
Pull the trigger of the moment, the air seems to be pierced in general, issued a sharp harsh sound.


The bullet fell on Zhao Chengfeng's shoulder. It was a very ordinary bullet. However, the lethality surprised Zhao Chengfeng, because Zhao Chengfeng had become a dragon scale body and was invulnerable. However, the gun in Kimura Shaoxiong's hand actually broke Zhao Chengfeng's skin!

"Is this a biological pistol?" Zhao Chengfeng took the bullet straight from his shoulder, put it in his nostril, smelled it, and immediately twisted his brow.

The bullet has no temperature and no smell of gunpowder, so it is a biological rifle. Ordinary powder filled bullets are not so powerful.

"Ah? This... "

Not only Zhao Chengfeng was shocked, but also Kimura Shaoxiong and Watson were shocked. He can't do anything with biological rifles. How powerful is this bastard? Hit a bullet, take out with finger directly can, this is what stem?

"I must give you some color to see, or you won't tell the truth, will you?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head slightly and approached them little by little.

"Don't move!"

At this time, Watson behind the soldiers raised 40 fire, aimed at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Can you hold a bullet, can you hold 40 fires?" Watson roared, with a grim smile on his face. "Wise, raise your hand and let it go. Otherwise, I'll blow you to pieces!"

"40 fire? Ha ha. "

Zhao Chengfeng laughed, "it seems that you were the ones who attacked the feikaman garrison yesterday."

"Yes, what can we do?" Watson saw that Zhao Chengfeng was standing still. He thought that Zhao Chengfeng was really afraid of fire, and the whole person got angry again.

Man is man after all. He can't be invulnerable! If a bullet can't kill you, I'll use a rocket launcher. If a rocket launcher can't kill you again, I'll use a missile and an atomic bomb to kill you!

The military strength of the United States is absolutely the first in the world!

"So you really developed the Murphy virus and put it on the African continent?" Zhao Chengfeng's pupils narrowed and continued to ask.

"Of course!"

Watson pointed to Kimura Shaoxiong and said, "this is the Murphy virus developed by Mr. Kimura. How about it? This virus is also in line with your taste, ha ha ha... "

"Kimura Shaoxiong? "Japanese bastards?"

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes swept Kimura Shaoxiong, and a trace of killing intention flashed through his pupils.

"Shut up Kimura Shaoxiong was so angry that he raised his gun again and roared: "Zhao Chengfeng, you killed so many people in the Japanese nation, don't you deserve to die? I just killed a few of you, and you can't stand it? "

"Well, in half a day, the Murphy virus will spread to Japan. I think it must be very nice to let you Japanese people eat evil fruits." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care about Kimura Shaoxiong's threat at all.

Want to kill brother Feng? Ha ha, there are too many people in the world who want Zhao Chengfeng's life, but who has really done it?


Kimura's eyes glared and he immediately laughed again. "I can study the Murphy virus. Don't I have an antidote? You think too much. You can't threaten me at all. "

"You really have an antidote, then, that's enough." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng finally relieved, hear Kimura Shaoxiong this sentence, Zhao Chengfeng also rest assured.

Smell speech, Kimura Shaoxiong eyes a stare, suddenly understand come over, this bastard set his own words.



However, before Kimura Shaoxiong said a word, Zhao Chengfeng had already moved. There was only a long list of shadows left. At first, he felt as if he had gone to hell.


"Let go of me!"

As soon as you open and close your eyes, Watson and Kimura Shaoxiong fall into the hands of Zhao Chengfeng. Everyone at the scene is dumbfounded. Is this still human? How can people have such a fast speed?

"I think we should have a good chat." Zhao Chengfeng looked at Watson with a smile, "do you want your soldiers to put down their guns and gather outside?"

Watson hesitated. What's the difference between putting down the gun and surrendering!



However, Watson did not say a word, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly kicked Watson's knee, only to see Watson's leg anti joint broken, knee bones are exposed.


The cold sweat on Watson's forehead came out. Watson had only one feeling, pain.

"Don't bargain with me." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't feel sorry for Watson at all. He just throws him on the ground. In Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, Watson is dead at this moment.

"Lay down your arms!"

Watson held his broken leg and hated Zhao Chengfeng. He wanted to eat Zhao Chengfeng's meat.

At this moment, Watson finally knew why Zhao Chengfeng was on the blacklist of the Japanese, why almost all the top officials of the Japanese wanted to kill him, and why the U.S. government hated him to the bone!

Because he is tough enough, because he is strong enough!

He is the incarnation of the devil!

In the end, Watson surrendered. All the soldiers laid down their weapons and went out of the abandoned chemical plant dejectedly. According to Watson's instructions, they concentrated outside the factory!

"Damn it, counsellor, I'm bowing!" Kimura stares at Watson. He is very depressed.

Almost a thousand people, do you think so? Scared by someone? Can't you fight, fight?


Watson was so numb that he was beaten by Zhao Cheng. Now a Japanese bastard dares to humiliate himself?

"Why don't you try that? Don't you know it hurts? " Watson was very angry.

"Fear of pain, then I will help you!"

Kimura Shaoxiong didn't know where he took out a exquisite pistol and pulled the trigger at Watson.

"You..." Watson's pupils dilated sharply. He never dreamed that Kimura Shaoxiong would dare to shoot himself.


The bullet went into Watson's thigh because Kimura Shaoxiong was kicked by Zhao Chengfeng at the moment of shooting. He didn't let Kimura Shaoxiong aim at Watson's head.

"Ah... Son of a bitch, you..." Watson hugged his thigh, and the blood flowed out from between his fingers.

"Kimura, you bastard, you shot me!"

Kimura Shaoxiong didn't feel anything wrong, but sneered: "now you have no use value, death is also a relief for you, aren't you afraid of pain? If you die, it won't hurt. "

"You Watson was so angry that he wanted to crush Kimura.

"Tut Tut, dog bites dog, what a good performance." One side of Zhao Chengfeng laughs, appears particularly happy.

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