"I'll leave the green hills, and I won't worry about firewood."

Seeing that Cui Hongjun looked hesitant, Zhao Chengfeng then advised: "arrange the evacuation. Feikaman can leave some people behind. If you can, even the refugees infected with the Murphy virus walk with the soldiers. There is a Raman grassland more than 80 kilometers away from jintari, where all the Murphy virus patients are there. "

"Well, I'll arrange it now." Cui Hongjun nodded and finally agreed.

As soon as Cui Hongjun left, Zhao Chengfeng ate something casually and went to accompany Tang Wei. It has to be said that the reincarnation guy is really powerful. When she goes down with a black pill, Tang Wei's temperature is controlled very well and she sleeps very well.

Weiwei, hold on. Everything will be fine. Believe me Zhao Chengfeng holds the woman's hand and looks at the woman in bed“ When Huisheng and the monk come back, we will have... "

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

Before Zhao Chengfeng finished his sentence, the blood monk came back from outside to investigate the situation.

"Have you found out?"

Seeing the blood monk's excited look, Zhao Chengfeng was very happy.

"That guy didn't tell a lie. The people we sent out got the exact information. There were not only Japanese, but also American, and local rebels in the abandoned chemical plant. About 1000 people were well-equipped."

"These guys are very cautious. It's hard for us to get close to them," Xuehe said in a deep voice With that, the blood monk handed Zhao Chengfeng the temporary map.

"This is their defense map."

Zhao Chengfeng took the map and looked at it, a trace of fierce killing intention floating on his face.

"It's really professional." Zhao Chengfeng only glanced at it and saw the clue. However, no matter how tight the defense is, they will inevitably die! Even if it's an iron wall, Zhao Chengfeng is determined!

Perhaps, reincarnation can be configured as an antidote for Murphy virus, but can Tang Wei wait that long? One more day, it means that more patients with Murphy virus will die!

Time is life, can't afford to delay!

"They are really professional, and after yesterday's sneak attack, these dog days have become smart." The blood monk nodded and continued: "it seems that they don't mean to attack. Almost all of them are hiding for a rest. Moreover, around the feikaman area, we also find some of their people who are secretly monitoring us."

"Put out these eyes first." Zhao Chengfeng's resolute face shows a cold and fierce murderous spirit.

If people do not offend me, I will not offend; If a man offends me, I will kill him!

This is Zhao Chengfeng's code of conduct!

"Boss, I'm waiting for you. To tell you the truth, I'm almost in a panic. You wait. I'll go now!" As soon as he heard that he was about to dry, every pore of the blood monk got excited.

It's too much.

I was attacked twice a day yesterday. I always feel that there is a dark cloud in my heart. It's time to vent.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhao Chengfeng stopped the blood monk, looked at the time and said, "you can move in three hours. I'll take people to the front. If their eyes are broken, their people will be alert."

"You mean to take them by surprise? Straight to their nest? " Blood monk is not stupid, a little brain, you know what Zhao Chengfeng is planning.

"Do you think I'll give them a living?"

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said, "you immediately inform the top soldiers in the warehouse to set out in 15 minutes. Take enough weapons and ammunition, and I'll come right away."

"Boss, what about me? I'm going with you, too. I'm not happy if I don't kill these bastards myself! " Blood monk busy way.


Zhao Chengfeng looked back at the blood monk coldly and asked, "is it time to have fun? Carry out the order


Blood monk was staring at Zhao Chengfeng's heart hair, finally turned to work.

Fifteen minutes later, when Zhao Chengfeng met with 50 top soldiers, he was still familiar with them and felt a little more cordial. However, this is not the time to express his feelings.

"Now we are going to do something to avenge our dead compatriots. It's a killing, so please show your courage and fighting spirit. This time we have to face a force of 50 to 1000. If you are afraid or timid, you can stand up now. I'll escort him back to China. Are you afraid of death?"

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes swept all the people one by one, and all of them looked murderous without retreating.

"Well, since there's no one to advise me, I'll get on the bus and start right away. I'll tell you the plan when I'm on the road." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and dozens of people got on the bus together.

"Are you going to take dozens of people with you?" Cui Hongjun was a little surprised and thought that Zhao Chengfeng must be crazy.

"I don't think there are too many people. It's a little dazzling."

Zhao Chengfeng patted Cui Red Army on the shoulder and said: "arrange the evacuation of large troops. The feikaman area is not suitable for defense. The prefabricated houses and tents are built temporarily, so the evacuation is relatively easy. After waiting for three hours, we'll start working there, and you'll withdraw. "

"Well, I'll listen to you." Cui Hongjun nodded and was no longer stubborn.

Zhao Chengfeng is right. Today the land is gone, and one day he will fight back. After all, the ficaman field is now too conspicuous and rare.

"Be more careful, too."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and got on the bus with him.

"This time, the action is revenge and massacre. There are no tactics to speak of." Zhao Chengfeng on the car began to layout tactics, "five people in a group, two riflemen, a sniper, a man carrying 40 fire, see people kill, simple and rough."

"Drillmaster, it's no problem to kill people. Don't we leave people alive?" One of them asked, numb with courage.

Because Zhao Chengfeng used to be their instructor, they used to call Zhao Chengfeng their instructor.

"Of course you need to live, but you don't have to worry about it. Just leave it to me." Zhao Chengfeng then said: "a total of 10 groups, according to the eight positions stand bombing, I ask you a little, don't let anyone go, don't let the enemy have any way to live!"


Such a simple tactic doesn't need to be arranged at all. But, so far, they don't know who they are going to attack. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't need to talk too much. Soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty. They don't need to know anything else.

"Let the driver drive faster. We'll be on time in three hours." Looking at the time, Zhao Chengfeng urged.

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