
Just at this moment, an explosion sounded in the refugee group, and the fire burst into the sky.

"What happened?" Tang Wei and Cui Hongjun's nerves tensed and rushed out of the camp.

"Dada... Dada..."

More than a dozen military vehicles roared in the distance. As soon as the machine guns swept, the refugees fell down one by one. Many soldiers were even shot to death.

"Damn, these animals!"

Cui Hongjun's eyes were red with anger. He never dreamed that at such a critical time, the local rebels were killed, and their target was the Chinese Army!

"Save people first!"

Without saying a word, Tang Wei picked up her rifle and went up.

"Boom boom!"

However, Tang Wei's body shape just rushed out, and was bounced back by the huge waves. In the distance, three 40 fires in succession smashed over, and some refugees were directly smashed and blasted away. Blood rain was flying in the sky, which was shocking.

"Kill them!"

In the scream, Cui Hongjun stood up and gnashed his teeth and gave the order.

"Boom boom!"

"Dada... Dada..."

The strength of the Chinese army itself is much stronger, and the weapons are much more advanced. In just one minute, the enemy's attack will be suppressed.


The rebels didn't love fighting. Seeing that the Chinese army began to fight back, they quickly retreated. They came and went faster, leaving only a mess and crying all over the sky.

In just a few minutes, at least more than a hundred people died, their blood was all over the ground, and their broken limbs were like purgatory on earth.

"These animals, they don't even let go of their own compatriots?" Seeing this, Cui Hongjun was more shocked.

The riots on the African continent, as compatriots, do not help each other, but kill each other. What are they going to do? You know, these people are defenceless refugees, and a large number of them have even been infected with Murphy virus.

"Arrange medical staff for treatment immediately, hurry up." Tang Wei wiped the blood on her face, and her heart suddenly became cold.

Cruel, bloody, dirty, terrifying, this is the African continent.

"I'll arrange it now."

Cui Hongjun answered and quickly asked for help.

You can't be a man without help. Those who are killed by explosion will be buried directly. But the refugees who are not dead can't watch them die in pain, can they? The rescue lasted seven or eight hours. Just after the rescue work, the weather gradually faded, and the atmosphere became more depressing and depressing.

"Why did the rebels attack us?" After sitting down, Tang Wei frowned and asked.


Cui Hongjun was also stunned. Cui Hongjun had never thought about this problem. He was too busy. On the one hand, he had to arrange defense and on the other hand, he had to start rescue operations. There were too many wounded soldiers and refugees, and there were only a few doctors and nurses. How could he care for them?

Now I'm free. If I think about it carefully, I really don't feel so right.

First of all, the rebels simply do not have the strength to challenge the Chinese army. One company can kill them without the whole regiment. Whether it's combat literacy or weapons and equipment, they are not at the same level. To put it bluntly, they are just rubbing on the ground;

Second, what is the reason for the rebels to shoot at the refugees? That's their compatriot, after all. This is the same root, why is it too urgent? What's more, these refugees have no threat to them at present. Why kill them? It's totally out of the question.

"Do they want to kill people with a knife, saying that we killed these refugees?" Tang Wei has a bold guess.

"It's possible, it's absolutely possible!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hongjun suddenly realized that he was enlightened and analyzed“ These rebels are the major forces on the African continent. As long as they occupy the feikaman oil field, they can make a windfall. "

"It's just a superficial reason."

Tang Wei shook her head“ He wants more forces to deal with us, wipe us out, and even create adverse public opinion influence on China in the international community. "

"It's insidious." Cui Hongjun thought carefully, there is such a possibility“ However, I'm afraid the rebels didn't expect that we would save these refugees. We not only saved them, but also provided them with food. At that time, these refugees can also testify for us. "

Tang Wei nodded, but still told: "at present this pass is over, but we still have to be careful, in case this gang of scum make a comeback, it's troublesome."

"Well, if they dare to come, I will let them never come back!"

Cui Hongjun's resolute face was filled with a sense of extermination. He said coldly, "I'm going to arrange the soldiers to carry out the first level guard. At the same time, I will send a platoon to strengthen the platoon's troops for investigation. Once I find the hiding place of these bastards, I will let them pay for their blood. "

Tang Wei frowned a little, but still didn't say anything.

Although it's the time of employing people, Huaxia is inviolable. You've come to sneak attack on me. Isn't it decent to fight back? Are you still a soldier? Never shrink your head!

This is the integrity of Chinese soldiers!

"Chief of the report, a bright military vehicle came in front, releasing three short and one long signals." At this time, a soldier came to report, "according to observation, it seems to be a Chinese."

"Come on, go out and have a look." As soon as it sounds like a Chinese, Tang Wei strides out.

After taking a glance through the telescope, Tang Wei suddenly laughed and said, "it's her own. Let him in."

"Let go!" With a wave of his hand, Cui Hongjun looks back to ask Tang Wei who she is. However, when he looks back, he finds that Tang Wei suddenly falls to the ground.

"Come on! Come on, somebody

Cui Hongjun's eyes suddenly turned red. This is the only granddaughter of the old leader and the only relative of the old leader. If there is anything wrong, how can he explain it to the old leader?

"Doctor, hurry up, doctor!" Cui Hongjun's eyes were red with anxiety.

"Sister in law, sister in law, what's the matter with you?" At this time, the blood monk also came. The Chinese in the soldier's mouth was the blood monk.

However, what the blood monk didn't expect was that his sister-in-law fainted when she arrived at the feikaman area.


The doctor came very quickly, but after a general examination, his face showed a look of panic.

"What are you talking about? What happened to my sister-in-law The blood monk is an acute person, so we can't see that this bastard is playing tricks.

With a look of embarrassment, she shrugged helplessly and sighed, "she's infected with Murphy virus."

"What?" Cui Hongjun's face was as white as paper.

"Save me, you must save my sister-in-law, quick, quick..." the blood monk's eyes were red.

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