"Wait a minute!"

However, when Zhao Chengfeng follows Guan Yan'er to the door, Murong frost stops them.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng looks puzzled.

"Silly boy, what's the matter? You forget a very important thing. Don't you know it? " Murong frost has no choice but to smile bitterly.

"Something important? What's the matter? " Zhao Chengfeng touched his head, and some of them were confused.

"What did you say?"

Murong frost apricot eyes a stare, no good airway: "Shanshan's child has not yet a name, you are about to go out, do not have a name, how can we call it in the future?"

"Oh, yes."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng patted his head, he suddenly realized, "how can I forget this stubble?"

"Yes, think about it. What's your name?" Murong frost urged.

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, pondered for a long time, said: "Zhao Siyuan, yes, it's called Zhao Siyuan, nicknamed Siyuan, or Yuanyuan."

"Zhao Siyuan? Siyuan, well, that's a good name! "

"Nice, catchy." Zhao Feilong followed suit.

Murong frost can't help but white Zhao Feilong a look, no good way: "my son got the name of course nice to hear, you think it's you ah, no knowledge."

"I..." Zhao Feilong, the smile on your face suddenly solidified, embarrassed.

"Ha ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng laughs and pulls Shangguan Yan'er out of the door.

By the time we got outside, fauber had arranged the car.

"Young master, you must be more careful." Fuber was very concerned.

The young master is really a dragon and Phoenix among the people, but he is too busy. He is busy all day and is in danger all the time. He does not complain for the sake of the country and the people.

"Don't worry, fauber." Zhao Chengfeng smile, "Fu Bo, you should pay attention to the body, go."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't say much. He started his car and left quickly. He went directly to the Beijing Military Region. All the planes sent by Tang Weiguo were waiting in the Beijing Military Region.

"Didi... Didi..."

On the way, the kid called.

"Boss, something's wrong, there's an outbreak of Murphy virus in Africa, our people..." as soon as the phone was connected, the kid's anxious voice came over.

"I already know. You don't have to say anything. I'm going to Africa right now." Zhao Chengfeng interrupted: "you immediately contact Huisheng, and the plane will pick him up at 100000 mountains. Let him put down his business and go to the African continent to save people. In addition, let Pang Hu defend the 100000 mountains and guard the Tianxing stronghold. If something goes wrong in Tianxing stronghold, let him talk about it. "

"Yes, boss!"

The kid nodded heavily and said, "do I need to go with you?"

"What are you doing? Who will do the intelligence work? " Zhao Chengfeng scolded: "give me peace of mind to stay in Beihai city." With that, Zhao Chengfeng directly put down the phone.

"Is the African continent in a critical situation?" Shangguan Yan'er frowned and asked. She was also worried.

"It's not clear what the situation is. It's only when we get to the scene that we can understand." While driving, Zhao Chengfeng explained: "the outbreak of this virus makes people panic. As long as there is trouble, things can't be stopped. After all, the local governments in Africa have little ability."

Shangguan Yan'er nodded and said, "what about our people? Weiwei, it's been a long time. Haven't you been in touch? "

"This..." Zhao Chengfeng frowned, also some doubts in his heart, yes, why didn't Weiwei contact him?

"Didi... Didi..."

However, before Zhao Chengfeng finished his sentence, the phone in his pocket rang again. The phone was from Tang Jinhai.

"Hey, old man, haven't you had a rest so late?" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw Laixian, he knew something was wrong. However, he didn't take the initiative to tell the story of the African continent. Don't have a heart attack when you are old.

"Can I sleep?"

Tang Jin said in Haiyu: "there is an accident on the African continent. Weiwei and the top soldiers in the warehouse are in danger now. Some of them are infected with Murphy virus."

"Weiwei is also infected with Murphy virus?"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, his nerves tensed, he stepped on the accelerator and the brake.

"At present, there is no infection, but I'm afraid..." Tang Jinhai's voice is trembling. This is Tang Jinhai's only relative now. His son and daughter-in-law are all dead. If his granddaughter has something else to do, how can he live?

"Don't worry, old man!"

Zhao Chengfeng immediately said, "I'll go to the African continent right away, and I'll bring Weiwei back safely."

"Chengfeng, I can only count on you now. Thank you. Thank you. I thank you in the name of a grandfather." At the end of the phone, Tang Jinhai's voice choked.

"Weiwei is my woman, I should go to save her!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't have much words. He restarted the car and said, "don't worry too much, old man. Trust me."

"Boom boom..."

Put down the phone, Zhao Chengfeng with crazy, hard on the accelerator, engine sound like a beast, luxury car rushed out. Shangguan Yan'er is scared to grasp the handrail.

The man is angry!

Zhao Chengfeng is really angry, red eyes, as if to work hard with people like. After arriving at the capital military region, he didn't even say a word to Tang Weiguo and others. Finally, he chased the pilot down and controlled the plane himself.

"Chengfeng, don't worry. Vivi will be fine." Shangguan Yan'er can only comfort her like this.

"Don't worry about me, have a good rest, at most 13 disappear, we can go to the African continent!" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes looked at the deep sky, and the plane roared through the clouds.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart has rushed to the African continent at this moment.


"Damn it, there are so many refugees. What should we do?" On the wall of jintari, Munch looks at the tens of thousands of refugees outside the city, his heart breaking.

Nine out of ten of these refugees are infected with Murphy virus. They need to be killed by a single shuttle, but they are all their compatriots. How can they kill them? How can we ignore it?

But how do you take them? Jintari is such a big city, and once they are taken over, what will the brothers in the city do? Let them all get infected and die together?

"Yes, there are so many refugees. There is not much food and water in the city. It can last for three days at most. After three days, we have to go out to look for food and water." On one side, yuduri also frowned and clenched his fist, but his heart felt powerless.

Youduri is also a rare promising young man on the African continent. He is determined to serve his country and change this poor and backward situation, but the reality makes youduri collapse.

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