Watson's expression has told Zhao Chengfeng, through Watson is afraid to get nothing valuable news.

As for why Watson was not tortured, it's not hard to understand. Say good point, called willpower is not strong, say bad point, straight white point is afraid of death!

It's not a secret. Everyone in the world knows it.

When the Americans go to battle to kill the enemy, once they run out of ammunition and food, or there is too big a gap between the enemy and us, it is normal for them to raise their hands and surrender. In real war, there is no legend like that in American movies, nor is there a tough guy like that in American movies. Many people like American blockbusters. They think the protagonist in the movie is very male and bloody.

But in reality, it's not like this. Just like Kimura Shaoxiong shot Watson in the leg, there was a blood hole. It was bleeding continuously. If not treated, he would die.

On this point, the Americans are not even as good as the Japanese. Because they believe in the spirit of Bushido and regard defeat as a disgrace, commanders have to be accountable, which leads to more Caesarean suicide.

"How's it going? How does it feel to be trampled? " Zhao Chengfeng pushes the door and walks into the room where Kimura Shaoxiong is held.

Kimura Shaoxiong is much more miserable than Watson. Because he is too short, his whole body is hanging up in the air. His arms are already red and swollen. Maybe it's because his thighs are bleeding too much. Kimura's face is pale.

However, Kimura is still gritting his teeth.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you've been famous for a long time. Now I'm a prisoner. Why don't you give me a good time? After killing so many of us, do you care about me one more? " Kimura Shaoxiong roars at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng laughed and said, "have you ever seen a cat slap a mouse to death?"


Kimura Shaoxiong is so angry that he shivers. This bastard regards himself as a mouse. To put it bluntly, he wants to play with himself and make fun of himself. Let yourself not to die, not to live! In other words, play enough will give yourself a happy.

"Kimura Shaoxiong, you are a famous biologist in the United States. Let's not beat around the bush. You are a talented person, otherwise we can't study such powerful viruses as Murphy virus." Zhao Chengfeng went straight to the theme and said, "tell me, where is the antidote for Murphy virus, or how to configure it. Maybe I will give you a good time."

"It's for the antidote of the Murphy virus. Hum, Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Chengfeng, do you still want to be a hero of the people of the African continent?" Kimura Shaoxiong brightened his eyes and said with a grim smile: "Oh no, I think someone in the Chinese army is infected with the Murphy virus..."

"You are not so honest."

Zhao Chengfeng's face suddenly turned cold and his hands flashed cold.


Kimura Shaoxiong's scream rang out. In between, Kimura Shaoxiong had a dagger on his other thigh. He only saw that the handle of the dagger was exposed in the air. Because of the pain, Kimura Shaoxiong began to tremble.

"You, you bastard, you killed me, killed me..." Kimura Shaoxiong kept roaring, because of the pain, that pale face became ferocious.

"I'll kill you. I'll do what you want."

Zhao Chengfeng definitely nodded, but the words changed and said: "just before you kill you, I want you to taste all the pain in the world. Didn't you just say I'm the devil? Well, I also find that I have a lot of devil potential. When you Japanese imitated a kind of criminal law of ancient China, I think it's very suitable for you. "

"What do you want to do?" Kimura Shaoxiong suddenly vigilant, the pupil revealed a thick fear.

"I don't want to do anything. It's just an experiment on you."

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly pulls out the dagger, and Kimura Shaoxiong's whole body shakes again. He feels the rapid loss of blood, and Kimura Shaoxiong's heart sinks to the bottom.

This is the first time Kimura Shaoxiong has smelled death.

"There is a rule in this criminal law that 3600 pieces of meat should be cut off from the body of the death penalty prisoner, and the death penalty prisoner should not be allowed to die so easily. The death penalty prisoner should watch his meat fall one by one, and then stay alive for three days. I think it's an impossible task, because it's 3600 Dao. How good the Dao method is to achieve it.... "

Kimura Shaoxiong's body trembled sharply, staring at Zhao Chengfeng in horror, "you, you, you don't..."

"I don't believe that a person can bear 3600 knives for three days, so I think I should do an experiment. Mr. Kimura, you are very honored to be my test object. In order to show my respect for you, I will bury you after you die, and you won't be exposed in the wilderness like the corpse outside. Then, let's start..."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng rolled up his sleeve, shook the dagger in his hand and prepared to open it.

"No! I said

Kimura Shaoxiong is really afraid, a sharp roar, "no, I said, I said, I said everything."

"You only have one minute." Zhao Chengfeng put away the dagger, lit up a world show, and sucked it happily.

Death, there is nothing terrible, terrible is that kind of torture. Watching their own flesh, a piece of a fall on the ground, that feeling who can stand?

It's more painful than death! The Japanese are a little bit more willpower than the Americans. However, in front of Zhao Chengfeng, who you are is the same. As long as you are human, Zhao Chengfeng will have a way to pry his mouth.

"The antidote to the Murphy virus is nothing unusual. It can be found everywhere in the Savannah of Africa." Kimura Shaoxiong did not dare to tell a lie. He said: "this kind of grass is called snake holding grass. There are many places where snakes come and go. As long as you boil it into soup and drink it, it will be OK."

"So simple?"

Zhao Chengfeng can't believe that the damned Murphy virus is so easily killed by snake holding grass? It's not scientific.

"It's not complicated in itself." Kimura Shaoxiong then said: "Mofei virus is my research and development, I am very familiar with its characteristics, have done many experiments, absolutely no problem."

"If there is a problem, it means you have a problem too."

Zhao Chengfeng gave two orders to the soldiers on one side, and the soldiers ran out to find someone to do the experiment. There are countless people infected with Murphy virus nearby. Just pull one to do the experiment. If it works, it will be the best. If it doesn't work, it means that Kimura Shaoxiong will be cut to pieces.

"I just want to have a good time." Kimura doesn't want to live. He just wants to die happily. It doesn't matter if he is dismembered after death.

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