In the evening, Tang Wei has completely recovered, after all, young people recover very quickly. Not only Tang Wei recovered, but monk also recovered completely and returned to jintari on the same day.

Another good news is that the materials supported by China have arrived. This batch of materials is enough for everyone in the whole city of jintari to consume in a month. It is estimated that the riots in the African continent will gradually subside in a few days.

"Boss, on behalf of the African people, thank you, thank you

In the evening, several leaders of jintari got together. Not only that, Zhao Chengfeng also called over Cui Hongjun of ficaman. There were so many people, and the celebration for the rest of his life was even more exciting.

Monk picked up the wine bowl and said excitedly, "you saved us, you saved jintari, you saved the whole African continent. I'll do it first."

"Don't..." Zhao Chengfeng just wanted to say something. Mengke took a bowl of wine and Gulu Gulu Gulu two mouthfuls.

"Boss, I also respect you, this..." monk just sat down, youduri and Maka also stood up, see this meaning has been very obvious.


Zhao Chengfeng quickly stopped and glared: "thank you so much for the wine. I don't need your thanks for this drink! If you want to drink, let's drink together. Come on, let's drink together

With the words of Zhao Chengfeng, everyone took the wine bowl and drank it in one gulp.

Youduri looks at Zhao Chengfeng with gratitude and adoration. In fact, he knows that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to give up the wine. He just doesn't want to have too many brothers. He doesn't need to thank him!

"Today is a good day."

Putting down the wine bowl, Zhao Chengfeng habitually picked up a cigarette, took a puff, and then said, "it's really time to celebrate, but before celebrating, I have something to say."

"Here, I have to admit one thing. Although we have helped African friends a lot, we have also taken advantage of them. The local government has also given us face. I thank you for spending so many years on the African continent."

With these words, Zhao Chengfeng actually stood up and bowed deeply to youduri and others, which scared youduri, mengke and others into stupidity. What does that mean? How can a benefactor thank himself? Is this not a mess?

"Don't get excited. Let me finish."

Zhao Chengfeng pressed his hand and continued: "on the African continent, I have formed my own forces. So far, they have developed quite well. Don't dare to blow it. At least the local government and army may not be able to defeat us. At least it'll keep gentry safe! I have no regrets for this. At the same time, I also thank the African people for giving me the feikaman oil field, and I also thank the African black brothers for their trust. With your trust, I am today. "

"Boss, what are you trying to say? I've been drinking for a long time. Do you want to drink or not Blood monk's brain is not very smart, and he really doesn't understand the meaning of Zhao Chengfeng's words.

In fact, in the scene, in addition to Huisheng and Tang Wei, other people are also very confused. The most depressing thing is Cui Hongjun. Cui Hongjun still doesn't understand it. It's clear that it's Jean Terry who's holding celebrations. What are you doing here?

"Don't worry, there are times when you drink."

Zhao Chengfeng smiles and says that the blood monk is really an acute man. He even urges people to drink.

"Today I want to solemnly announce one thing. From today on, I will no longer lead the millstone mercenary regiment."

"Bang Dang!"

"Boss, you..."

Youduri and mengke were stunned on the spot, especially mengke, whose wine bowls fell to the ground, which was obviously silly. This is definitely not good news for Munch and uduri.

Even for the whole African continent, it is not good news, or even a great loss and disaster.

During his time with Zhao Chengfeng, mengke lost his dignity in jintari and even in the iron mercenary regiment. However, mengke was not unhappy, but excited and at ease.

Who dares to trouble himself after Zhao Chengfeng has been in the iron mercenary corps? Not to mention some local mercenary regiments on the African continent, even the local government troops have to be polite.

You know, the millstone mercenary regiment is at least an army fighting against the rice army. Because of Zhao Chengfeng, the combat effectiveness of the members of the regiment has soared, and the armaments and equipment have gone up to a new level.

Most importantly, Zhao Chengfeng has brought everyone stability. For example, in this outbreak of Murphy virus, if it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng, he would have died with others. It was Zhao Chengfeng who gave him another life!

"Don't worry, don't get excited, listen to me..."

"No, boss, listen to me!"

Munch was very excited and said: "boss, if I do something wrong, you can just bring it up. Even if I want Munch to die, I'm absolutely right! But you can't help leading us. Without you, isn't that for us to die? "

"Yes, boss, you don't want to see us anymore?" Yuduri was also moved.

Youduri's life was also given by Zhao Chengfeng, otherwise he would have died at West Point.

"I said," don't get excited. Wait till I finish. " Zhao Chengfeng has some helplessness.

"Boss, can we not get excited?"

"If you don't have you, there won't be the security that Kim Terry has now. If you don't lead us, isn't that giving up on us?" yudhry said

"I didn't give you up!"

Zhao Chengfeng once again said, "listen to me first. Don't get excited. You must listen to me first."

Zhao Chengfeng was really moved this time. He didn't expect that he was just doing what he did at the beginning, but now he made mengke and youduri live and die together.

"All these years' efforts have not been in vain." Zhao Chengfeng sighed with emotion and then said, "it's just that I may not come to see you for a long time, so I've got help for you. Although I don't come here often, I can guarantee that as long as jintari needs it and as long as the African continent needs it, I will show up in time."

Hearing these words, youduri and monk looked better, but youduri still said: "the boss, you are..."

"I have other things to do. Besides being your brother and a soldier of China, I am also the husband, son and even father of some people. So please forgive my selfishness. I may have to leave for a while." Zhao Chengfeng can only say so, otherwise I'm afraid youduri and mengke will not let themselves leave the African continent even if they are forced to die.

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