Kinshasa seems to be an abandoned city. There are few living people in the whole street. Even if there are living people, most of them are still infected with Murphy virus.

The air seemed to be filled with the smell of ammunition and blood, just like hell.

"This is war." Seeing the scenes on the street outside, Zhao Chengfeng's heart is very sad, but he is unable to change all this.

If you can, Zhao Chengfeng also does not want to wear this uniform, do not want to pick up the gun in his hand, to kill, but, if the country is not strong enough, maybe such a street will appear in a street in China, maybe the next death is Chinese.

"Instructor, it's less than ten kilometers away from the destination. Shall we just drive there?" At this time, there were reports from soldiers.

Zhao Chengfeng drew back his thoughts and said in a deep voice: "when it's three kilometers away, all the people get out of the car and rush to attack on foot, according to the pre arranged action. It should be noted that many people here are infected with Murphy virus. Don't save people. If someone comes near or attacks you, kill them


Zhao Chengfeng is also very tangled in his heart. However, for the safety of his soldiers, he can't take too much into account.

"In a war, don't be soft hearted. Otherwise, you may fall down on yourself or your comrades in arms, or even lead to the victory or defeat of the whole war!" Zhao Chengfeng reminds a way.

To be sure, these people are the best soldiers in the southeast provincial military region, but after all, they are different from the ferocious gangsters and the rebels. You know, there are no prisoners under the hands of the rebels.

When he was about to arrive at his destination, Zhao Chengfeng chased all the 50 people down, while he drove on. Zhao Chengfeng was very fast, three kilometers away, and arrived in less than five minutes. From a distance, he saw the abandoned chemical plant.


However, before Zhao Chengfeng rushed in, a black man raised his gun at him.

"Boom boom..."

Zhao Chengfeng, as if he didn't see it, stepped up the gas and rushed in.



"Dada... Dada..."

For a moment, the sound of gunfire, the original quiet abandoned factory suddenly lively up, people everywhere, Qi Qi aimed at Zhao Chengfeng's car.

"What the hell happened? Disturb me to take a nap! "

Watson got up from the bed, pushed aside the coquettish woman who was buried between her legs, and stood up with an unhappy face.

"I don't know..." the coquettish woman was also puzzled.


At this moment, the gate of the abandoned factory collapsed, splashing with yellow dust. Watson was almost scared to pee, paralyzed, and out of time. I was just about to have a good time. This guy was scared. Don't "don't give up" in the future.

"Don't move, come out!"

"Get out, or I'll shoot you!"

The car stopped, and forty or fifty people with guns approached step by step, aiming at the man in the cab.

It's really depressing. How can there be such a guy out of thin air? Everyone is taking a nap. The good guy rushes in and doesn't want to live, does he?


The door opened, not the door opened, but the door was kicked over. The people in the car also followed. A young man, with black hair and yellow skin, had a faint smile on his face.

"Son of a bitch, dare to disturb my sleep, I..."

A big black man, looking at such a guy coming down from the car, threw up the butt of his gun and hit someone.


But the next second Heida's arm was broken, and senbai's bone stubble was exposed in the air, which made everyone take a breath. Aka 47 was directly broken.

Damn, it's a steel cast aka47. How can it be like bean curd residue in men's hands!

"Stop it, damn it, stop it!"

This scene shocked the public, but also angered the public, the gun directly loaded, "move again, believe me to blow your head?"


A faint smile, eyes swept around a group of people, guns? Ha ha, I'm afraid it's a little effective for ordinary people, but it's another matter for yourself!

"Son of a bitch, tie him up and kill him..."

"Bang bang!"

However, before the man had finished his sentence, the person in front of him suddenly moved and moved quickly, leaving only a shadow in front of the crowd. Then dozens of people flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

No breathing!

Take a closer look, everyone has a hole in his chest, the size of a fist. And the man's hands were covered with blood, and the blood dropped down, and then quickly fell into the dust.

This is a land of countless blood donors!

"Zhao, Zhao Chengfeng, you, you are still alive..."

Watson just put on his underpants and walked out with Kimura Shaoxiong. Seeing the bloody man in front of him, he was so surprised that his eyes almost fell to the ground and faltered: "you, aren't you, dead, dead?"

"Oh? Do you know me? " Zhao Chengfeng smiles and stares at Watson in front of him. He has many questions in his heart and solved many mysteries at the same time.

Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled, Watson is from what population that he has died? And Zhao Chengfeng's relief is that since Watson knew himself, it was obvious that this time they came for themselves and the Chinese people!

"I..." Watson didn't know how to open his mouth, because Zhao Chengfeng had come step by step and walked slowly. Although there was only one person, Watson had a feeling of Taishan pressure.

"Don't move, I'll shoot you again!"

Kimura Shaoxiong directly took out a golden desert eagle and aimed at Zhao Chengfeng's forehead. This is the first time that Kimura Shaoxiong meets Zhao Chengfeng. However, he is no stranger to Zhao Chengfeng, because Zhao Chengfeng has been listed as the number one enemy by the Japanese government. As long as he kills Zhao Chengfeng, the Japanese government will give him more than 100 million bonus!

From this we can see how much Japanese government and people hate Zhao Chengfeng!

I want to kill him!

Dream of killing him!

"Shoot me? Ha ha, come on, shoot. I want to hide. I'm my grandson! " Zhao Chengfeng smiles instead of anger. Looking at Kimura Shaoxiong and Watson in front of him, he understands a lot.

Japan and the United States are indeed in collusion. God knows how many connections they have behind the scenes.

"Son of a bitch, then you go to die!"

Kimura Shaoxiong's face was smeared with a grim smile and pulled the trigge

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