"Uduri, monk, let me introduce you first." Zhao Chengfeng went to the center, pointed to Cui Hongjun and said, "you should have met, but you are not very familiar with him. Now I will tell you his identity. He is not an ordinary soldier. He is the leader of the special brigade of the southeast provincial military region of China. He is not only powerful, but also my good friend and brother."

Cui Hongjun was a little stunned and immediately embarrassed. Zhao Chengfeng was wearing a high hat for himself. It is true that Cui Hongjun did serve as the captain of the special brigade, but Cui Hongjun thinks that he is not qualified to be Zhao Chengfeng's brother, which is not enough.

"His name is Cui Hongjun. At present, he is the commander of the garrison in the feikaman oil field. He is close to our jintari, and he is only 150 kilometers away. I think you should be very clear about the strength of the feikaman garrison. They are all elites of the southeast provincial military region, and they are well-equipped." Zhao Chengfeng said: "today, I'm Zhao Chengfeng as a middleman to lead a line for ficaman and jintari. In the future, if any one of them is in trouble, we will take care of each other!"

"That's necessary. You don't have to say that." Cui Hongjun immediately expressed his position.

"Boss, we all agree with what you say!"

"Yes, boss, whatever you say! From now on, commander Cui will be our brother. We will share weal and woe together

Youduri and mengke have no complaints. This is a powerful help for themselves and others. In the future, if there is any need, thousands of well-equipped soldiers will come to help. The momentum is... Tut tut.

"I'm glad you think so."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and continued: "yuduri and mengke, I hope you can understand a truth. Only when you clench your fists tightly can you have strength and lethality."

"The reason why countries on the African continent are poor, backward, bullied and humiliated is related to the natural environment, to the inaction of leaders, but also to each of you. You don't know how to unite."

Hearing the speech, youduri and mengke lowered their heads in shame, especially mengke, who was very guilty.

Just two days ago, in order to save the people in the city of gentry, Munch directly blocked the refugees and the people infected with the Murphy virus outside the city wall, and did not even want to give them food and water.

The truth in danger!

If you don't care about yourself, do you expect others to take charge?

"Boss, I remember!" Monk nodded heavily.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded, and then said: "now the living environment of jintari is very good, because the construction of the ordnance factory is also a bit of surplus money. I suggest you build a public welfare school, and the scientific and technological power is the right way. If you don't even have knowledge, it's empty talk to make the country prosperous. "


"I will communicate with the government about this matter. If the government is really unwilling to take charge of it, we will do it ourselves. Moreover, I think it is necessary for us to change a competent leader."

"It's your private business. We won't interfere." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a wrinkly, express a position in a hurry.

Hard to say, yudhry, this is mutiny, this is rebellion! If Zhao Chengfeng intervenes, it will turn out that Huaxia is behind the troublemakers. Zhao Chengfeng says that this pot will not be carried by himself, nor will Huaxia.

"In addition, I will send someone to help you after a period of time. His ability is not much weaker than mine. With him, if there is anything difficult, he will do it." What Zhao Chengfeng said is naturally a long.

After returning to China, Zhao Chengfeng needs to discuss with Tang Weiguo or Tang Aotian about this matter. After all, ah long is the captain of Long Ya. Once he arrives in Africa, it means that ah long will take off his military uniform.


Youduri nodded and did not exclude him at all. As long as he was recommended by Zhao Chengfeng, youduri was 100% welcome and 100% trust.


Zhao Chengfeng looked at the blood monk again and said, "I heard that you are going to be a father soon. Come on, congratulations."

"Boss, you..." the blood monk glanced at Huisheng and scratched his head in embarrassment, "how can you still offer me wine? How sorry."

"Let's not talk about that, brother. Come on, do it!"

The voice falls, Zhao Chengfeng a bowl of wine then went down belly, blood monk also followed to drink.

"It's a good thing to be a father. It proves that you have grown up and matured." Putting down the wine bowl, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "of course, you should also learn to take responsibility. From now on, you are not alone. You have to think twice before you do anything. Remember to be reckless."

"Boss, you don't know my temper. I can't change it in my life." The blood monk scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I expected that a long time ago."

Zhao Chengfeng took over the words and said, "so, tomorrow morning, I'll go directly to musley island with your sister-in-law and after I return to China. Take good care of your wife. It's not easy for a pregnant woman."

"Boss, I..."

"Stop talking, be obedient and go straight to musley island." Zhao Chengfeng said with a straight face: "as a soldier, there is nothing to say about protecting the country. Now that you are a father to be, shouldn't you be responsible for your family? "


The blood monk nodded heavily. In fact, he felt sad. Leaving the present life, the blood monk really does not know whether he can adapt.

"Monk, ten months later, we'll go to mosri island to see you." On one side, Huisheng joked: "I'm a little worried now. If your son is like you, will he not get a daughter-in-law in the future?"

"Why?" The blood monk didn't come back for a moment.

"Guess what, ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

A dinner party ended like this, but there was some loss in everyone's heart.

"Chengfeng, you give up everything on this side of the African continent, don't you go to Bingbing?" Back in the room, Tang Wei poured a cup of hot tea for Zhao Chengfeng and asked by the way.

"Not all of them!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "I have to find Bingbing, but I don't want you to follow me all day. I'm fed up with the days of fighting and killing. I want to stop and have a rest. As for another reason, it's Shanshan. "



Zhao Chengfeng said: "you may not know that the night before I came to the African continent, Shanshan gave birth to a daughter. She has done so much for me. Shouldn't I do something for her?"

"So you're going to enter the so-called inner door, aren't you?" A touch of worry appeared on Tang Wei's face.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "I have to go."

"Can you take me with you?" After pondering for a long time, Tang Wei is still a Taoist.

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