"However, this kind of thing must have solid evidence, and it must not be used with willful anger!"

Tang Weiguo also hated the Japanese and the Americans, but as a leader, Tang Weiguo can't talk without proof. Everything has to be based on evidence to avoid disputes.

"Evidence? Hum

"Do you think the Japanese and the Americans will leave something to you?" he sneered? Don't dream

Smell speech, Tang Wei country old face some embarrassment, yes, how can they leave a handle?

"Let's treat him in his own way, hum!" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes twinkled with a sense of fierce killing, and immediately rushed to the national highway: "prepare two planes immediately. I'll leave in an hour, and the other plane will go directly to the 100000 mountain to pick up the life."

"Well, I'll arrange it for you now!" Tang made his stand for the country immediately.

"Don't be impulsive, young master..." Fubo was in a hurry.

"Don't try to persuade me, fauber."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and insisted: "I have to go to the African continent unless I die. Weiwei is still there, my brothers are all there, I can't not go! "

"This..." Fubo was embarrassed. After hearing this, he didn't know whether to persuade or not.

"What's more, Japanese bastards and American old bastards are just scheming our countrymen. Can they do without giving them any color?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Fauber was silent.

"Leader Tang, you can arrange a plane right away. I'll go and talk to my family in an hour." Zhao Chengfeng first sent Tang for the country, which is also for the sake of Tang for the country.

If let Murong frost know this matter, certainly turn over, when the time comes to quarrel, everyone's face is not good-looking.

"OK, I'll arrange it right away." Tang Weiguo is not wordy. He strides away and makes a phone call as he walks.

"Young master, why do you risk yourself? Even let the old slave pick up the young lady. " As soon as Tang Weiguo left, Fubo shook his head and sighed bitterly.

"You are too kind."

Zhao Chengfeng said with a grim smile: "in the African continent, there can be no mercy!" With that, Zhao Chengfeng went to say goodbye to Murong frost.

"What? You, you're going to Africa? I'm going now? " Murong frost was impatient at that time, especially after listening to Fubo's words, he was even more angry and cursed: "this old soup is really not a thing. It's still such a dangerous place to cheat my son when he comes!"

Tian Xin'er and Chen Shuxian were startled. This mother-in-law is not so fierce. Even leaders like Tang dare to scold her. What kind of family is the Zhao family?

"Son, mom won't let you go. It's too dangerous!" Murong frost holding Zhao Chengfeng's hand, "don't you go, you really want to go with mom."

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Zhao Chengfeng was a little embarrassed and broke away from his hand and said, "I'm going to save people. Do you know? Not only my brothers are there, but also vivi has gone to the African continent. Do you think I can watch my own woman in danger? So I'm still a man? "

"This..." Murong frost suddenly more embarrassed, daughter-in-law over there, really can't ignore ah.

"Don't worry. I'm not going alone this time. I'll come back to life with you."

Zhao Chengfeng comforted: "and the medicine monk and Huisheng have equipped me with a lot of panacea, the general virus can not infringe on me."

"Let him go."

At this time, Zhao Feilong said, "a man should have a responsibility. Chengfeng has grown up. It's time for him to go out and have a try."

"Never die!"

Murong frost a listen to this words, immediately scold a way: "you say well, why don't you go?"? Aren't you very capable? Go to the African continent to pick up your daughter-in-law and all the good brothers of Chengfeng? "

"I..." Zhao Feilong's old face was red and embarrassed.

"What are you doing? Am I right? "

Murong Frost said more and more excitedly, just like turning over old accounts, and said: "it was a little popular in those years. You insisted on learning kung fu. You have to go out after two days at home. How can you be a Laozi? Don't you have any responsibility? "

"..." Zhao Feilong buried his head and didn't speak. To be fair, Zhao Chengfeng had a miserable life when he was a child. He didn't get any father's or mother's love at all. He was just stocking.

It is precisely because of this, Zhao Feilong can tolerate Zhao Chengfeng a "old immortal" cry, otherwise early a slap fan past.

"All right, all right, don't say it." Zhao Chengfeng quickly interrupted and said, "if it's all over, don't pull it. Now what I want to say is that I have to go to the African continent immediately. When Shanshan wakes up, you tell her, and I won't disturb her. "

"In addition, Shuxian, xiner, I'm really sorry, originally intended to take you around, something urgent, I'm leaving tonight, so..." turning around, Zhao Chengfeng looks at Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner apologetically.

Meeting is always short.

"Chengfeng, you don't have anything to apologize for us, so don't worry about yourself. Don't worry about me and Xin'er." Chen Shuxian smile, soft voice: "men have men's things to do, as for us, don't worry, we are so big people can't take care of themselves?"

"Wind elder brother, you busy oneself go, don't care our." Tian Xin'er is the same way.

One side of Zhao Feilong quite satisfied nodded, the two daughter-in-law or quite sensible.

"Good!" Zhao Chengfeng nodded, looked back at Shangguan Yan'er and said: "Yan'er..."

"You don't have to say anything. I'll go with you on the African continent!" Shangguan Yan'er interrupts: "don't be sentimental. I'm not for you. I'm for Wei Wei."


"I said, you don't have to say anything. I have to go to Africa!" Shangguan Yan'er obstinately said: "even if you don't take me, I will follow you. I'm for Weiwei, not for you."

"All right, you can follow me and do chores for me." Zhao Chengfeng has no choice but to answer.

Shangguan Yan'er is better than Tian Xin'er and Chen Shuxian. After all, she has Kung Fu in her body. Generally, there is no danger.

"Mom, Shanshan and the kids are up to you. We have no time. We have to leave." Zhao Chengfeng rushes to Murong frost.

The overall situation has been decided, Murong frost can only nod to agree.

"Chengfeng, my mother has no other requirements for you. As long as you come back safely, promise my mother that you must protect yourself. Do you understand?" Murong cream's eyes are a little red.

"Don't worry."

Zhao Chengfeng light smile, "can want your son's life, has not been born.". We will come back safely. " With that, Zhao Chengfeng turned around and left.

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