"Leader Tang, long time no see. He looks good." Zhao Chengfeng said hello with a smile and handed over a cigarette.

Different from Mr. and Mrs. murongshuang, Zhao Chengfeng actually appreciates Tang Weiguo. He thinks Tang Weiguo is a very docile person. He seldom sees him angry and has no airs.

But when it's time to be tough, never be soft. In terms of the attitude towards Japan and the United States, it has never been tough, and it can be said that it will not give up. Tang Weiguo's tacit support for the millstone mercenary regiment came from either the capital military region or the southeast provincial military region.

If it wasn't for Tang Weiguo, the iron grinding mercenary regiment would not have grown so fast. This feeling must be kept in mind!

"Hey, I'm old. What else do you look like?" Tang Weiguo didn't dislike Zhao Chengfeng's worldly beauty either. He took out a lighter and lit it. He took a puff and said, "it's better for you young guys. You're energetic and energetic. We're old."

"But young people are not sensible and easy to make mistakes." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, but he guessed that Tang Weiguo would come to find his own purpose most of the night.

Tang Weiguo is a busy man, not to mention going out to visit relatives and friends. Most of the time he eats, sleeps and goes to the toilet. He solves the problem in the office. Even more often, when the meeting starts, he spends the whole day smoking and drinking strong tea to relieve his fatigue. I'm so busy that I don't even have time to accompany my family. That's the leader!

There must be something else for such a busy person to come and give gifts when he has time.

"By the way, Chengfeng, is there nothing wrong with your body now? Is everything sharp? " Tang digs the subject for the country and asks.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said“ It's all so sharp. Now I'm in good health. "

"That's good, that's good."

Tang said repeatedly for the country: "you have paid so much for the country, but when you are injured, the country can not solve your illness. The country is sorry for you, and I am sorry for you."

"Leader Tang, it's serious if you say that." Zhao Chengfeng said: "it's also for myself. What's wrong with me? Besides, don't you always pay too much for your country? "

"We're not the same."

Tang waved his hand for the country and said, "I'm in charge of politics. You are different. You are willing to pay for the country..."

"Don't say that." Zhao Chengfeng was a little embarrassed when he was praised. He waved his hand and said, "I'm a little embarrassed about you. As a soldier, I have nothing to say about serving my country; As a man, it's even more obligatory to protect his family. "

"Well said!"

Tang Weiguo was greatly moved and said: "I know that you Laozhao family are all loyal. For the sake of the country and the people, they will never give up..."

"Wait, wait a minute." Zhao Feilong is an individual. Hearing this, he interrupted: "leader Tang, there is no outsider here. Don't praise him. Let's go straight to the subject. Is there something wrong?"

"Ah? This... "

When the trick was exposed, Tang Weiguo was a little embarrassed and said, "this... This is nothing. I'm mainly here to see you, the children and you."

Tang Weiguo finally held back.

"Well, nothing, just tea." Zhao Feilong is ahead of Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Feilong has talked to these officials in the past. He knows that these guys are very smart and know how to beat up and down. He will praise you first, praise you to heaven, and let you work hard when you are covered with clouds.

This is the ability of leadership. In a few words, you can fight like chicken blood.

Zhao Feilong loves his son and dare not let him take any more risks. It's true that the king of breaking heaven really deserves to die, but it's extremely cruel to Zhao Feilong. No matter how hateful his brother is, he is the Zhao family after all. Isn't it a punishment for your son to beat his brother?

"Drink tea, drink tea, this top grade Tie Guanyin is really good." Soup for the country can only laugh tea.

Several people sat together and chatted for more than half an hour. Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhao Feilong stood up and said, "it's getting late. Leader Tang, I'll have a rest first. You..."

Tang Weiguo is not a fool. That's what seeing off means. He stood up and said, "it's really late. I won't bother you any more. Goodbye."

Tang Weiguo looks a little strange. After seeing Zhao Chengfeng, he turns around and leaves.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhao Chengfeng stopped Tang Weiguo and said, "leader Tang, you're here. If you have anything to say, there's no need to hide between you and me. As long as I can do it, I'm duty bound."

"Stinky boy, are you stupid?" Zhao Feilong had just taken two steps. When he heard this, he was almost angry.

He managed to drive Tang Weiguo out, and then he left him. He also took the initiative to ask, is this necessary? Why do you have to find your own son for all the big and small things?

What's a word of praise when you're not flattered?

"If you're sleepy, you go to sleep. Don't mind my business." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and sent Zhao Feilong away.

Zhao Feilong opens his mouth and stops talking. He stares at Tang Weiguo and leaves with his hands on his back. In such a large courtyard, only Zhao Chengfeng and Tang were left for the country for a while, followed by a Fubo who poured tea for them.

"Leader Tang, let's be frank." Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette with a cool look.

No matter what, as long as Zhao Chengfeng can do it, he must be duty bound. For nothing else, just because I am Chinese.


Tang took a puff of smoke for the country and sighed heavily: "Chengfeng, I really feel sorry for you. I played a trick on you, old man, but this matter is very important. I can't find a suitable person except you."

"Come on, what's up." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and didn't care.

When leaders speak and do things, they naturally pay attention to ways and methods, and what people say.

"There's something wrong with the African continent. It's a big deal." Tang Weiguo, with a dignified look, frowned and said, "just around 6:00 this afternoon, the African embassies came back with news that all countries began to withdraw one after another. Except our Chinese Embassy, almost all embassies were closed."


Zhao Chengfeng frowned and asked, "why? Is there any resentment on the African continent? "

Zhao Chengfeng is really curious. Why didn't the kid tell him about such a big thing?

"A virus outbreak."

Tang Weiguo, with a gloomy face, said: "a new virus broke out in the African continent, temporarily named" Mofei "virus. It is a disease that is particularly easy to spread. The infected people will have dizziness, nausea and high fever, and there is no remedy."

"So powerful?" Zhao Chengfeng's face became gloomy in an instant, and the whole person became nervous in an instant.

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