in advance. I'll teach you some routines, and you won't be charged for the tuition." Zhao Chengfeng then joked.


Zhao Feilong's face was so angry that he almost died. He was paralyzed. His son taught me to pick up girls. What's the reason?

"Don't be embarrassed, we are all men, I can understand..."

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

At this time, however, the door rang again. Everyone was stunned. What's going on tonight? Why are so many people here? However, after a little stupefied, Fubo did his best to open the door.

"It's so disturbing to visit late at night." As soon as the door opened, Tang Weiguo came in laughing with a gift box in his hand. As for Tang Weiguo's bodyguard and driver, they didn't come in.

Murong frost looks unhappy. Why do you come to your home in the middle of the night?

It's not that Murong frost is not hospitable, it's just that every time these leaders come to their own home, there must be nothing good. Either let her husband do something, or let her son work hard for them.

Murongshuang is a woman. She doesn't want to know anything about "family and country". She just wants to make the whole family safe and stay together forever. She doesn't want any other honor or credit.

"Leader Tang, what are you doing?" Murong frost is neither cold nor hot.

Tang Weiguo was a little embarrassed and said, "I heard that Lao Zhao's family has become a servant? So I came here to congratulate you Then Tang put the gift into Fubo's hands for the country.

"Now that you are here, please sit down and have a cup of tea." Zhao Feilong answered. Although he was not very happy in his heart, he didn't smile. How could he drive the guests out of the door?

Moreover, Zhao Feilong is also very considerate of these leaders. In the eyes of ordinary people, Tang Weiguo may be a great leader. If you want to meet him on weekdays, you have to watch the news every day.

In fact, it's not the case. Leaders have to take all aspects into consideration and worry too much. People's livelihood, education and pension are enough worries. If there are any more international disputes, it will be even more headache.

All these things are enough for them to drink.

"What a shame." Tang smiles for his country, but he still walks over.

"I'm sorry, I'm not leaving yet? Hum In addition, Murong frost snorted and complained in a low voice, "go, let's go back to the house. Let's leave men's affairs alone."

Said, Murong frost with Chen Shuxian three women into the living room.

"My God, this..." Chen Shuxian looked at Tian xiner, his eyes were shocked.

Tian Xin'er's face is not so good-looking, his face is scared white. The two girls never thought that when the Zhao family had a baby, the leader would come to congratulate them personally. They didn't like to see their mother-in-law.

God, what's the background of Lao Zhao's family? Can such a big leader's face be denied?

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