"Pa pa... Pa pa pa..."

Zhao Chengfeng clapped, suddenly squatted down with great interest and said to Watson, "aren't you Americans very powerful? Don't you think the Japanese are your dogs all the time? How do you feel when a dog bites its owner? "

Watson's old face is very blue, on the one hand because of anger, on the other hand because of pain. He stares at Kimura and thinks that as long as he can leave the African continent alive, he must kill Kimura!


"He has never been our master, we Japanese are our own master!" Kimura Shaoxiong doesn't like Zhao Chengfeng's remarks. The Japanese are proud. Why should they be dogs for others?

"Tut Tut, the dog doesn't even want its owner. Watson, what do you think?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly laughed and thought it was very interesting.


Watson gritted his teeth and said, "Japan is just a tiny country. It was bombed and surrendered by our two atomic bombs in those years. Why do you want to be shot twice?"

"Believe it or not?" Kimura Shaoxiong seems to be trampled on the tail of the cat, strange anger.

"Come on!"

Watson did not admit defeat. He hummed coldly: "if we are single, I can kill you even if I have a lame leg!"

"Come on, come on!"

Kimura jumped up. He was petite, but he was as light as a swallow. He was quick. He kicked Watson in the chest.


Just stand up Watson you caught off guard, completely did not expect, looking at the emaciated and matchless Kimura Shaoxiong was so powerful, Watson fell out, hit the ground heavily.

"Well, it's good. The more you watch it, the more enjoyable it is." In the distance, Zhao Chengfeng lights up a cigarette and sucks it happily. He looks at the two people wrestling with each other like children.

Although Watson is the leader of delta army and a serious special force, he doesn't seem to have any fighting power in the hands of Kimura Shaoxiong. On the other hand, Kimura Shaoxiong is extremely fierce and quick. Watson has no fighting power at all.

"I make you arrogant, I make you arrogant!"

"Are the American people great? 艹! Come and hit me... "

Kimura Shaoxiong seems to vent. He rides on Watson, one punch after another. His fists reach the flesh, and his fists see blood. Gradually Watson didn't respond and fainted.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

After smoking a cigarette, Zhao Chengfeng stands up, lifts Kimura Shaoxiong aside, wakes Watson up again, points to Kimura Shaoxiong and says, "he beat you so badly. Do you want me to avenge you?"


Watson coughed up a mouthful of blood and glared at Zhao Chengfeng. "You're not a good man either. When it comes to you, you can kill it or cut it! "

"There's seed!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't say much, so he picked them up and mentioned them outside the factory door. He said, "let's see a good play today. Let's see what's despair and crush!"


Without waiting for them to recover, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly waved his hand.

"Pa pa... Pa pa pa..."

At this moment, there was a lot of gunfire in all directions. Only the prisoners in front of them fell down one after another. These people were very good at shooting, almost at the head.

"No, no..." Watson was red eyed and growled, "no, no, run..."

Watson really can't bear to watch his own people fall. It's killing. It's bloody killing!

"Fight, rush out!"


The captives were bloody. No one would stand and die. For a moment, the crowd became restless. They chose the right place and rushed to the front of the factory

"Boom boom!"

However, just when everyone mistakenly thought that they were going to escape, 40 fires smashed continuously. The sound of explosion was deafening, flesh and blood flying all over the sky, mixed with bursts of wailing.

One by one, one by one, blood flowed and wailed everywhere. It's like purgatory outside the chemical plant. It's not crushing, it's killing!

At this moment, Watson finally understood the meaning of Zhao Chengfeng's "let you feel desperate". It turned out that Zhao Chengfeng didn't come alone. He had helpers!

"Mr. Kimura, you look so ugly. Don't you like killing very much? Do you think I have a sense of art in this way of killing people? How does it compare with you? " Zhao Chengfeng stares at Kimura Shaoxiong and asks with interest.

Kimura Shaoxiong's face was pale and convulsed.

Kimura does like to kill, but he doesn't like to kill his own people. Watching his own people fall down, Kimura's heart is not really good. Zhao Chengfeng is really a devil!

"Don't, don't, don't kill, don't..." Watson yelled, "stop, we give up, we surrender, we surrender!"

Zhao Chengfeng looked at Kimura Shaoxiong again and asked, "what about you? Do you surrender? "


Kimura Shaoxiong wanted to fight hard, but at last he dropped his head and sighed: "we give up, we surrender!"

"All give up, all surrender?"

For this result, Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. After all, Japanese people like to play what kind of caesarean section suicide, to express what kind of bushido spirit, did not expect that Kimura Shaoxiong actually admitted to counseling.

"I'm very happy with your attitude, but I want to tell you a piece of sad news. It's revenge, so we don't accept surrender. Kill me, kill me

The last word, Zhao Chengfeng almost roared out, that thick voice like thunder general, frighten the soul!

"Dada... Dada..."

"Boom boom!"

The sound of gunfire and explosion started one after another, the scream gradually decreased, and fewer and fewer people were still standing.

"You..." Watson was almost angry. They didn't accept surrender!

"You are not in line with the international convention. You Huaxia are violating the rules and will be subject to international sanctions." Kimura Shaoxiong growls and bites his teeth.

"Illegal operation? Ha ha

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng laughed, "that you do so is in line with the regulations?"? Is it legal that Japan secretly develops and manufactures biological and chemical weapons and now develops viruses, causing countless deaths and injuries on the African continent? "

"You..." Kimura Shaoxiong was speechless.

"Also, you are dead, who will spread today's things, even if you are cut into pieces one by one, no one knows."

Kimura Shaoxiong looks at Zhao Chengfeng with a ferocious smile, and his heart sinks to the bottom. Kimura Shaoxiong finally knows Zhao Chengfeng's strength and what kind of enemy he has provoked.

He is a bloody and cruel Avenger!

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