"Where are the Japanese and American who support your rebels? On the African continent? " Zhao Chengfeng asked directly, not pitying the bastard in front of him at all.

A scum who can kill his compatriots is not worth dying. What is this torture?

"I, I don't know..."


Zhao Chengfeng has no other words, lips a, gently spit out a word.


The blood monk came forward with a fist. The African black man had a big mouth. Several big white teeth fell on the ground, and his whole face was crooked by two centimeters.

"Don't let him die so fast. Cut off his flesh one by one." Zhao Chengfeng also warned that the blood monk's cruelty, not to mention a fist to kill the black man in front of him, a fist to kill rhinoceros, crocodiles are no exception.

"Don't worry, boss, I've got a sense of propriety!"

The blood monk grinned grimly and took out the red hot iron from the nearby stove, approaching step by step.

"Don't, don't, don't come here, please, let me go... No, I said, I said..."

Black people really have no backbone, especially in the face of death and torture, they are too easy to accept advice, which may have something to do with their poverty.

If a country is too poor, its people will have little backbone. Even if they can't have enough to eat and even lose their lives, will they still be patriotic? This is the opposite of China.

How can the skin be covered without the hair?

Even if there is no country, where is the home?

"They live in a factory in Kinshasa..."


The blood monk raised his hand and slapped it in the past. He yelled: "what factory, make it clear!"

"A chemical plant about 30 kilometers southwest of Kinshasa is very easy to find." Black people are busy.

"How many of them?" Cui Hongjun asked.

"More than 1300 people."

"How about weapons?"

"There are no less than 50 light and heavy machine guns and five armored vehicles." This time, the Negro did not dare to hesitate. He was afraid that the iron would fall on him, and that would be a real iron plate.

"You're smart!" The blood monk nodded with satisfaction.

"This is the configuration of a battalion. It seems that what you want is not small." Cui Hongjun sneered and was furious.

In the past, Huaxia was weak and allowed to be bullied and killed by others. Now Huaxia has become one of the world's top powers. These bastards dare not declare war in front of them, but they do a lot of sneaky things in the dark.

This time, it's even more excessive. It's actually made the Murphy virus come out. To put it bluntly, this is the biochemical weapon!

"Say, what on earth do you want to do?" Cui Hongjun asked.

"I don't know what they are going to do. Anyway, the Japanese and the Americans let us kill and set fire. As long as we do as they say, we won't die and we can still feed ourselves." The Negroes are all over the place.

Black people are not really stupid. At this time, they must have pushed all their crimes on the heads of the United States and Japan. Anyway, that was their idea.

"Do you eat shit? Asshole As soon as Cui Hongjun heard this, he became even more angry. He took out his gun and wanted to shoot the son of a bitch.

"Don't kill him yet!"

Zhao Chengfeng stopped and asked, "I'm very curious. Why don't you have the Murphy virus? Did the Japanese not only develop the Murphy virus, but also the antidote, right? "


The black man replied truthfully: "before the operation, we injected drugs uniformly, so no matter how we contact people infected with Murphy virus, there will be no problem."

"Do they still have this medicine?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng and others suddenly in front of a bright, with the antidote, all problems will be solved.

"Well, I don't know..." big black shook his head.

"Damn it

The blood monk raised his hand and slapped him in the past. This time, the blood monk's strength was even stronger, and he directly knocked the black man out.

"Monk, your heart is too impetuous." Zhao Chengfeng a frown, oneself still have no problem to ask, this guy pour good, direct a slap to hit dizzy, oneself still ask what?

"..." the blood monk lowered his head and said nothing.

"Inform Huisheng and Dr. Liu to take the blood of the rebels, and then compare the blood of ordinary people. By the way, the blood of patients with Murphy virus should also be taken. With the data comparison, I believe it is not difficult to find an antidote." Zhao Chengfeng told Cui Hongjun.

Cui Hongjun frowned and said, "now that we know where they are hiding, we can kill them directly, kill these Japanese bastards, and take Mofei's antidote directly."

"What if they get caught in a dead end?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.


"And what if they just get the Murphy vaccine and can't guarantee to save the Murphy patients?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

Cui Hongjun was completely speechless. He really didn't think so much. He just thought that as long as he grasped the culprit, all the problems could be solved. However, Cui Hongjun did not know the Japanese.

However, Zhao Chengfeng knew both Japanese and American well.

The U.S. is really powerful. Because the U.S. people are smart and the way of education is very scientific, many scientists have been created. In addition, the U.S. is known as the "World Police". The U.S. people have pride in their bones. Of course, they also have pride in their capital;

Japan's heart is more of a ruthless force, a ruthless force to become the world's master. In order to achieve the goal by all means, not to mention relatives and friends can abandon, even their own lives can be discarded at any time.

This is the Japanese. They are not only cruel to the enemy, but also to themselves!

Therefore, although the Japanese are not things, they have made a lot of good things, such as electrical appliances, such as cars and so on, because the Japanese have a correct attitude, think carefully and will not make mistakes easily.

Think about it. How can the Japanese and the Americans take the initiative to hand in the antidote once they know about the east window incident? After all, it's up to you. What's more, Zhao Chengfeng's worry is not unreasonable. If these black men are only injected with vaccines, won't they be happy in vain?

"OK, I'll go and inform Dr. Liu and them right now." Cui Hongjun said no more, and directly asked people to prepare for blood extraction and test.

"Boss, can we start right now?" As soon as Cui Hongjun left, the blood monk couldn't wait to ask. The red eyed blood monk was full of fighting spirit.

"Send someone to investigate first, but don't be fooled by the big black guy. You'll lose your face." Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath of his cigarette and forced himself to calm down.

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