If Vivian doesn't come to Africa, she won't be infected with Murphy virus, damn it!

However, no matter how much chagrin is in vain, Zhao Chengfeng can only go to see Tang Wei first, and then make plans.

"Who are you? Get out. " As soon as Zhao Chengfeng pushed the door in, he was scolded by Doctor Liu.

Cui Hongjun said: "Doctor Liu, this is Tang Wei's boyfriend. He has the right to visit Tang Wei. You can tell me about it. "

Cui Hongjun takes a look at Tang Wei in the hospital bed. He feels very uncomfortable, but he has no choice but to worry.

"Relatives can't come to see the patient. Now it has been confirmed that she is infected with Murphy virus. It's very dangerous for you to come in like this. Go out!" Doctor Liu still insists on driving Zhao Chengfeng and his party out.

Everyone is equal in front of the virus, and it is the best to live.

"What's the matter with my sister-in-law? If you don't believe me, you can't believe me... "The blood monk's temper is not very good, especially at this time, his mood is more chaotic.

"Shut up

Zhao Chengfeng a stare, ah way: "you give me out!"

"Boss, I..."

"Get out!" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly raised the volume.

The blood monk opened his mouth, sighed heavily, and came out of the ward.

"Chengfeng, the monk is also concerned about Weiwei, you don't..." Shangguan Yan'er can't help but persuade.

"You go out, too!"

Zhao Chengfeng's expressionless face interrupts Shangguan Yan'er.

"Chengfeng, I..." Shangguan Yan'er was stunned. She felt that it was incredible. Immediately Shangguan Yan'er understood that he was yelling at himself, but he was protecting himself.

Once infected with Murphy virus, at present, only a dead end!

"I said, get out of here at once!" Zhao Chengfeng once again said: "contact Huisheng, let him come here immediately, put down the matter of jintari first."


Shangguan Yan'er realized that when she was born back to the African continent, her medical skills were obvious to all. As long as she didn't stop breathing, she could save people. Otherwise, how did the name of "rebirth" come from?

"The faster the action, the better!" Zhao Chengfeng said again.

Shangguan Yan'er nodded, no more nonsense, go out between contact back to life.

"Well, now you can tell me what's going on? How serious is it? " Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and looked at the opposite Doctor Liu.

"I can't help her with my limited ability."

Dr. Liu sighed: "the patient is suffering from high fever, fatigue and vomiting. This is the symptom of Murphy virus. It has infected the heart and lung. What we can do now is to cool the patient down and make her as comfortable as possible, but..."

"But what?" Zhao Chengfeng face a smoke, know but behind no good words, but still asked out.

"The situation is not optimistic. Maybe she can't hold on for too long. Three days at most!" Dr. Liu took a deep breath and said, "if there is no solution to the Murphy virus within three days, we can only watch her die slowly in pain..."

"She won't die, she won't die!"

Zhao Chengfeng has red eyes and firm expression.

"This..." Doctor Liu was embarrassed, but he didn't know what to say.

"You can go out, no one can come in without my permission!" Without waiting for Doctor Liu to say anything, Zhao Chengfeng gave a direct order.

Dr. Liu is very depressed. Is it his own job?

"Let's go." Cui Hongjun knows about Zhao Chengfeng's relationship with Tang Wei and directly pulls Doctor Liu away.

All of them left. Looking at Tang Wei, who is frowning and suffering in the hospital bed, Zhao Chengfeng is as miserable as a knife. As a man, he can't help watching his woman suffer. This is undoubtedly the biggest torture, even more painful than lying in bed!

"Wei Wei, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we will certainly survive. We will go together even if we die..."


"Chief Cui, is this, is this a death seeking? You see, you see, it's so close to the patient. You should know that Murphy virus can be transmitted by means of respiration. Although the possibility of successful transmission is relatively small, it exists objectively. " Doctor Liu looked through the window and was very worried.

The feeling between family members and patients moved Dr. Liu very much. However, from the perspective of doctors, this is not a rational behavior. People should be responsible for their own lives.

"Let him go. Who can persuade him if he looks like this?" Cui Hongjun was also very angry. He tried to call the old leader many times, but he didn't have the courage in the end.

The old leaders are now 70 or 80 years old. With such a family member, Cui Hongjun is really afraid that the old leaders can't hold on.

"Come on, it's up to you. I'll study it first to see if I can develop an antidote for Murphy virus." Sighing and shaking his head, Dr. Liu went into his research room.

Cui Hongjun looked back at the two men in the doctor's room and shook his head to the barracks. It's just been bombed. I don't know how much damage it is.

"These bastards, don't let me find you!" Cui Hongjun gritted his teeth and filled his chest with anger.


"What? Failed raid? Did you blow up the armored car? "

In the southwest suburb of Kinshasa city on the African continent, a temporary command post has been built in a huge chemical plant. Among these people, there are red scarf rebels, American and Japanese. It is Watson, the American, who speaks.

Watson, the commander of the delta forces of the United States, is famous in the military circles of the United States, even though he is not tall.

"No, the armored car was not bombed, but cut..." corrected Gangba, the leader of the red scarf army, with a look of panic, as if he had seen the scene again.

It's terrible. It splits the armored car with one knife. Is that what human beings can do?


Watson swung his hand and scolded, "asshole, you're a fool. You really think I'm stupid, don't you? A group of junkies, who obviously have no ability, have missed such a good opportunity and come back to make up a lie for me. Do you think I believe you? Damn fool

Watson is really angry. It's nothing to fail in action, but Watson is not happy to find such a bad excuse for failure in action and treat himself as a fool.

"I'm not lying. It's true!" Gangba is very aggrieved. In front of his subordinates, he was slapped by the American. It's a great shame.

You know, now the three parties are just cooperative relations. They are equal to each other.


Watson was not very good tempered, so he took out his gun and rewarded Gamba with a bullet.

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