"Dada... Dada..."

The sound of gunfire fell like rain, harvesting lives, only to see blood flying in the air, screams sounded, abandoned chemical plant seems to have become human purgatory!

"No, no..." Watson lay on the ground, watching his soldiers fall one by one, heartbroken.

These are all the treasures of the whole United States. It takes a lot of money and material resources to train these excellent soldiers. More importantly, how can these soldiers explain to their families when they die?

"You are the devil!"

Kimura Shaoxiong glared at Zhao Chengfeng, but there was a trace of fear in the bottom of his eyes.

Kimura Shaoxiong finally knows how Zhao Chengfeng's bad reputation as "terminator" comes from. He makes you feel hopeless, hopeless without any hope of turning over. This is a demon, a demon who kills people without blinking an eye.

Nearly a thousand people died in less than ten minutes. The blood dried up in the gunfire, and the blood filled the air.

Dead, all dead, only Kimura Shaoxiong and Watson two people, Watson seems to have become disabled, can only lie on the ground dry howl.

"I'm the devil? Ha ha. " Zhao Chengfeng seems to have heard the best joke in the world. He looks directly at Kimura Shaoxiong and laughs sarcastically: "can't you stand it? When you Japanese killed hundreds of thousands of Chinese people, why don't you call yourself a devil

Kimura said nothing.

"Last year, Japan secretly researched and manufactured biological and chemical weapons on the African continent, and carried out experiments on biological and chemical weapons. As a result, there was no one living in a whole village on the African continent, and even no chicken survived. Why don't you call yourself a devil?"

Kimura is still silent,

"Now, you son of a bitch have developed the damned Murphy virus, causing thousands of people to die and get sick on the African continent, indirectly triggering riots on the African continent, and more than 300000 people have been displaced. Are you the devil or am I the devil?"

Kimura is still silent.


However, Zhao Chen all parties can but throw a slap to smash in the past, stare and scold: "silly? If I ask you, are you the devil or am I the devil

"..." Kimura Shaoxiong touched his red and swollen face and took a cold breath in pain.


Zhao Chengfeng backhand is a slap hit in the past, "do not speak even? I tell you, today I want to let you know what pain is, let you see what devil is


A dagger suddenly appears in Zhao Chengfeng's hand. The dagger is short but emits cold light.

"You, what are you going to do?" Kimura Shaoxiong looked at the knife, a trace of fear spread from the bottom of his heart.

Zhao Chengfeng is definitely not a good stubble!

"What do you say?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly grinned, a row of white teeth showing a bit of gloomy terror, the voice fell, but his wrist was suddenly shaking, "whew" sound, into Kimura Shaoxiong's thigh.


Kimura was caught off guard. Of course, even if he was on guard, he couldn't prevent it, because Zhao Chengfeng was too fast. He was as fast as lightning.

Kimura shivered with pain. He held his thighs in his hands, and his blood shot out of his fingers like a water pipe burst.

"Don't cry. Look at the patients with Murphy virus who died miserably because of you. They didn't hum. What's the strength of your cry?" Zhao Chengfeng has a look of mockery in his mouth.

It turns out that the Japanese bastards also know the pain. It turns out that if they stab into the Japanese bastards' bodies, they will also bleed. But Zhao Chengfeng still doesn't understand why they haven't considered other people's feelings?

"Have seed to give me a pleasure, kill me, give me a pleasure!" Kimura's face was convulsive. This kind of pain was really something that Kimura had never experienced.

Kimura Shaoxiong knew that he fell into the hands of Zhao Chengfeng. He was afraid that he could not live any longer. Anyway, he might as well have a happy ending.

"Kill you? No, killing you is the greatest relief for you. I won't kill you. "

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, said: "I want to let you slowly experience the pain, let you see the spread of the Murphy virus in Japan, what will happen."

"You..." Kimura Shaoxiong's face suddenly turned white.

Zhao Chengfeng ignored the latter directly, and as soon as he waved, a soldier leaned up.

"If you tie them up, you can take off their limbs. No, it's five limbs. Just keep it alive. " Zhao Chengfeng ordered a, straight to the center of a pile of dead bodies.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think he is cruel. Using violence to control violence is the worst way in the world, but it has to be said that it is the most effective and direct way. Simple revenge is so simple.

Just like Watson and Kimura, they are afraid. That's enough.

"Separate all the corpses, Japanese, American and local rebels, take photos and send them to my mobile phone; All weapons and ammunition will be loaded into the vehicle, and their food and water will be transported to the urban area of Kinshasa and sent to the victims. "

Zhao Chengfeng continued to command: "monitoring around, once found someone close, do not warn, directly killed!"

"Well, you wait here. A few people will come in later to carry the medicine!" With that, Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and re entered the abandoned chemical plant.

Watson and Kimura Shaoxiong were detained separately, which is also to prevent the two people from confessing. Zhao Chengfeng needs to seriously examine the two bastards. At least for now, he must find the antidote for the Murphy virus!

This is Tang Wei's chance to live, and it is also a chance for many patients with Murphy virus! As long as the Murphy virus is under control, the riots on the African continent will stop.

If a country cannot provide a stable living environment for its people, it will never be strong and will only be bullied. It's just like the Japanese bullying the African black big ones and pulling them to do live experiments.

This is the sorrow of a nation.

"Watson, the leader of the delta army, has been in the army for 22 years. He has two daughters in his family. The eldest daughter has gone to college, right?" Zhao Chengfeng plans to torture Watson first, and what he just said is also the information that the kid just investigated.

Watson is almost the whole person was hanged up, now no longer a special forces captain's momentum, looks like a guy on the verge of death.

"What do you want to know?" Watson is a smart man and knows more about Zhao Chengfeng.

However, Watson still doesn't understand why Zhao Chengfeng didn't die. Instead, he lived a good life, even worse than the legendary Zhao Chengfeng. Kimura is right. He is an absolute devil.

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