"As long as there is solid evidence, we can fire directly! I can't swallow it

Tang Weiguo on the other end of the phone almost roared, his fist banging on the desk.

"Direct fire?" Zhao Chengfeng a little Leng for a while, heart blood boiling at the same time, and is very unexpected.

Direct firing means a full-scale declaration of war.

You know, China has always believed in humility and tolerance, just like when the Japanese killed hundreds of thousands of Chinese people, they launched this shameful war of aggression. In the end, when the Japanese surrendered, they did not hurt the killers and sent the prisoners back according to the regulations. But now? The Japanese are still determined.

Now that Tang Weiguo dares to say this, it is enough to prove the anger in Tang Weiguo's heart, and it also shows from another aspect that Huaxia has been unbearable.

However, Zhao Chengfeng is very clear about the current situation. Direct firing means full-scale war. At that time, it is very likely to cause chaos, which is a global chaos. This is not in line with Huaxia's plan of keeping a low profile!

"Go to war when you go to war. Who is afraid of who?" Tang Weiguo snorted heavily and said: "as long as we find the evidence and publish it, they will become the target of public criticism and will meet the anger of the whole world! Don't they like to play? I'll have a good time with him! "

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized that Tang Weiguo had this idea. Also, once these crazy things spread, Japan and the United States are just like a street mouse.

To be sure, the United States is strong and the Japanese are not weak, but it does not mean that they can fight against the whole world. In the end, it is very likely to be slaughtered by Huaxia.

"How can we not find the evidence?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Then kill them and set an example to others!" Through the phone, Zhao Chengfeng can feel the ruthlessness of Tang Weiguo.

This time, it really annoyed Tang Weiguo.

"Even if you don't say it, I'll kill them." Zhao Chengfeng answered, exchanged greetings, and then hung up the phone. His dark eyes flashed a ray of cold light, and the more murderous he was.

it's dawn.

In the morning, the ficaman area is not hot or even cool. However, the whole ficaman area is full of depression and dreariness. It seems that even the air has the smell of death.

After being attacked twice in a row, thousands of the fikaman Garrison and refugees died, especially the refugees. Almost all of them died. At present, there are less than 100 refugees left.

Cui Hongjun arranged tents for the rest of the refugees. Across the prefabricated houses, one by one, the refugees crowded in the tents, looking at the distance with fear in their eyes, hugging each other and shivering.

There are also some patients infected with Murphy virus, directly fainted on the ground, suffering.

Looking at the mess on the ground and the dried up blood on the ground, Zhao Chengfeng's heart suddenly shrinks. This is the war, the merciless war, the brutal Japanese.

"Chief Cui, didn't sleep all night?" Seeing from a distance that Cui Red Army was directing the soldiers to do something, Zhao Chengfeng went over, said hello and handed over a cigarette.

The last time Cui Hongjun was injured, he was going to send him to China for training, but he still sticks to the ficaman area. This spirit is precious!

"Well, where can I sleep? How dare you sleep? "

Cui Hongjun lit a cigarette and took a puff. He said: "during the day, I was discussing with Tang Wei about defense, but Tang Wei was infected with Murphy virus. At night, these bastards attacked again. To tell you the truth, it was my dereliction of duty. In order not to be attacked again, I arranged to dig a trench around our camp and fill the trench with oil. As long as the enemy comes near again and ignites it directly, many casualties can be reduced. "

"It pains me to see these refugees fall row by row, just like the harvested wheat." Cui Hongjun looked miserable. "Although we are Chinese soldiers and have no obligation to protect them, they came to us for help because they believed in us, but I let them die. Ah..."

"Don't blame yourself too much."

Zhao Chengfeng is very moved. It's not unreasonable that Cui Hongjun can be valued by the Tang master.

"By the way, how is Tang Wei now?" Cui Hongjun asked again. Referring to Tang Wei, Cui Hongjun couldn't help thinking of the old leader, who was his only relative.

"It's going to get better." Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and looked firm.

Zhao Chengfeng believes in the ability of reincarnation, but also believes in his own ability. If Huisheng can't find an antidote for the Murphy virus, Zhao Chengfeng will have to find an antidote even if he catches the Japanese Prime Minister!

Tang Wei is going to have an accident. Let's kill the city.

"I hope so." Cui Hongjun sighed, but he was not optimistic. The news that came back early this morning is that at least thousands of people die every day because of the Murphy virus. It takes only 24 hours from the onset to death at the fastest!

It can be said that once the patient is confirmed to be infected with Murphy virus, his life will be over.

"By the way, chief Cui, there is something I want to talk about with you." After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng said: "it's not far from the city of jintari. I have an idea to transfer all the people who have not been infected with the Murphy virus in the feikaman area to jintari. From the current point of view, jintari can be said to be the safest place in the whole African continent. It is not afraid of the enemy's sneak attack at all. "

Zhao Chengfeng is very confident about this. When he set up camp in jintari, Zhao Chengfeng thought of this. In order to prevent the enemy's sneak attack, he spent a lot of effort to strengthen and heighten the city wall. If armored vehicles come, don't worry. He dug a trench one kilometer outside the city wall, and once he came in, he would die!

Unless the enemy bombed by helicopter. However, once helicopters are used, the level of war will rise.

"I agree!"

Cui Hongjun didn't think about it and responded directly. "I suggest that the experts, workers and medical team of the oil team should withdraw first."

"And you?"

"I'm a soldier. I want to protect the property of the country. I can't go." Cui Hongjun shook his head, "and my soldiers, without soldiers, what else can I be? I want to be with them! To defend national property to the death

"This spirit is very valuable, but people are gone. What's the use of this property?"

Zhao Chengfeng was very moved, but he thought Cui Hongjun was too stubborn“ Even if this land is robbed, I will get it back one day. Why care about the gains and losses? You need to know that today's ficaman is a big fat in the eyes of many forces on the African continent. With such a chaotic pattern, how long can you persist? Are not enough people dead? "


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