"Let's talk about your plan this time. Why do you want to develop Murphy virus? What's the idea? " Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and asked, "are you just trying to kill people? As far as I know, no country in Africa will pose a threat to the United States. "

Zhao Chengfeng really didn't understand it. The Murphy virus was really powerful. In a few days, it killed many people. It directly led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people, and many people died under the gunfire of the rebels!

"This time, the Japanese came to us and said that they wanted to take joint action to take control of the African continent in one fell swoop, so we hastened this riot. Japanese Kimura Shaoxiong developed the Murphy virus and launched it on the African continent." "We didn't mean to be involved, because the countries on the African continent are poor, but there are a lot of ruthless people," Watson explained

"Are you talking about the ruthless men of the millstone mercenary regiment?" Zhao Chengfeng thought carefully and asked.

Watson nodded and said, "that's right. Because of the existence of the millstone mercenary regiment, we have suffered a lot from the loss of soldiers, which has already caused a lot of dissatisfaction in the Congress. The families of the soldiers who died also made trouble, which made us very passive. "

"That's strange." Zhao Chengfeng a little bit curious, "since you are so passive, why do you want to participate in this matter? For what? "

"For the oil fields in the ficaman area!"

Watson also did not hide, said: "the Japanese side said that as long as we help, after we get the control of the entire African continent, the feikaman oil field will belong to the United States. As you know, the United States is a superpower, and the annual demand for oil is too large. The demand for oil is far more than that of ordinary countries in terms of life, military and industry, so we are here."

"I didn't expect that your country also got red eye disease. I can't see anyone better than you." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head. It's no surprise to Zhao Chengfeng that the birds died for food.

This time, the Americans wanted oil fields, so they chose to cooperate with the Japanese, and they also wanted to control the African continent. It's true that most of the countries on the African continent are very poor. Many people don't have enough to eat. Women don't even have clothes to wear.

However, there are many mineral resources on the African continent, such as oil fields, ores and even gold mines.

"Tell me more, who told me that I was dead? If I don't die, won't you start this war? " Zhao Chengfeng changed a comfortable sitting posture, staring at Watson hanging up, holding the small and delicate dagger in his hand, and a cold smile rippling from the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like the use of punishment, but he has to admit that it is a good method, especially the one that makes people unable to survive or die.

"Yes, the new commander of the delta force, Zadov, told me." Watson had some hesitation, but at the moment when he saw Zhao Chengfeng's smile, his defense line collapsed instantly, and all his thoughts were taken out.

Everyone wants to be a tough guy, but not everyone can bear that kind of torture!

"Zadov?" For this name, Zhao Chengfeng is not familiar with, then said: "that wood village Shaoxiong hands that golden desert eagle is where to come from? Don't tell me it was made by the Japanese themselves. "

"Maybe the Japanese can make that kind of gun, but they can't make that kind of bullet!"

"The bullet is provided by our country!" Watson was surprised, but just think about it, the last time the United States used biological rifles to attack the millstone mercenary regiment and the feikaman garrison?

Only a ten member fighting group killed more than 300 people in the fikaman garrison, and finally left! If you want to say credit, the biological rifle is absolutely the first skill, because the penetration and lethality of the biological rifle is too strong.

According to tests, biological rifles can even penetrate armored vehicles!

"Can you still make these biological bullets?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a twist.

"It can't be produced."

Watson shook his head with a wry smile. "We don't know where this kind of bullet came from. The quantity is extremely limited. This time, it's to express the sincerity of cooperation, so he brought some to Kimura Shaoxiong. Unexpectedly, this guy said he was a big bastard and dared to hit me!"


Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng could not help showing a mocking smile and hummed coldly: "do you really think that your country is so powerful that it is supercilious? Bullshit

Watson opened his mouth and didn't retort because he was afraid of being beaten.

"Just think about what Kimura Shaoxiong did to you. Do you still think you are very strong?" Zhao Chengfeng sneered, "in your eyes, the Japanese are just your dog. You can clean them up as you want, but you don't know that the Japanese have been using you to bully others and rob others of their resources."


Watson's face turned white. Although Zhao Chengfeng's words were hard to hear, Zhao Chengfeng's words were very reasonable. Kimura Shaoxiong was so respectful to himself at the beginning. He wanted beauty for beauty and face for face. But at the most critical moment, he actually shot himself!

"Your alliance is a joke." Seeing that Watson didn't look very good, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "even in the eyes of Kimura Shaoxiong, you have become dead."

"What do you mean?" Watson didn't understand.

"Hum, fool!"

Zhao Chengfeng white the latter one eye, no good airway: "Japanese people can use the virus against Africans, how can not deal with you Americans? Maybe you have planted any virus in your body. "

"This..." Watson was temporarily speechless. He didn't know what to say. When he thought about it carefully, it was really possible.

It's well known that the Japanese are full of ambition. They wanted to dominate the world at that time? Unfortunately, he was stunned by the two American atomic bombs and immediately raised his hand to surrender.

Who can guarantee that the Japanese will not bite their masters again after they are strong?

"At present, American soldiers are not infected with Murphy virus because they have given you the vaccine in advance, but do you know the formula of this vaccine?" Zhao Chengfeng said again.

Watson did not speak at all. Watson really did not understand how the vaccine was made, but simply thought that the Japanese did not dare to do it by themselves.

However, Watson obviously thinks too much now. They are not afraid to do it, but too dare to do it. There is nothing they dare not do!

"I really feel sorry for you, eh!" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and turned away.

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