Zhao Chengfeng wants to kill these animals more than anyone else, but he has to take the overall situation into consideration.

"Well, this time I'll investigate myself!" The blood monk volunteered.

"You can't!"

This time, however, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "your appearance is so obvious that it's easy to be found as soon as you appear. It's not suitable for you to have such a bad temper. "


"I'll contact Marca later and let Marca go." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it.

Maka is a local and is very familiar with the local area. Moreover, Maka is black. The most common black people on the African continent are black people. Most of the black people are similar, black and unsophisticated, with obvious characteristics, but the characteristics between individuals are not obvious.

Black is the natural protective color of Maka.

"All right." Blood monk can only nod to agree.

Without delay, Zhao Chengfeng calls Maka and gives the order. And from Makah, Zhao Chengfeng got a bad news - mengke was attacked by Murphy virus, now people have been in a coma!

"Tell everyone to hold on, the difficulties will soon pass." After cheering up, Zhao Chengfeng put down the phone.

Zhao Chengfeng sat on one side, smoking, feeling really uncomfortable. There are so many people who died accidentally. Is there any royal law or natural law in the world?

Mengke, youduri and others are eager to make their country strong, but there are always some problems. Frankly speaking, if it were not for Zhao Chengfeng, if it was not for the hard support of China, I'm afraid the city of jintari would have been occupied.

All this was caused by the selfish desires of the Japanese and American people. The blood monk has a right saying - blood debt and blood compensation.

"If you have any news, please contact me as soon as possible. The relief materials will be delivered by tomorrow afternoon." Zhao Chengfeng continued.

Yudhury answered the doctor and went to work. Yuduri is not sleepy now. The whole gintrey is under yuduri's management. Plus the virus, how can he be in the mood to sleep?

"Forget it, don't call the old man." Zhao Chengfeng took out his mobile phone and intended to contact Tang Jinhai, but he finally held back.

Mr. Tang worked hard all his life. If he knew that his precious granddaughter had been infected with the Murphy virus, he would be angry to death.

"I'd better go with Tang Wei."

After smoking a cigarette, Zhao Chengfeng goes to Tang Wei's independent ward, grabs the woman's hand and sits down all night. Maybe the pill of reincarnation had an effect. When the day was about to light, Tang Wei was awake for a short time.

"Weiwei, hold on, we will survive..." Zhao Chengfeng took the woman's hand and murmured all night.

From the first time they met, to the little things along the way, the scenes passed in front of Zhao Chengfeng's eyes like a movie.

"Boss, come out." However, at dawn, Huisheng found Zhao Chengfeng.

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Chengfeng walked out gently, closed the door and asked in a low voice, "is there any result?"


Huisheng nodded and said: "after testing all night, we found some clues from the blood of the infected people. As far as I know, it should be extracted from a plant on the African continent. So, I need to find this plant first

"The antidote for the virus?"

"There must be an antidote within three meters of the poison!" Huisheng looked determined, but still said: "it's just that the African continent is too chaotic. I'm afraid I've been there for a long time. You should take good care of your sister-in-law."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Zhao Chengfeng patted her chest and assured that if she couldn't take care of Tang Wei, she would be able to wipe her neck.


Huisheng nodded and turned to go. But just turning around, he seemed to think of something. Then he looked back at Zhao Chengfeng and asked“ Boss, have you been with your sister-in-law all night? "



Huisheng frowned and said, "you are so close to your sister-in-law. Why didn't you get infected with the virus?"

Huisheng said that, of course, it's not a curse for Zhao Chengfeng, it's just curiosity.

After one night's research and comparison of data, Huisheng has a thorough understanding of the characteristics of Murphy virus. There are too many routes of transmission. If the air or skin is directly removed, it may be infected with Murphy virus.

Zhao Chengfeng stayed with Tang Wei all night. According to the normal inference, shouldn't Zhao Chengfeng fall down? But it seems that Zhao Chengfeng has no change except his face.

"Maybe it's because I've taken too many panacea." Zhao Chengfeng also feels strange, but he doesn't tangle too much in this matter. Now Zhao Chengfeng accompanies Tang Wei in a straight line, just wants to keep the woman safe.

"I suggest taking your blood for a test. It may be a surprise." Huisheng pondered.

"Yes, I have no problem." Without hesitation, Zhao Chengfeng directly stretched out his wrist.

Huisheng is not polite either. After collecting Zhao Chengfeng's blood, he gave it to Doctor Liu for treatment. He asked for a military vehicle and left the feikaman area.

"If only my blood could save vivi." Looking at the little red dot on his arm, Zhao Chengfeng murmured“ So I'll... "

"Didi... Didi..."

However, before Zhao Chengfeng had made a plan, the phone in his pocket rang quickly. It was not someone else, but Tang Weiguo. This is still Tang Weiguo's private phone.

"Hello, leader Tang, what's the matter with you?" Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone.

"I'm sorry, Cheng Feng, I've got you in trouble!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Tang Weiguo apologized and said, "if it wasn't for me, maybe you wouldn't have gone to the African continent, and so many things wouldn't have happened. I..."

"It's of my own volition. It's none of your business." Zhao Chengfeng interrupted: "I will not give up my women, nor my compatriots. I will not give up every precious life. "

"Hard for you!"

Hearing the speech, Tang was very moved for the country, and said, "just mention what you need. Even if you sell iron by smashing the pot, you will meet all your needs."

"Enough food and water will do, and a little more ammunition will do. Nothing else will be needed." Zhao Chengfeng didn't open his mouth because he knew that it would be a lot of money to make a living for these refugees.

"It's natural!"

Tang Weiguo responded directly and said, "by the way, I just received a call from you. Is the Murphy virus really the ghost of Japanese people this time?"

"Nine is ten."

"I want solid evidence!"

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