
Zhao Chengfeng suddenly felt a little ironic and asked: "you have done so many insane and immoral things. Why do you want a happy life? If you don't kill too much, you use the virus to torture or even kill the people of the whole African continent. At that time, did you want to give them a good time? "

"They are poor, let alone full. Some people even have no clothes to hide their shame. How can you do it?"

Kimura Shaoxiong said: "it's common sense to be beaten if you fall behind. This is a world of the jungle in itself. What can we say. They are poor, they are weak, they should be bullied. "

"It seems that it's useless to reason with you. It's also my fault. If I can't reason with anyone, I have to reason with animals." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, and his eyes showed a trace of fierce fighting spirit!

"I'm a beast? Ha ha. "

Kimura laughed noncommittally and said, "isn't that right? We are bullying Africans. How can we Japanese not be bullied by others? The United States rides on our necks to poop and piss. Whatever you want, you are the bastard of the bastards! If we are strong enough, will we be bullied by others? "

"In other words, don't you Chinese bully people? Hum Kimura Shaoxiong hummed coldly, "it's like the feikaman oil field. It's not taken by force. Do you think we don't know?"

"You don't know!"

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and explained: "the feikaman area itself is not owned by the local government, but by babulu, the diamond king. What you may not know is that babulu is my father-in-law, and his daughter vidora is my wife. Therefore, the feikaman oil field has become his daughter's dowry."

"..." Kimura said nothing.

"Oh, I'm stupid, too!"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng patted his head, he shook his head and said, "I'll explain to you a fart. I'm not afraid of the shadow. Can I still be blacked by you little bastards?"

Said, Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, smoked a cigarette, it seems to think of something, and asked: "what's the matter with that biological bullet? How much did the Americans give you? "

"Fifty." Referring to this matter, Kimura Shaoxiong was very upset and cursed: "the American people are really stingy. They also said that in order to consolidate the cooperation between us, they would send 50 bullets, but it's too few."

"Fifty bullets?"

Zhao Chengfeng's pupil suddenly shrank. "No, Watson just told me that he gave you a lot of bullets. At this time, are you still careless with me? It seems that you are still thinking about the criminal law of thousands of cuts. "

While speaking, Zhao Chengfeng's dagger appeared in his hand again.



Kimura Shaoxiong didn't finish his sentence. The light flashed in front of him and the dagger fell. Kimura Shaoxiong bowed his head and saw a piece of meat on his thigh falling to the ground.


Because the knife was too fast, Kimura Shaoxiong felt the pain after a full three seconds, and the sound of tearing his heart and lungs came out again. The blood on the thigh came out like a spring.

Pain, more fear!

Kimura Shaoxiong had never dreamed that Zhao Chengfeng was so cruel. He didn't have a chance to play tricks in front of him. Also blame Watson that son of a bitch, really is not a thing, too Advisory package, directly to sell themselves.

"Don't you tell me the truth? Well, please help me count how many knives I cut. I'm not very good at math. " Zhao Chengfeng rolled up his sleeve and was about to open it. As soon as he shook the ash, it just landed on Kimura Shaoxiong's injured thigh. The pain hit him again and made him fall out.

The devil is the devil!

"I said, I said, I said everything!"

Kimura shuddered and said, "in total, he gave me more than 1000 bullets, but I only left 50 bullets by my side."

"Where are the other bullets?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

At first, Zhao Chengfeng didn't think there was a problem. However, Kimura Shaoxiong had to hide his pain. That means the problem. There must be a story!

The Americans are really stingy, but they don't give away 50 bullets. It's too humiliating to be heard.

"Sent back to Japan." "Because the power of biological bullets is so great, we have actually discussed the conditions for this cooperation. Japan has told the US government of the formula and antidote formula of the Murphy virus, and the US side has to give us 1000 bullets."

"It sounds like you value biological bullets very much. What do you want this for?" Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.

"Research, of course."

Young master Kimura showed his teeth in pain and said: "the power of biological bullets is too attractive. If this kind of bullets can be produced in batches, the Japanese nation will dominate the world soon..."


Zhao Chengfeng slaps him in the past and smashes Kimura's next words back.

"You..." Kimura Shaoxiong didn't know why he was beaten again. Did he say something wrong?

"I Pooh!"

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help spitting. He didn't have a good way: "it's really shameless. It's a big place. It's also called" big Japan ". You're a fool."

"Kimura Shaoxiong was embarrassed.

Zhao Chengfeng hummed coldly: "it's really good for the Japanese to study this piece. However, if you want to study biological bullets so easily, you don't want to think about it. Don't think about it in your life."

"Why? You look down on us Japanese Kimura Shaoxiong is a little upset.


Zhao Chengfeng slapped him with his backhand again and said, "I never thought that I would look up to the Japanese. How can you treat me?"

"You..." Kimura Shaoxiong was angry and resentful, but he was helpless. How could he drop Zhao Chengfeng? He now has the absolute say.

"What are you doing? You idiot

Zhao Chengfeng has no good way: "because you don't know how to extract the energy of biological bullets. I think only one person in the world knows this secret."

"Who?" Kimura Shaoxiong's face is moving.

"You want to know?"

Kimura Shaoxiong nodded hard, very serious.

"You want to know, but I won't tell you, what can you do to me?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly laughs. If you look at Kimura Shaoxiong like an idiot, you are going to die. Is it useful to know so much?


"..." Kimura Shaoxiong's lungs are about to explode. Unfortunately, there is no way to take Zhao Chengfeng, so he can only stare.

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