"Do you think I'm kidding you?"

Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette and said: "I really have this plan. It's a pity that your medical skills will not be passed on to future generations. And you are gentle, calm, cautious and introverted. It's very suitable to be a teacher. "

"What do you mean, boss? Why don't I understand? " Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's serious appearance, Huisheng was more puzzled.

Not only Huisheng doubts, but also Tang Wei is a little confused. To know the importance of reincarnation for the whole dragon scale group is to give you a chance to be reborn again.

When there is rebirth, no matter big or small, there is hope in my heart.

"I've been pondering over this matter for a long time. Let's talk about it today. You'll think about it carefully. You can add something." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and said seriously: "after such a fuss, I'm very upset. Maybe I'm scared to death, so I want to give up the influence on the African continent and retreat behind the scenes. After all, now Po Tian has been destroyed. At that time, he took down Kingsley, built an arsenal, trained killers and so on to deal with Po Tian, but now it seems that he doesn't need it any more. "

"This..." Huisheng was surprised when he heard that Zhao Chengfeng gave up.

"What about musley island? Did you give up Asked Huisheng.

"It's not giving up."

Zhao Chengfeng corrected: "it's just a retreat from behind the scenes. You don't have to do everything yourself. Pang Hu has been with me for a long time, and now he is mature. If he is with Raymond, the island of musley will continue to be strong and powerful, and it will always be our power. You can take it when you need it. "

"As for the strength of the African continent, I'm going to give it to Aron." After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "ah long is the leader of the Longya team. He has extraordinary strength, and he also represents Huaxia. I can rest assured to give him. I believe that whether it's yuduri or monk, they will give ah long face. At least, they will be close allies on the African continent. "

Smell speech, Huisheng nodded heavily, did not expect that Zhao Chengfeng is such a plan, such a plan is nothing, after all, Huisheng also know, everyone along the way, fight and kill, see too many ups and downs, really some tired, even numb. It's time to take a break and enjoy life.

Perhaps, many people will think that the dragon scale group, except for the kids, are all big killers. But ask yourself, no one likes to kill. Zhao Chengfeng also doesn't want to kill, but if he doesn't kill, more people will die.

Just like this outbreak of Murphy virus, if Kimura Shaoxiong is not killed, he will certainly develop more powerful viruses to harm others. Even Zhao Chengfeng can conclude that Japan and the United States will never stop this time.

"But don't you want to find Lanxin?" Tang Wei asked with a frown.

Referring to Shangguan Lanxin, Zhao Chengfeng's look suddenly dimmed a lot, but still said: "if she insists on hiding, do you think I can find her?"

"..." Tang Wei was surprised. She thought it over carefully.

Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, it's not difficult to find a person, but if a person wants to hide, it's another matter. Shangguan Lanxin used to be a national security officer with strong anti investigation ability. If she wants to avoid it, she can't find anyone. It depends on her luck.

"Go with the flow." With a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and felt very heavy.

I don't know whether it's cheap or not. Zhao Chengfeng is a little nostalgic for shangguanlan. He gnashes his teeth and roars at himself. Every one of them is a "smelly hooligan". But now, where is she?

"So, boss, do you want us to step back?" Huisheng seems to understand what Zhao Chengfeng means.

"That's right."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily, and said: "back to life, your hands are used to save people, but I hope you can use your more knowledge to save more people, so I suggest you set up a medical college, so that you can do more research and share your experience. This is an extremely valuable wealth, even if you want to learn more, You can make a Book of the cases you've encountered in your life, which will last forever. "

"Boss, don't praise me. If you continue to praise me like this, I will go to heaven." Huisheng blushed with embarrassment.

"Do you think I'm praising you? No, it's the most pertinent evaluation of you! "

Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly: "as long as you nod your head, you don't have to worry about the enrollment of domestic schools. I'll let people arrange it. With your ability, it's not a matter to enter the health care Bureau."

Where is the health bureau? It's just a person who can see a doctor for a big man. Most of all, it's also a feudal official. Frankly speaking, it's the imperial doctor!

"I'll think about it." Huisheng didn't agree immediately, so he thought it over carefully.

"Don't think about it, just do as I say."

Zhao Chengfeng said, "I can arrange the blood monk only after I have arranged you."

"We really need to arrange the blood monk." Huisheng suddenly thought of what the blood monk had just said and said: "the girl the monk met in Boluo, right, the girl named Kamani, is pregnant now and needs to be taken care of. The monk always follows us to fight and kill like this. It's not good."


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng was surprised, immediately laughed: "good a blood monk, the action is very smooth, so quickly put other people pregnant."

"Go, how to speak?" Tang Wei's face turned red and white. Zhao Chengfeng looked at her. She was too vulgar and not elegant at all.

"Good, good!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said excitedly: "when things are smooth here, let the monk go to musli island. There is no chaos in the African continent. Let him accompany his daughter-in-law."

"The boss is wise!" Huisheng Chong gives Zhao Chengfeng a thumbs up.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said: "it's not because his daughter-in-law is pregnant that he arranges the blood monk. It's because this guy is too impulsive to do things. After so many years, his fierce temper has not changed. I'm really afraid that something will happen to him without you."

"Boss, your decision is right. I'll listen to you. I'll go back to China." Hearing this, Huisheng just realized Zhao Chengfeng's good intentions. He was afraid that his brothers would be hurt.

"By the way, what about the kid?"

Tang Wei suddenly asked, "how are you going to arrange the kids?"

"He will not make arrangements and continue to work on intelligence." Zhao Chengfeng said: "although the dragon scale team has been temporarily dissolved, it does not mean that it has been really dissolved. We need accurate and timely information."

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