"Drillmaster, the exact news has come back. Ophiopogon japonicus can really treat Murphy virus, and the effect is obvious." Just then, a soldier came back with a happy face.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng hanging heart finally landed, snake holding grass useful, it means that Tang Wei is saved.

"Kimura Shaoxiong, you have done something with your conscience at last!"

Zhao Chengfeng glanced back at Kimura Shaoxiong, dried the blood on the dagger and put it away.


Kimura Shaoxiong is relieved to see this. It's no big deal to die. Now Kimura Shaoxiong just wants to have a good time.

"Cut off his head and send it to Japan by express."

However, without waiting for Kimura Shaoxiong to relax for a while, Zhao Chengfeng's voice rang again.



The soldier pulled out his knife and cut it off. Kimura Shaoxiong's head rolled so far away that the blood on his neck suddenly spurted up, like a fountain. But it was not as beautiful as a fountain, but it was more bloody and terrifying!

"Call the fikaman station and Raman grassland, and ask them to find snakegrass to make soup immediately, and then give it to the patients." Zhao Chengfeng didn't look at Kimura Shaoxiong's body at all. As he walked, he said, "in addition, let people who are not infected with Murphy virus drink a little. If they are ill, treat them and prevent them without disease."

"Yes The soldier answered and left.

Zhao Chengfeng reached for another soldier, and then said, "publish the formula of the antidote for the Murphy virus. As for whether they use it or not, it's not something we can control."


After arranging everything, Zhao Chengfeng goes into Watson's room again. Watson is no longer human at this moment. He is hanging in the air like a ghost.

"Any last words? I'm going to take you on the road Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and took a puff.

"Don't touch my family. They are innocent." Watson Road.

"I'm not as shameless as you are."

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and took out his gun. With a bang, Watson lost his life. A blood hole appeared in the middle of his forehead, flowing with blood.

After cleaning up all this, Zhao Chengfeng left the abandoned chemical plant with his people and brought back a lot of booty, such as guns and ammunition, and armored vehicles, especially armored vehicles. These are big killers!

Zhao Chengfeng really doesn't know how the Americans brought this thing here.

"Didi... Didi..."

Zhao Chengfeng was driving when he called back to life.

"Hello, boss, great thing." As soon as the phone was connected, the voice of reincarnation was very excited.

Zhao Chengfeng light a smile, way: "is the thing that mofi virus antidote?"

"Yes, I found it." Huisheng was very excited, and said: "it's the serpentine grass all over the African continent. You just need to eat one or two leaves. This time, my sister-in-law is saved, and the African people are saved!"

"You really have the name of" rebirth ". In less than one day, you have got the antidote. It's powerful!" Although Zhao Chengfeng has already got the answer, he does admire Huisheng in his heart.

You know, there are many medical experts and biological experts all over the world who are studying the Murphy virus, but no one can find an antidote. Maybe they can find it, but it's not as fast as reincarnation.

This is the skill!

"Boss, don't say it. I'll go back to the ficaman area right now." Huisheng is busy.

"Don't worry."

Zhao Chengfeng interrupted: "just now I took this group of scum and slaughtered the bastard who made the Murphy virus. Before I died, I set up the antidote, just like you, snake holding grass."

"Boss, are you kidding me?" Reincarnation Leng Leng, helpless smile.

"How can I tease you?"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "I don't mean to tease you at all. Only when you say the antidote formula, I believe it. I've just found several people to do experiments, and it's really getting better."

"That's OK. I'm not in a hurry to go back. I'm in a hurry these two days." On the other end of the phone, Huisheng felt better. He tried his best to find out what he didn't want, but he didn't need it. How embarrassing is that?

Hearing what Zhao Chengfeng said, Huisheng felt really comfortable.

"Have a good rest, or you can go straight to gentry." Zhao Chengfeng thought for a moment and said, "now there's only yuduri in jintari. I'm afraid he can't help, and there are too many refugees there. Please take care of him."

"OK, I'll be right there."

"Be safe!"

Put down the phone, Zhao Chengfeng with people all the way gallop, back to the feikaman area.

Cui Hongjun listened to Zhao Chengfeng's suggestion and let the people who were not infected with Mofei virus evacuate to jintari, leaving one or two hundred people to guard the feikaman oilfield.

"Brother Chengfeng, thank you very much this time!" Cui Hongjun welcomed Zhao Chengfeng in person, and his eyes were red with excitement. "Now many soldiers and refugees have obviously improved. It's you who saved everyone. Thank you!"

"Don't you think it's superfluous to say that?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "we are all Chinese people and soldiers. Shouldn't we help each other? If you don't help your compatriots at this time, do you still expect outsiders to help you? "

"That's the reason!"

Cui Hongjun was not hypocritical either. He patted his chest and said, "brother Chengfeng, if there is a need in the future, in a word, I, Cui Hongjun, will not give up my position."

"That's very kind of you!"

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, pointed to the motorcade behind him and said, "here, I brought you some gifts along the way. You can keep some armored cars and weapons and ammunition. With these guys, the security of the feikaman area is a bit higher."

"Brother, you, you are a baby. I am..." Cui Hongjun was overjoyed and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"By the way, I have a suggestion for you."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "the African continent is in a mess all year round. From time to time, there will be rebels, which will bring great challenges to your defense. I suggest that we build a city wall around us, so that we can reduce casualties and keep the enemy out of the door. We can't get in anything but airplanes. This will save a lot of trouble. "

"Brother Chengfeng, do you think I don't want to talk like this Cui Hongjun shook his head with a wry smile. "I've been living in such a dilapidated house. I almost have no defensive ability. An ordinary bullet can shoot through it. How do you want us to build a house?"

"No funding from above?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said that it was impossible. The Chinese government has always been very generous to the army. Give whatever you want.

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