Now the whole nation has come to the moment of life and death, maybe tomorrow all people will die!

"Then what? Are you really going to kill them all and dig a hole to bury them? " Munch's heart is bleeding, too.

Munch is not a good one either. As a mercenary leader, he has done a good job in Africa. He has killed a lot of people and done a lot of bad things over the years. But Munch can't shoot his countrymen.

Outside the city wall, there are many women, children and old people. They are crying and crying. How can they do it?

"All killed, are you still human?"

At this time, the blood monk also went up to the wall and said, "are they your enemies? They are your compatriots, your brothers and sisters, and you want them to die? "

Blood monk has always been straight, pointing to two humanitarians: "if you dare to order to shoot them, I will be the first to crush you both to death!"

"Monk, how can we shoot them? However, you have seen the current situation. What should we do? " Yuduri's eyes were red with anxiety, and he was not happy to see his compatriots suffer.

The Murphy virus is so ferocious. In just two or three days, it has almost swept across most of the African continent. The area 1000 kilometers around jintari is the worst. Many cities and towns have been occupied, and most of the refugees have poured in.

But the gate didn't dare to open at all. Once a virus carrier was put in, it was possible that gentry would fall.

"The Murphy virus is so severe that we don't have any medicine to cure it. They have to wait to die. Once we let them in, our soldiers and people in the city may be infected, and we will all be finished. " Yudhury almost growled.

Smell speech, blood monk also don't show weakness, roar a way: "that also can't shoot to these hands have no the ability of binding chicken, they just want to live, this is nothing wrong."

"Even if we can't save their lives now, at least we can feed them." The blood monk was a little excited. "Put our food and water down for them. In addition, give them all our tents and mark an area for them to ensure that our people will not be infected."

"They just want to live and eat now. Even if they will be killed by the virus, as compatriots, you can't make them hungry. You should make them eat enough and let them not have so many complaints before they leave the world."

Uduri and monk were silent, and there was a trace of guilt on their faces. They are both black Africans, but they can't put themselves in their own shoes for the sake of their compatriots. In the end, they need an outsider to help them. It's really a failure.

"What are you doing? Get them water and food quickly The blood monk roared again.

"Monk, we, we don't have much food. If we give them, maybe everyone will be hungry. This..." monk still hesitated.

It's not that Munch is cruel, but that the Murphy virus is so fierce that hundreds of people have died in just a few days, and all the infected people are weak and soft as if they have no bones. Anyone who has been infected with the Murphy virus will be dead, to put it bluntly. Anyway, it's death. Why not leave resources to people who are not infected with the virus?


The blood monk turned around and slapped him in the past, staring and said, "can you die if you don't eat for one or two days? Those are your compatriots. Can't you give them a full meal before they die? "

"..." Munch touched his face in shame.

"Thank you, monk, on behalf of all my compatriots infected with Murphy virus, thank you!" Different from Munch, uduri is grateful to the blood monk, because the blood monk really considers the problem from the perspective of these suffering compatriots.

Yes, they know that they are infected with Murphy virus. They have only one way of thinking. They all know this very well. However, the instinct of life makes them not want to give up. This is the instinct of survival.

At this time, they just want to drink water and fill their stomach. Can't their last wishes be satisfied?

"I was wrong." Monk lowered his head in shame.

"If you are a Chinese soldier, I will crush you to death!" The blood monk glared at mengke fiercely, and was really dissatisfied with mengke's performance.

If you want to deal with the captives, the Americans and the Japanese, the blood monk will never stop you. He will even clap his hands. But these black guys under the wall are different. They are Munch's compatriots.

When will this country really be strong? Only unity can make our country strong!

"I was wrong." "I'm willing to go out of the city to communicate with the refugees and lead them to the Raman grassland 80 kilometers away, where there is water, which is more convenient," monk said

"That's about the same."

Smell speech, blood monk's complexion this just slightly good-looking some, continue: "however, you still want to pay attention to your own safety, keep in touch with us at any time, need what material, as long as we have will give them.". Even if they die, let them die at ease. "

"Thank you." Monk nodded heavily, turned down the wall, and went out of the city of gentry to negotiate with the refugees.

However, no matter what monk said, no one believed it. Everyone just looked listlessly and continued to squat at the foot of the wall.

"Yudhury, arrange some food for them, or they won't listen to munch." The blood monk frowned slightly, which he had never thought of before.

Uduri shook his head and said, "give them food and water. They won't go. It might be useful to arrange for some people to put food and water in cars and transport them all the way to Raman area. "

"Can they walk seven or eight kilometers in this situation?" Xuehe still shook his head and said: "let them fill their stomachs first. Otherwise, even if they don't starve to death, they will be killed by the sun."

"Well, let them go when they're full!" Yuduri said, and immediately arranged for people to put in food and water.

When food and water are put down, refugees rush in. Nothing is more important than filling up. It's just human instinct, because everyone wants to live.

"Listen to me, everyone."

After almost everyone got the water and food, Munch, under the wall, cried again“ The compatriots in jintari city also want to let you in, but you are carrying Murphy virus, so we are very sorry, we can only provide you with water and food, and try our best to find drugs to treat Murphy virus as soon as possible... "

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