"Maybe you can't wait for the cure for Murphy virus to come out, but you have to believe that we will not give you up and will provide enough water and food for you. Even if we don't eat or drink, we will leave enough food and water, and provide accommodation. "

As soon as Munch's voice fell, people's attention was drawn.

Only when we have enough food can we live. Only when we have enough food and clothing can we think of other things.

"However, in order to prevent people in the city from being infected by Murphy virus, we decided to set up tents in Raman grassland to give you shelter from the wind and rain."

Monk continued to shout, "old man, child, woman, take a car, young man, come with me!"

With that, the city gate opened, and a military vehicle rushed out, with a lot of materials on board.

"Old people and children get on the bus with women, men follow me!" Mengke set an example and took the lead. At this time, mengke did not care about the Murphy virus.

The blood monk is right. A man who doesn't care about his own compatriots, what ability does he have to lead these poor gangsters to get rid of poverty and become well-off?

"Monk, our city is almost empty. What's your plan next?" Looking at the crowd gradually leaving, youduri's eyebrows twisted into a knot in one's heart, that is heartache and helpless.

Yuduri wanted to help everyone, but the reality was too cruel. Even if they were given water and food, they would not survive.

"You just wait here. I'll go to the feikaman area. Believe me, believe us, the Chinese government, they won't ignore us. The rescue will come soon." The blood monk looked at the refugees who had left, and he was also relieved.

As soon as the refugees leave, the safety of jintari can be guaranteed. The refugees infected with the Murphy virus are really poor, but now we need to ensure the safety of the whole city. Once the Murphy virus breaks out in the city, the consequences will be unimaginable. Maybe everyone will die.

In the city of jintari, there are not only African black friends, but also some Chinese experts and workers, as well as the painstaking efforts of the dragon scale team.

"What are you doing in the ficaman area?" Youduri frowned and dissuaded: "now there are people infected with Murphy virus in the fikaman area, and the fikaman area is also surrounded by refugees. At this time, go to the fikaman area, isn't it to seek death?"

The refugees infected with Murphy virus are not stupid. On the contrary, they are very smart. We know that the feikaman area is the base of the Chinese people. There is a whole reinforced regiment stationed in the area. There is food and drink, and there is no worry about food and clothing. If a soldier eats less, his stomach will be full.

"I must go!"

The blood monk was firm and gritted his teeth: "there are my brothers and sisters in the feikaman area. I want to save them. Moreover, my sister-in-law is also in the feikaman area. If my sister-in-law has an accident, what face do I have to see the boss?"

"..." uduri was silent for a moment. You have brothers, sisters, compatriots, and blood monks.

Now it seems that the strength of China is not unreasonable. They have achieved "no abandonment, no abandonment" at any time. They are so united that a united country will not be defeated.

Someone once said that Chinese people are not united. Now yudhry just wants to say "fart your mother!" Look at people now, don't they unite? Knowing that there is a tiger in the mountain, I prefer to travel in the tiger mountain. This is bearing!

"Munch has gone to the Raman grassland. In the past, it was more or less sinister. You'll have gentry, and you'll have the millstone mercenary regiment." The blood monk took a deep breath, his eyes flashed a color of determination, and said: "the Chinese support troops will arrive soon, you must hold on, do you understand?"

"Monk, let me go to ficaman. Don't worry. I'll bring my sister-in-law back safe and sound. I'll bring her back." Yudhury was very moved.

"No way!"

The blood monk glared and said, "this is an order, and I will always leave you a seed. That's it!"

With that, the blood monk strode away, took a lot of water and food, drove out of jintari, and went straight to the feikaman area.

The ficaman area.

Because the construction work of the oilfield is well done, we can see rows of neat prefabricated houses from a distance, while in the southwest of the prefabricated houses, there are ruins.

It used to be an oil depot. Unfortunately, the oil depot was blown up a few days ago, killing and injuring many people. Not only did the oil depot blow up, but it even nearly blew up the whole feikaman oilfield.

After going through the big bang, the damned Murphy virus broke out again before everyone recovered. Two or three thousand refugees all rushed up. In order to feed and survive, they were not afraid of the guns in the hands of the soldiers and rushed forward without hesitation.

Cui Hongjun had no choice but to order that part of the prefabricated houses be demolished to isolate his own people from the refugees and provide them with three meals a day. However, even so, there are still many soldiers in the army infected with the Murphy virus.

"Now what?" Cui Hongjun was so anxious that he stamped his feet. The smoke in the corner of his mouth was one after another, and his eyebrows were twisted into a knot.

The sudden disaster caught people off guard. On the one hand, we need to protect the oil field, on the other hand, we have to face the impact of these refugees and the invasion of Murphy virus. What should we do?

If it is to go to battle to kill the enemy, Cui Hongjun will go on without saying a word, carrying a machine gun. But in this situation, Cui Hongjun really does not know what to do.

"Chief Cui, how many of us are infected with Murphy?" Tang Wei's face is also ugly. Women never dream that when they go to Africa, what they are waiting for is the invasion of the virus, while the enemy has long disappeared.

"At least two hundred people!"

Cui Hongjun clenched his fist and said with great pain: "one of the experts in the medical team has also been infected. Now he has tried a variety of drugs, but they have no effect. Five soldiers have died."

A soldier is the life of a general. Without a soldier, are you still a general?

"Dig a big pit in the southeast of the base, burn all the dead soldiers and bury them deeply to prevent the virus from spreading; 2、 We must block the refugees infected with the Murphy virus and give them food, but we must not cross the forbidden line; 3、 To do a good job in defense is not only to defend against the enemy's sneak attack, but also to prevent the invasion of the virus. Once a soldier in the team is found to be infected with the Murphy virus, he should be isolated immediately. " Tang Wei was silent for a long time and gave orders in succession.

At this time, the wrist must be strong!

"As for the expert group, I will communicate with them, so that they can communicate with domestic and international experts, hoping to develop drugs against Murphy as soon as possible." Tang Wei frowned, "domestic support will come soon, so that the soldiers can rest assured."

"OK, I'll do it right now..."

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