At 6 p.m. the next day, Zhao Chengfeng and his party landed at Beijing airport. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, the person who came to pick up the plane was Tang Aotian's Secretary!

"Mr. Zhao, I've been waiting for you at last. Come on, get on the bus. The leaders have been waiting for you for a while." Secretary Zhang is very polite and knows that Zhao Chengfeng is not an ordinary person.

You know, Tang Aotian's secretary is a person who knows heaven. Even if the feudal officials meet, they have to shout "elder brother", but he is so polite in front of Zhao Chengfeng. It can be seen from this that Zhao Chengfeng is unusual.

"Secretary Zhang, you're welcome. Let's go. Don't let the leaders wait for a long time." Zhao Chengfeng didn't say anything. He led Huisheng and Tang Wei to the past.

This time I came back, I wanted to solve the problem of rebirth. In addition, I took Tang Wei to show my face. In case of any promotion and fortune in the future, how could I not consider one or two?

All the way, after the car got on Yunlong mountain, it made several rounds. The car just drove into a very secret villa. After a careful observation, it was unusual around the villa. There were more than 100 Minggang and secret sentries, and there were also lethal weapons and planes hidden!

Entering the hall on the first floor of the villa, a middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa. He was reading a newspaper with glasses on. At this moment, Tang Wei's heart became nervous.

This, this is not the highest leader of China, Tang Aotian?

"Leader, Mr. Zhao, they are here." Zhang said, and then went forward to add tea to Tang Aotian.

"Xiao Zhao, here you are. Sit down, sit down." Tang Aotian glances up and smiles when his face is heavy. However, Tang Aotian sincerely invited him. Huisheng and Tang Wei didn't dare to sit down. After all, this is the eldest one in China. They have to show their respect.

However, Zhao Chengfeng was not polite at all. He sat down carelessly, even took Tang Aotian's cigarette and lit one. He smoked it happily.

"Sit down, what are you doing standing up for?" Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, only to find that Tang Wei and Huisheng didn't sit down, shouting.

After hearing the speech, the corner of his mouth suddenly pulled out, and his heart said, boss, you are really impolite. If you want to sit down, you can sit down, but can you sit down?

"Sit down."

Tang Aotian waved to them and said with a smile: "there are not so many rules here. Sit, sit."

Tang Wei kneaded with Huisheng for a long time, but she sat down and said, "thank you for your leadership."

"I thank you."

Tang Ao sighed: "Lao Tang has talked to me about things on the African continent. You are the heroes of China and the world, because you have avoided a disaster."

In a word, after listening to Huisheng and Tang Wei's blood boiling, they repeatedly said that they had nothing to do. This is a kind of routine that should be done.

"Leader, you sing this tune very high, and you don't give us any substantial rewards, just verbal rewards can't do it." How do you know, Zhao Chengfeng on one side is not happy. "We've been here for a long time, and we can't even drink a cup of tea from you. Are you a little picky?"

Huisheng and Tang Wei are scared. Is Zhao Chengfeng really brave? He's not so big. He's running to the big leader's room to act wild. In ancient times, it was a crime of deceiving the king! It's about decapitating!

"Ha ha ha, you boy!"

What do you know? Instead of being angry, Tang Aotian burst out laughing and said to Zhang MISHU: "what are you doing? Don't you see people asking for tea? "

Secretary Zhang is also very good at speaking. He quickly took over the mistake and said, "Mr. Zhao, I'm really sorry. I forgot this stubble."

When a secretary must have the consciousness to carry the black pot to the leader!

"Leader, let's be serious." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, sat up straight, and said: "this time there is a riot in the African continent, I don't need any reward, but my two friends, that must be expressed!"

With that, Zhao Chengfeng pointed to Huisheng and said, "my brother is also a member of the dragon scale team. You should know something about it. It can be said that it's wonderful and powerful. As long as a man is alive and has one breath left, he can be pulled back from the hands of the king of hell and let him live a few more days. "

"Boss, don't help me boast. How can I be so powerful?" Huisheng smiles embarrassed.


Zhao Chengfeng said with a straight face: "am I bragging? For example, Murphy virus, the antidote was found by reincarnation. He saved thousands of people. Shouldn't this be rewarded? "

"Reward, must reward!"

Smell speech, Tang Ao day greatly excited, thigh a clap, Chong Huisheng way: "say, want what."

"Leader, I don't know what..."

"Huisheng means that he wants nothing but to set up a medical college, cultivate some successors and relieve the pain of patients. I hope you can give me some support." Zhao Chengfeng grabs in front of Huisheng. With Huisheng's temperament, he definitely won't want anything.

But Zhao Chengfeng didn't think so. He didn't want to take advantage. As long as Tang Aotian's golden mouth is opened, what kind of preferential policies will not come down? It's not a minute?

Maybe medical schools can be built overnight without going back to life.

"Good, ideal."

Tang Aotian clapped his hands and said, "I'll let the secretary do it right away." With that, Tang Aotian called Secretary Zhang over and gave a few orders. After Secretary Zhang brought up the tea, he went to work.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded with satisfaction, then pointed to Tang Wei and said: "this is..."

"I know the girl."

Tang Aotian interrupted Zhao Chengfeng and said, "this is Tang Wei, the granddaughter of Tang's son. We all know what you've done in Africa."

"Leadership, this is what we Chinese soldiers should do." Tang Wei is busy.

"What should we do? Credit is credit, no one can erase everything you do! " Tang Aotian said solemnly, "you can go to the Ministry of foreign affairs tomorrow. I'll say hello there."

Tang Wei is slightly a Leng, immediately way: "thank leader."

Tang Aotian waved his hand and looked back at Zhao Chengfeng. He said with a smile, "they're all finished. What do you want?"

"I'll forget it."

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head“ You have good cigarettes, good wine and so on. I'll just take a little and go. Let's not be so polite. I'm embarrassed. "

"What else are you embarrassed about?" Tang Aotian was dumbfounded and felt that he had heard the best joke in the world.

"That's necessary. I'm very thin skinned." Zhao Chengfeng talks nonsense, which he doesn't believe himself.

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