
Gangba's men were all shocked. His boss said he would die if he died. This

"You'd better not act rashly, or you'll all die!" Watson glared at a group of black people, and his voice dropped. The American soldiers behind him said that the bullets were loaded.

"Now, you are our boss, what you say is what you say!"

The Negro directly raised his hand to surrender and recognized the boss again. This is a world of the jungle, in order to survive, nothing.

"Hum, slave!"

Watson is not surprised by the performance of these black people. In Watson's view, black people are the cheapest people in the world, the most despicable Chinese race, and the ants that can be slaughtered and kneaded by others.

It doesn't matter if you kill all of them. At the moment, however, Watson is not going to kill them all. It's of great use to keep them.

"Mr Watson, what are we going to do now?" At this time, a middle-aged Japanese behind Watson asked.

He is not tall and thin. He wears a pair of black frame glasses. He looks very learned. However, there is a trace of imperceptible and cruel color in the bottom of his eyes.

"Mr. Kimura, if you have anything to say, it doesn't matter. You and I are allies now, so we don't have to hide." Watson glanced back at Kimura, but in his heart he was beating up.

The young master of Kimura is too powerful. He is gentle and has no ability to bind a chicken, but he is not cruel and vicious. You know, he developed the Murphy virus that makes the whole African continent howl.

In order to spread the Murphy virus, he did not hesitate to let his subordinates get infected with the virus and go out to eat, drink, whore and gamble, which made the Murphy virus spread almost overnight.

This person's heart is too cruel.

"Ha ha, I'm really afraid of Mr. Watson's way of cooperation. You won't shoot me in the head one day, will you?" Kimura Shaoxiong half joking half serious way, heart for Watson is also very disdainful.

In Kimura's view, Watson is not a rash man? If it wasn't for being born American, he would have a sense of superiority! I killed him long ago!

"Mr. Kimura is joking. It won't be." Watson can't help twitching at the corner of his mouth. Is this son of a bitch mocking himself?

"Ha ha, that's naturally the best!"

Kimura chuckled and said, "I just don't think we can wait for a while before we move. You know, there is a whole reinforced regiment in the feikaman area. And you know the combat effectiveness of Chinese soldiers. "

Hearing this, Watson's face changed again. He said that Lao Tzu knew the fighting power of the Chinese people. Did he humiliate himself and be taught a lesson by the Chinese army?

"I think the virus has spread among the fikaman army now. We just need to wait until they have no fighting power. It's not too late to act. Why should we rush to meet them at this time? It's not worth it Kimura made his own point.

In fact, Kimura Shaoxiong has never suggested rushing to fight with others at this time. There is no need at all. Kimura Shaoxiong is very confident about his own research and development of the Murphy virus. Unless he has his own antidote, he will die!

"You have a point, but have you ever thought about it?" Watson asked: "if the Chinese side continues to increase troops, and unfortunately your virus has been cracked, then all our previous efforts will be wasted."

The displeasure in Kimura's eyes flashed by and said, "Mr. Watson doesn't believe in my level. Would you like your soldiers to try Murphy virus?"


Hearing the words, Watson's face flashed a trace of anger. At this moment, Watson finally understood the meaning of Kimura Shaoxiong's words, which was a disguised warning to himself, warning him not to act rashly.

Once he or U.S. soldiers do something unfavorable to the Japanese, he will infect himself and others with Murphy virus, or other more severe virus!

What a damn mean thing!

"Mr. Watson, the more Chinese people come, the better, because when they come, there is only one way to die for them. If there are too many dead people, they will not send people to come again. Then we will take advantage of them. Why not?" Kimura Shaoxiong see Watson understand their meaning, then said.

Kimura Shaoxiong is a very patient person. The more he can calm down at a critical time, otherwise, how can he develop the Murphy virus?

"Well, I'll do as you say for the time being." Watson had no choice but to compromise.

On the one hand, there are only so many troops around us. If we deploy troops from China, we will inevitably be noticed; On the other hand, it is also for the sake of preserving one's own strength.

Watson now understands that he and others have been controlled by Kimura Shaoxiong.

"Mr. Watson really knows the truth." Kimura Shaoxiong flattered, raised his cup and said, "here, I'll give you a toast."

Two people are drinking tea with each heart, the atmosphere suddenly becomes a little embarrassed.


"Cough, cough, cough..." Tang Wei on the bed coughed more and more seriously, and Zhao Chengfeng became more and more nervous, shouting: "Wei Wei, Wei Wei, how are you? How do you feel? "


However, when Zhao Chengfeng was worried, the door of the ward was pushed open and Huisheng strode in.


"Don't say anything, you hurry to show Weiwei, she is now very painful, you, you hurry up..." Zhao Chengfeng has been incoherent, now, can only place all hope on reincarnation.

Huisheng also no longer said, went to check Tang Wei's condition, eyebrows suddenly twisted into a knot in one's heart.

"Reincarnation, what's the matter? You... "Zhao Chengfeng is impatient.

Huisheng didn't answer. He just felt out a black pill and gave it to Tang Wei. It was really powerful. Within three minutes of swallowing the pill, Tang Wei's temperature dropped a lot and she didn't cough.

"This..." Zhao Chengfeng was overjoyed by the news, "rebirth, thank you, you are too powerful..."

"Don't be happy too soon, boss."

However, reincarnation does have a strong face“ I can only temporarily suppress the spread of the virus, try to cover the invasion of the virus to my sister-in-law's viscera, up to seven days

"Well, what about that?" The smile on Zhao Chengfeng's face instantly disappeared, and his heart also mentioned his throat.

In other words, if there is no way to solve the Murphy virus, Tang Wei only has seven days of life, mouth to mouth seven days of life!

"Boss, don't worry. I'll consult with Dr. Liu immediately. He has done some research and I believe there will be a conclusion soon." Huisheng didn't dare to talk too much.

This time, the virus is too deadly!

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