The army is the foundation of our country!

Although we often hear ordinary people complain about how much money they put into the army every year, many people are not happy because they have nothing to eat or wear.

But don't forget that if a country's army is not strong enough, it will not be strong enough. It is very likely that, like the refugees on the African continent, we don't know whether we can see the sun of tomorrow today.

"Well, it's not about money."

Cui Hongjun waved his hand and explained: "it's just that it's not suitable to build houses near the oil field, because when the oil is pumped from the ground, the land will sag. Once the house sinks, won't we be buried alive?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized, how to forget this stubble, a time can not help but some small embarrassment.

"On the other hand, it's not our territory after all. You build so many houses and your people live there, but there are so many poor people around. What if others are jealous? At that time, the influence of public opinion will be very unfavorable to us in China. " Cui Hongjun continued.

"Forget it, just stick to it."

Cui Hongjun waved his hand and said, "now we still have room to live. We can eat and sleep. Look at the people around here. What else do they have? Maybe tomorrow is famine and war. Let's be content. "

Zhao Chengfeng smokes and doesn't speak, but he doesn't feel good. It's all people. Why is the gap so big?

After all, there is no great leader on the African continent!

The reason why China is strong is that China has a great leader?

"These people are really pathetic." With a sigh, Zhao Chengfeng followed Cui Hongjun in for a rest.

Because Tang Wei has been sent to jintari, Zhao Chengfeng has to go there. For the safety of the feikaman area, Zhao Chengfeng has left 50 special combat team members.

"Hello, leader Tang, the crisis on the African continent has been lifted." While driving, Zhao Chengfeng called Tang Weiguo back and told the leaders not to worry.


Tang was overjoyed by the country's news, "Chengfeng, you have made great achievements."

"I'm not doing this for the credit of what I've done."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so. He has always been indifferent to fame and wealth. As long as he can live a natural and unrestrained life, he really doesn't care about anything else.

"I wish everyone was like you." Tang Weiguo said with emotion, "by the way, have you investigated the matter clearly? Is it the Japanese and the Americans


Zhao Chengfeng didn't hide it. He said it all over again, and finally said, "however, we didn't find any strong evidence, so I killed them all and left none alive. Finally, I sent Kimura Shaoxiong's head to Japan, and I don't know if they can receive it."

"Well done!"

Tang applauded for the country and cursed: "if you don't hurt these bastards, if you're afraid of them, they don't know how bad they are. After this incident, I think they will be restrained."

"Not necessarily!"

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, frowned and said: "the American people want to be the world police, and the Japanese people want to dominate the world. The two countries are in collusion and naturally mix together. Although they failed this time, they won't give up. You know them better than I do. "

When Tang Weiguo heard this, he felt heavy again.

Yes, as a national leader, isn't it the work of intriguing with these people? Often a very small detail can expose their ambition.

"What's more, the American people have a kind of biological rifle and biological bullet, which are very powerful. It seems that both the Japanese and the American people are doing relevant research. Once this thing is mass produced, the consequences will be unimaginable." Zhao Chengfeng continued, and this is one of the most important reasons why Zhao Chengfeng called Tang Weiguo.

We can't be left behind when the weapons and equipment of potential enemies go up.

"I've already reported this. Our staff are also studying biological rifles. At present, it's not easy to produce." Soup is the way of the country.

"Well, that's it."

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng felt that there was no need to talk to Tang Weiguo. People had already paid attention to it, and it was unnecessary.

Zhao Chengfeng originally wanted to call Tang Jinhai and report that he was safe, but after thinking about it, he still gave up. No matter how much he said, it's not as good as Tang Wei. Let's wait until Tang Wei wakes up and call him back.

Three hours later, Zhao Chengfeng finally arrived at jintari!

"Here you are, boss."

"Boss, you are not slow. I'm anxious to see my sister-in-law. "

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng got out of the car, the blood monk and Huisheng met him. Maybe the Mofei virus was solved, and Huisheng was in a better mood. He made fun of Zhao Chengfeng.

"You son!" Zhao Chengfeng put his hand on Huisheng's shoulder and punched him. He said, "it's been a hard journey. You've been tossed back and forth."

"Isn't it polite of you to say that, boss?" Huisheng light smile, do not care“ Come on, don't talk to us. Let's go and see my sister-in-law. "

"Yes, boss, my sister-in-law should wake up now." The blood monk followed.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't talk nonsense either. He gives the car key to the blood monk and goes directly in to find Tang Wei.

"The boss is so happy." Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's back, the blood monk sighed.

"Aren't you happy?"

Huisheng asked, "don't you have a camani? That girl seems to be good too. By the way, why didn't you take her with you? Can you rest assured that she will be in musley island? "

"Well, do you think I'd like to leave her there alone?"

Referring to this, the blood monk sighed: "I've been under fire all my life. It's dangerous everywhere. It's not convenient to take her with me. She'd love to live and die with me, but I can't be selfish, can I? At least security can be guaranteed on the island of musley. "

"So you have to be stronger, or you can't even protect your own women." Huisheng said seriously.

"Who said no?"

The blood monk nodded sympathetically and lit a flue: "in fact, I have no problem protecting Kamani alone. The key is that she is pregnant. What do you think is the problem with my 10000 children

"Damn it

Hearing the speech, Huisheng couldn't help laughing and scolding: "yes, monk, I can't see it. Your boy's action is fast enough and the hit rate is high enough. So soon you will have a child?"

"Oh, don't laugh at me. Isn't our boss more fierce?" The blood monk scratched his head in shame.

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